Per your advice, I reduced my flower by a third to .2 g. I then added a little concentrate and the combination seems to do well for me without being too harsh. I can always get to the second bag now. Thanks for beating us over the head with it! Some of us have really thick skulls
So, I was going to come back all proud to say I followed your instructions and they worked, and I just realized I misread your post. But it ended up being a happy accident.
I let the volcano heat up without the chamber on top as you said, but then I put the chamber on top and started the fan without the bag on and let it run for a couple of seconds until I started to see vapor. I then popped the bag on and my two bags are much more opaque now and I feel like I’m getting full extraction. If I try to put a third bag on I really get nothing. And I’m very willing to accept the loss of the small amount of vapor that escapes capture in exchange for the denser bags I get.