Veteran MJ Smoker - looking to switch...need help/advice/encouragement..

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Active Member
Big time newbie to vapor. I've been a marijuana smoker for 30 years - an everyday smoker for 20 + years. I've decided that I need a change as far as how I'm consuming the product and vaporizing seems to be the logical step.

Currently I grind my herbs with a Chromium Crusher and smoke out of an old school $5 one-hitter ('bat' or 'onesy'). This has always gotten me to where I need to be on a daily basis. But as I get older, I'm concerned about all the smoking I've done and what it's done for my health and wellbeing. I can't/won't give up the plant (thc/cbd) - so a change in consumption is due. Additionally, the reports of less consumption of the product is especially appealing concerning the price that I have to pay for top shelf flower where I live 10 months out of the year...

I've been lurking for a while but actually registered a few days back. The information/guidance that I've been able to gleam from all of you is invaluable! To think that 10 days ago I knew very little about this aspect of consuming a plant that I love (and need)....

I have a few questions about switching over to vaporization and a few concerning products that I'm considering:

1. I have a very high tolerance (unfortunately) and I'm concerned that vapor won't give me the same effect as smoking. Is it advisable to both smoke and vape while making the changeover? Or should I go "cold turkey" and throw away my one hitters and just vape through the mental/physical changes?

2. I have a Imax plus (cermaic oven/new MP) on its way - should arrive sometime this week. Did massive amounts of research here and on Youtube and it seems to be one of the few pen vapes that actually vapes and not combusts the herbs. So, this will be my first vape experience ever - very excited/anxious. Any suggestions for a true first timer vaping and/or this pen?

3. Through all my research on here and youtube - it seems as if i will/should use a desktop unit while I'm at home and don't need to be so stealthy. Through watching/reading reviews it looks like the Silver Surfer might be the model for me. Big/heavy hits and I don't have a need for a bag as I am the only smoker/vaper in the house - wife doesn't partake. It seems that there is a learning curve with the SSV but they appear to be really efficient and the customizable aspects with water/ice attachments seems cool. Opinions on this vape - for a first timer - would be appreciated.

4. I spend a good part of my summer in Colorado and look forward to trying the other products available there in addition to flowers - shatter, wax, etc. Would the SSV be good for those as well?

I really appreciate anybody that takes the time to read this and offer their .02 - experience is a great educator....thanks.

* Moderators - if this is posted in the wrong spot - please feel free to move it to the appropriate thread...:)


Well-Known Member
Greetings and welcome my friend! I came here a year or so ago in much the same position! Hopefully I can offer some help:

1. This I can advise on very well :) When I came here, I was combusting 1 ounce + per week in joints. Get rid of the one hitters, give them to combusting friends maybe. Don't dilly-dally between combusting and vaping like I did, old habits die hard and people like us need to more thoroughly act to ensure we don't go back to said habits.

Vapor will not give you the same effect as smoking though, I will promise you that. When you smoke, you are breathing in huge amounts of asphixiants (chemicals which displace oxygen from your airways and choke you from the inside out). For this reason, a lot of the combusting high (especially if you smoke big bowls) is just from lack of oxygen.

I guarantee you you will get higher vaping, much higher. However, you will almost not recognize the high without all of the asphixiants at first, but the taste, effect and especially side effects are so much better! You will not wake up with your throat feeling like an ash tray anymore either! :D

Still, if you are concerned that it won't hit hard enough, you could always dabble in extracts - make yourself a rosin dab and top off your flower bowl with some of this or a nice hash or a tiny bit of another high quality concentrate. It will taste heavenly, produce huge clouds and get you AT LEAST where you wanna be (and probably then some, quite a bit of some lol).

2. I have never used an imag plus, but to me it seems like a pinnacle pro without the same issues at a reasonable price lol

My only advise in this regard is that vapes vary extremely between models/makes. You will find yourself swearing at the charlatan that designed some of the vapes out there, whilst others will be hands down better than combustion has ever been!

3. Water attachments are amazing. I never used water pipes when combusting but heartily recommend them for vaping :D The extra moisture lets you take MAMMOTH hits without coughing. 1 bowl in the Mighty will give me much more whitewall than a combusted bowl would!

It used to be that for huge hits, only a desktop will deliver, but now we have various portables that can go pound for pound. The S & B Mighty is what I used, and I sold my sublimator because I used the Mighty more!!! Also torch based or hybrid vapes (like the Vapman/Lotus) deliver massive clouds from a tiny portable with almost no heat up time (but can accidentally combust if you apply too much heat so slight learning curve).

4. As someone who makes extremely high quality oils for their own medical use, I can say that you really have a lot to be excited about with concentrates. You could use such concentrates with the SSV but I find enails are hands down the best way to enjoy concentrates on their own. Of course, you can put some oil on top of a flower bowl or stainless steel wool in any convection vape and get great results.

Hope this has helped man :)


For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky
I can't think of anything significant to add that hasn't already been covered by herbivore21... I'd like to reiterate though, don't smoke at all while making the transition! You will likely notice a difference in effects with vaping, but just push through any urges you may have to combust and after a while those urges will go away. Then you'll find yourself getting more out of the herb then ever before (as combusting destroys a lot of the actives) and you'll wonder why you didn't make the switch sooner!

