I agree that with most non 'cano fans it's not a complaint that the Volcano itself is lacking. It's a great design and execution for the most part. But because the vape is so well known and has such a great rep, many people never get past it when doing research. They just parrot the mantra 'the Volcano is the best vaporizer, and why look at anything else?' Well once you research below the surface, you find that there are many excellent models to choose from. The days when you only had the 'cano and a few box vapes to choose from are long gone. You don't have to spend $500+ on a single vape to get high quality, and you also find that direct draw is quite a bit more popular with those who really enjoy the vaping experience. And for years now dual mode vapes have been available, so you can fill bags and use direct draw with the same unit, and use the difference in price to buy a nice portable or two. $539 for a vape that can only fill bags is not good value in today's market. Most people are a lot more willing to pay $500+ for something like the Cloud, where you have a glass vapor path (other than the ss bowl), the option of different glass pieces to use with it, fresh vapor instead of fresh + stale all mixed to the same blandness in a bag, and more control over the vaping process. With direct draw you can stop after one or two hits and shut the vape down if you like. If you fill a bag you're committed to either consuming the whole bag, or wasting part of it. Save half the vapor in the bag for an hour and you'll lose a lot of that 2nd half to condensation.
In the past they have used their patents offensively and took part in trying to game the origional DaVinci thread by spreading misinformation about the vape.
This was very disappointing to me. We had a member who turned out to be posting directly from Storz & Bickel headquarters. His posts were either pro 'cano, or against any other brand. He was exposed in the DV thread, and hasn't been seen since. All I could figure was that S&B was intending to produce a portable model and wanted to discredit the models they viewed as potential competition. It's hard to believe an employee, completely on his own, would buy a $250 vape and immediately tear it apart just to make negative posts and show the pics on a forum.
The Volcano should get its deserved

, but on a 'vapor enthusiast forum' like this one, it's like riding in a limo. It's first class, but you're just along for the cushy ride. They don't let you drive, and most members here want to be in control, and maybe even supercharge the ride a little with some added glass or some other mod.