This is my first post here because FC would not allow my acct to post in the 8 months I have been registered. Most of the time I am at ICMag. I ordered my Hybrid from Creme City Vapes back on black Friday at a great price. There was the delay for the chamber redesign, and they were great about it at CCV. I will deal with them again. I got the unit with the new bowls in Feb I think, way before it was discussed here. As background, I have had a digit for 3-4 years, and went through a whole lot of bags. Gave it to a friend when I got the hybrid
What the hybrid does so much better is the heated chamber, and the whip. IMO, somebody should make a heated chamber for the older models, that has a PID control and still lets the air through. The material chamber fixing securely is also nice, like if you have a Magma or use a whip. Makes a stable base. The whip will fit the digit chamber, but why, because you have to use the fan to heat the material as the volitile compounds are shedding. Those include plant materiaI like chlorophyll. I only use the whip now, bags are a thing of the past.
This is because I am only trying to get the terps off the ground flower, before the chlorophyll starts shedding. I have (had?) COPD/asthma and have been able to discontinue expensive symbacort inhalers due to this method. Essential oil therapy turbocharged. I load the chamber 1/2 full or more. I like to make a birdnest shape bowl in the material, so the outside - where the heat is coming from - gets nice and heated. The thinner center area will get the hot air blast. I put the chamber on, wait 10 seconds for it to heat (I do 2 deep breaths ending with a full exhale) - then turn on the fan and take a full power hit using the whip. And the head rush is fantastic.
The terps are vaporized and released, as well as some of the actives. At this point the material is ABV, to be used in butter for my kick ass cookies. Most of the actives in the oil is still on the ABV.
Sucking the terps off flower has greatly improved my lung function, and how I feel. I no longer hack and cough, and do not hack up any color if I do, like first thing in the AM. Terps are a solvent. The whip has stayed clean, even though I have 35 hrs on this thing, all on the whip. I think those terps have cleaned out my lungs. Ever notice how sticky and hard to remove oil is? Then imagine your lungs. The inside of bags are another indication. I used to clean them out with everclear, to get the sticky oil when they stick together inside. Terps are the cleaning solvent IMO. My SPO2 is better, measured with a pulse oxymeter. I am 65, and abused my lungs for years smoking mex bagweed with a beer can. This is real medicine for me. Whip is my preferred method.
I use 410*F as the setting. The reason this works for me is - I am avoiding the chlorophyll that seems to shed at the end of the hit if I heat too long or draw too much. It stinks, and makes me cough. There is a fine line, and my setting seems to be the best for me. If you use a bag on a digit/classic, you will get chlorophyll, no matter the temp setting although a half bag at 360* started to taste kinda OK. You can let a bag sit a few minutes, which helps, cause the stuff is condensing on the bag wall.
This is quality organic material and I try to cure it right. The ABV color is still green, but a tad darker as the light green has cooked. Once it has cooled and stopped off gassing chlorophyll, the ABV is odorless because the terps are gone. You could almost wave it under a cops nose. Yeah, this technique uses a lot of material, but you get it back in the cookies. 75gr ABV (assume 10% actives) goes into 1.25# butter. That makes about 100 cookies. No de-carb necessary. Don't forget the lechithin!
Because I am not excessively heating the chamber and material by leaving the chamber on the machine longer than 20 secs (10 pre-heat, 10 for the power hit), the orange lower part isn't breaking. I did forget to take a hit once and the chamber stayed on the 'cano for a couple minutes. That made the orange base get way too hot, and one of the retaining clips has busted off. I will get another of those, maybe on warrantee when I return the base. That material was wasted BTW.
My display started fading like the one posted here, after maybe 3 weeks of use. That only gets worse, and doesn't otherwise affect the use. I know it's hot when the fan comes on. I have a RMA#, but hate to send this to Oakland cause I hate to not have it. I think they are shutdown now anyways for covid.
I will get another desktop or portable, to use while the cano is getting fixed, but it has to have a heated chamber that I can pre-heat before the fan comes on. The terp shed technique just works so well for me. Maybe an Arize, we'll see. Maybe another hybrid, and I can send my old one down the line after it gets fixed, and some brother can see what I have been saying...
I have a rosin press, and rosin has no green plant material, so no chlorophyll. The rosin on the pad is OK, but the rosin oil will soak down through, being thin from the terps, and I suspect is dripping down into the unit. I only use it for ground flower, and do rosin other ways.
I doubt I will check in here much for questions, so I made the post as complete as I could.
I wonder if those terps kill covid in the lungs?