It's not dinner without some special stuff, right??
This is an orange straight off our trees. No pesticides, no GM seeds, no bullshit. Lots of sunshine, lots of water. We've got a dozen of these trees, and they produce WAY too many oranges for us. We give them away all the time, to the point where it's two grocery store bags full just because we don't like too many to fall and rot. We do the same with the 3 large lemon trees, our avocados, tomatoes... a lot of stuff. Orange juice out of these doesn't need sugar. I'll get a clearer shot tomorrow, but this should show you what I mean.
And a brew I picked up at the recommendation of a friend. Boy are we spoiled down here, huh SD_haze?? Going to get a growler of Stone straight from the source at some point tomorrow
Where do you live? I want free Oranges!!! Please say California!!! Did I mention that I have a juicer? !!!
EDIT: damn it I should have read further of course everyone would already have juicers lol