My concern is that it does not make a seal.
I feel that the bags fill slower. I sense leakage.
The plastics may very well be inferior, but are not in the vapor path.
I do have a great idea though...
If concerned at all, avoid purchasing this unit....
My summary was that it must be held in place manually, as it is not snug enough.
After a demo to a few Volcano Owners... all flaws seen and discussed, one
patient wanted the knock off to save money, the others ordered the OEM part.
Perhaps you misunderstood... I did not buy this to review it for is my great idea: don't buy something for the benefit of reviewing it for us......
I ordered it for a live demo for a small group of patients that own Volcanos.We will sure find out.
I just ordered one!
I was simply being straight forward and answering your questions with direct answers...
There was no cause to politely tiptoe around my answer, so I gave it.
Perhaps you misunderstood... I did not buy this to review it for anyone.
Someone gave the link.. and ..
I ordered it for a live demo for a small group of patients that own Volcanos.
I am sorry you take my directness to heart in a way that is not positive. I apologize if I caused you distress.
It's not cool in my books, and one of the reasons I am choosing not to frequent this forum as much as I once loved to.
It is all in interpretation of words, and what your mindset is at the time you interpret.
What????!!?? Passive-aggressive? I've never seen you do that Tweek, nor have I seen an over abundance of it here. Oh, there's some, but for the most part, when the members here want to be aggressive, there's not much passivity that's mixed in with it. On the other hand, maybe I'm just blind to it (lol........I guess this last statement could be taken as being a bit passive-aggressive as well, eh? Fuck, even this last question could be passive-aggressive.)
See what ya did Tweek. Now ya got me obsessing and second guessing myself over this shit.
Get the fucking love back, Tweek, otherwise I'm gonna have to beat the shit outta you.![]()