Big and Bouncy
Maybe not!Length of the glass hole is about 16mm (plus another 4mm or so for the plastic lip); ID is just about 15mm.
Ah! It looks like the OG VHB Slide will indeed fit the Wand, with it's matrix fitting more or less perfectly inside.
Now you just need balls of steel!
I've been working on getting either the Slide or the TRRW Terpedo modded to work with the Wand. I haven't been able to get my hands on the Slide, which was my preferred choice because of the versatility and forgivability of a moving heat source but I've had success with the Terpedo and I'm dying to try this method on the Slide!
First I bought this package of thin stainless steel shims on Amazon. Cut it to size (so thin you don't need metal cutting scissors) and then wrap it around the glass. I used the thickest sheet in the sample shims for better heat retention. Then I secured it using this this stainless steel wire that's used in beekeeping?

The first time you heat the metal, some oxidation will occur and stuff will burn off the metal so do a few dry cycles and then you're good to go.
You need to set the Wand to max temp (just to achieve the longest autofire without timing out) and then puff away until you sense vapor. It's too thick to fit completely through the wand but the part that does fit is good enough.
It's a learning curve to get the heating right (you could count flashes or just taste for vapor like I do) but it works for the Vaponic and now the Terpedo! Would love to try the Slide because it would be so forgiving to move the heat source farther away if you overheated.
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