Glad it arrived vtac! That was pretty 'early', no?
vtac said:
Back to the VHW. I've always been a supporter of vaping at the lower temp ranges and keeping the vapor as fresh as possible. So far though, I'm disappointed at how light the vapor I'm capable of getting is. I can hit a bowl forever at max and it never gets much more than lightly browned-- much lighter than PD remains. I've tried all kinds of different draw speeds, water levels, temps, herb, etc. That's not to say I wasn't extremely Vripped?, again, light vapor is more potent than people think. But let's just say, if I was to place an entry in CD's skim milk shot competition it would be pretty embarrassing.
Have you tried varying your draw speed? //
edit, doh, haha, duh It's almost counter-intuitive with this vaporizer.... (a steady draw produces the best vapor for me, but I agree, it is rather wispy, or light).
sm55 said:
He was wondering how much herb you guys have been packing into the lower bowl? He recommends filling it at least 3/4 full, I just load mine up to the rim. Let me know if this helps resolve any issues.
Even full to the brim (overflowing) I still can't
whitewall my bong.
Last few times I used the VHW I just used the lower bowlpiece and mated the VHW to it. Operating at a little bit over half on the dial gave me perfect vapor, and cranking it up to max put it in the 'near combustion range'. I really think the only flaw of this vaporizer is the intake. That curve adds too much distance from the heating element from the herbs, in effect, too much air in the heat/air ratio hitting the herbs, this is why isn't not making those thick, thick hits some of us are wanting.

For example, the distance from the heating element to the herbs on my VW is a few centimeters, where it is almost a full inch on the VHW. I can literally milk my bong pure white on a medium-high setting... no 'smoky taste', no combustion....
I've made my sentiments aware to sm55 and if you're reading this now, I'll respond to your email later today.

Thanks for keeping in such good contact with us all and taking our

I think this is a good vaporizer, in fact, I could say it's great, but a few minor changes/adaptions could make it
fucking awesome.
I know Mark, and others, are all for the 'low heat' when vaporizing (it probably is the most health conscious, efficient and 'beneficial' way to vape) , but I think the biggest appeal this vaporizer has is to bong users, obviously, and frankly, the last thing those people want is
wispy vapor -- give them customer the choice between creating a mild mist or a fuck-me-up-fog -- after all, isn't vaporizing about personal preference?
CD does make a good point about hash though, it does react differently than the herb. I think giving the user more control and options in their temperature range would ultimately increase users enjoyment, as well as allowing personal experimentation (who doesn't love that?

(if you notice any typos, I was in a rush, will come back and edit later)