Hi guys!
I finally got my vhw - and i'm having a hard time. So I was hoping from some help from you.
I've been reading around as well but it confused me even more...
*Got mine yesterday - Hurray*
My problem is I'm not really getting vapor - i've tested if the thing seals - which it does pretty well.
I have a vcb +14" gong + VHW. I might have turned it to the wrong way the first time - which I hope i didn't because I am afraid it might be damaged now. is it?
1. Full temp is turning the dial --- Right or Left??? - I turned it to the RIGHT because it seems to get very hot that way.
2. Is the light supposed to go off when it has reached temperature or is it just an indication that the VHW is switched on? Mine doesn't switch off...
3. Do you have to put the vhw back into the mug or stand after you draw from it a couple of times? I assume you are sucking the hot air build up through the wand - into the bowl etc. So logically it would require some heat up time again - to build up that heat?
4. How 'brown' does your abv get after a decent hit? - My ABV is light brown - with a tint of green. I am used to getting really brown - nearly dark ABV from my cheap vapor box. I don't want to compare them but I really get 'white' vapor from it - The vhw is supposed to deliver Blue Vapor - does this mean I was releasing a substance *forgot the name* through high temps which isn't soo good for me... meaning worse for my health than blue vape?
Just did a break - trying the vhw out again.... I'm pretty messed up right now.

I got several really HUGE MASSIVE BLUEWISH Vapor hits - and had to stop halfway through..... lol
I tried something differently - which was entirely fill (loosely) the bowl above the rubber ring of my Gong.
I never really can estimate how much vhw needs, so before that I put enough to cover the mesh and a bit more. This is what I am used to with the iolite - but I guess I can't compare the consumption of the vhw with an Iolite.
That is why i'd like to know how efficient is the usage with a VHW?
After letting it heat up for 10 min - I got a nice seal - and took a normal hit, constantly and saw how my entire chamber was filling up with the Bluest vapor, and eventually turning into a milky blue cotton cloud!!.... And the medicating isn't harsh the first few times - this is where I really experienced the glass on glass flavor and how tasty it is.. hmm yum yum.
I'd appreciate if you could help me with my questions - because I am still unsure and would like a confirmation of some sort.
Thanx - and have a green day!