Vapor Sloth
So corned beef went on sale after St Patty's day, $1.98/lb, so I thought I would try my hand at making pastrami. I had to soak the corned beef in water, changing every 2 hours, to leech the cure out. If you don't do this the smoker will render that down and your meat will come out too salty. After this use a good pastrami rub, lots of pepper and coriander seed etc and toss in the smoker with a little apple wood. You don't want to use too much wood on pastrami and use a fruit wood (apple/cherry/grape) with a sweeter taste as opposed to hickory or other stronger woods. I set the internal probe temp to 185*F and the smoker temp to 215*F. This is a colder smoke and it took about 12 hours IIRC. Anyways, enough gab, on to the pics, it came out great for a 1st attempt but next time, more rub! 


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