Yes I understand what you're talking about with the direction of the VCB. That's just one of the areas you get to frig around with and experiment with now, at this early time while you're still "perfecting" your technique/ritual. Clearing the bong and what to do with the wand itself etc. is bound to take some time to master. There is actually a lot of room for experimentation with this vaporizer...I can't wait to join the fun! Have a good time NOW! Soon it WILL be ritual, habit, whatever, and there won't be so much experimenting. Just vripping. Heh
I just watched the video again, and dude you are getting some nice hits right now. Vapor is tricky shit and lighting and all that can be hard. The clouds you just blew were still much bigger than what were showing on your initial PD video, and we all know what THOSE hits turned into.

So it's all good, can't wait to see the second video. I wish I had a way to share some hits like that, but alas my camera is markedly less fancy. Boo-urns.
One thing I will mention is that I was hearing some "clink" noises when you were putting the wand on that plate; is it the best solution or just sort of a temporary one? I've been wondering myself what I'm going to do with that hot wand, and I've thought of a couple of solutions but I supposed I wouldn't really know which works best until my stuff arrives. How do you find handling the wand itself? Is the glass heater cover decently thick? Is it awkward? Is the wand well balanced? As I said I've got some ideas for how to keep a hot wand safe but I don't know--I really need to see the damn thing.
Anyway...I'm sure it will become second nature in time. I need to get my hands on both some herb and my gear before I can start experimenting, but I will join in when I can. Good luck and keep us updated!
Keep on vripping and PD sipping and it'll be OK. Thanks SA.