I cannot wait for larger bags, this small bag stuff needs a large Zeppelin. I think I'm going to make a big one and hang it from the wall above spots where i"ll use the volcano...
I own almost every vape known.But a Volcano, really? That's a joke! IMO it's the most passe, overpriced, 20th century relic in the vape world. Bags? You like bag, stinky stale goofy 4 hit bags?C'mon! I threw our my last Volcano with my 486 Gateway2000.
How is it a better deal to buy the Volcano over a Zephyr Ion, when the zephyr has more options, is digital, has USB expandability for future uses, and overall costs 50% less then a volcano.
Really? The first hit from any number of direct draw models should beat any bag vape for taste (and does in my own experience). It's fresher (much quicker from vapor production to mouth delivery) and has no ABV taste mixed in, which is hard to avoid when filling a bag.Stinky???? Far from it. By far the best tasting vape I've used.
Why would anyone hate it? It's a great vaporizer. Do you count those (like me) who think it's overpriced in today's market as haters? If so that's little extreme. I know hater is popular slang these days, but for some of us old timers it doesn't apply to the 'cano. Even though we may have zero interest in it, we still respect the quality.I really don't understand the Cano haters out there.
I have, but I've been reading mj forums for many years. It's susceptible to the same wear and tear and component failure as others, just not as often as most.come to think of it I have never heard anyone complain about a broken Cano
Have you not used many vapes? I would rate it fairly near the bottom of the ones I've tried and owned, for the reasons max stated above.Stinky???? Far from it. By far the best tasting vape I've used. It's very efficient...
Oops, I apologize for anything said in my youth.
Have you not used many vapes? I would rate it fairly near the bottom of the ones I've tried and owned, for the reasons max stated above.
I also don't consider it very efficient in contrast to some of my other vapes.
I must admit that I use my Volcano much less frequently at home since receiving my LSV. I don't think I'll ever sell it because I've had it for so long and nothing beats the Volcano when I have company over. It's just too easy to grind up a big nug and toss everything in the chamber to produce bag after bag of vapor to pass around. I can show anyone how to use it once and once is all they need to be shown. It's a great machine, but I just enjoy using the LSV through my bubbler more for taste and vapor density.