I actually had a digit and a Classic and tried so hard to like them, but kept selling it since the bag system was a bit annoying and the ABV was very light green, unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. When the hybrid came out, i immediately bought it hoping it would cook my herb a little darker. When I received it, I sold my classic ASAP. The hybrid is spectacular, a whole different league to be honest. My abv is dark brown like my MIGHTY, absolutely amazing! I like to do 3 bags with one chamber pack. First balloon at 390, nice and medium thickness vapor, very good tasting, then another one at 420, which is very thick, white vapor, you can’t even see thru the bag. Then I do one or 2 more balloons at max temp (446F), which are nice and white vapor, very thick. Same can be said with the whip, it’s very fun to use and it extracts just the same as the ballon, except I get a few more hits with the whip, compared to the bag (same level of extraction). Heat up speed is insanely fast, if you want to wait 5-7 minutes for a true heat soaked classic, go ahead! I’m ready in 50 seconds with my hybrid, as soon as I finish packing the chamber it’s ready to go. Bluetooth integration is fantastic, there are a few neat features, even though I do not use the app, not needed. So basically it’s years ahead, technology wise, compared to the classic/digit. Vapor is waaaaayyy tastier and much thicker. Heat up times are much faster, the added conduction saved the volcano legacy! And you must remember, you don’t have multiple parts to fuck around with, like the FP or EVO, it’s very simple to use and operate and yields magnificent results. I AM COMPLETELY IN LOVE WITH MY HYBRID.

edit: forgot to mention how fast I can get medicated, like 2 hits in and I already feel the THC interacting with my Cannabinoid system LOL