Oh and welcome to FC! You'll like it a lot here -- everyone is very friendly, and there's a wealth of information about pretty much anything you can think of. And good luck making the switch to vaporizing, it's literally one of the best things you can do for yourself! :)
Que onda,

The silver surfer was one of the first vaporizers that I had tried. It was amazing, and it pushed me to get it's younger brother, da Buddha. Da Buddha is the cheaper version of the SSV, but it's pretty much identical. The only difference is, the SSV sits at an angle, so it's easier to not spill your medicine inside of the heating cover. And, you could always put a book under the DBV to make it sit at an angle. There are so many vaporizers out there though, one will appeal to you more than someone who has different wants/needs, so you'll get different opinions.
Here are my suggestions,

Desk top/plug ins:
1) The E-nano.
It's just under $200 for the standard model, and it produces huge clouds. It's known to conserve your medicine as it has a small bowl. It's all wood, so you don't have to worry about the durability so much. And, it goes GREAT with a water pipe.
2) LSV.
It's a 7th floor product, just like the SSV and DBV. The only difference is, it's a handheld device. It pairs great with water pipes, and 7th floor makes it's own water pipe attachment. The price is just under $190 if you look around.
3) Vapexhale cloud evo.
It is a wonderful vaporizer that is made to be used with a hydra tube on top of it. If you like big clouds and using all glass, then you should consider the Evo. The only downside to this vaporizer is the price. It's pretty expensive for the vaporizer itself, and then all the hydratube swill be another $200-$300 dollars.

1) The mighty.
The people who made the volcano vaporizer, made this heavy hitting portable. It is an extremely well thought out portable that let's you extract all of your medicine in a very short time. It has a 3 year warranty that goes along with it, and in my personal experience their customer service was very reliable. The only downside to this vaporizer is the price tag. It is around $500 after tax. But once you use it, you'll forget about paying so much, because it will feel worth it.
2) the Arizer solo.
I personally haven't used this vaporizer, but I have seen so many people recommend this vaporizer that I can't not suggest it. It's made in Canada, and the company has very good customer service from what I've heard. This is a very affordable vape, with the price being around $160 if you look around. From what I've heard, The only downside is the draw restriction, and the amount of time it takes to finish a session.
3) the hammer.
This is a butane powered vaporizer that hits really hard. This vape has glass attachments that work very well. You can take the temperature up really high with this vaporizer, so if you're a CBD fan, you'll appreciate that.

I can't list anymore right now, but I hope this helped.


Well-Known Member
Ststeve, welcome to vaping! And thanks for your service!

I was one who got high from vaping right away, apparently not all do, but if you hang in there and you will.

I would not recommend a vape pen for herb. They are just not there yet. Desktops work very well, and some of the newer portables work well too. Plugins in general have more power. And desktops might be the best vape for your money.

I'm partial to my mighty, it's a portable, and I think it is maybe the only portable with desktop power. But you pay for that performance, it's close to $500. Pax2 is another I'd look at. Most have tons of reviews on u tube, here, or on the web.

As you read and learn here, look at the classifieds as well. And don't be surprised if someone offered a vet a great deal. It's been known to happen.
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Active Member
Wow - very overwhelmed by all the info from everyone who took the time to read and respond - I really appreciate. Herbivore21 its good to know that someone in a similar situation - made the move successfully and rather recently. I also appreciate the suggestion to give up smoking completely and not mix vaping and smoking in order to ween off the smoke. Maybe easier said then done though....:|

I'm afraid that one of the things that I will miss most with smoking mj is the connection I have to it with other things - drinking coffee, enjoying a bourbon and water, etc. - I guess that will be the more pyschological aspect of quitting "smoking"... time will tell.

As far as desktops go - my mind is still spinning a bit - I thought a SSV was a wise choice but now I'm not so sure...

With 4/20 tomorrow, I imagine that there will be some sales..:leaf:


I go where the thrills are
Welcome to FC, and more importantly, welcome to vaping. It's a decision you will never regret, and a journey you will never complete. :nod:

1. Stop smoking. Period. Don't look back. Your body and mind will take time to adjust, but you'll get high right away if you inhale enough vapor. But you have to give your body a chance to adjust away from the combustion high. Smoking is a hammer...vaping is a scalpel hooked up to a digital temperature control. :lol: Over time you'll learn that via strain, device, temperature, and technique you can pretty much dial in any kind of high you like. But as I said, long journey. Give it time and just enjoy's like playing guitar: you can start in hours, but it will take you years or a lifetime to master it.

2. Don't know. Never used it.

3. The SSV is a great desktop vape. It's also the size of a tank, and nearly as heavy, and has big long tubes that get gunky and disgusting. This may or may not deter you. I used and loved mine for years but its large footprint, heavy weight and industrial-width power cord, plus all the gross tubing, made me find other desktop alternatives. But it's a fine, versatile, powerful device and good value.

4. I don't use those derivatives but you should be able to vape them in the SSV.

Again, welcome, have fun, that's the least you can get out of vaping. :ko:
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Well-Known Member
great advice from the guys here about smoking.... stop :tup: and your body and mind will thank you after awhile. Have a look at the Daisy; for me, it's a great portable/desktop hybrid and uses old-school fire (butane torch) and wood. a lot of my combuster friends like it.


thoroughly vaped
As I think all so far have said, stop smoking when you start vaping to make the adjustment easier. It might feel rough for a few days, but if you're like others you'll probably get "vaped out" early in your journey. Basically this is when you first start vaping and feel like you just aren't really getting high. You probably are - just without all of the asphyxiants and oxygen depletion that @herbivore21 mentions, so it will be different. In your desperation to "make this shit work" you will vape more and more until you realize you are stoned off your ass - just a bit different of a buzz. Maybe not, but I know I went through this and others have also. Just don't drive or use machinery when you reach this point! After that happens, it usually all starts to make a little more sense and you kind of get it.

Blasphemy here I know, but I still combust on occasion. Latest while I was in Denver and only had one very small vape with me. It works, but just had to enjoy more of the legal goodness out there! For me, it was no big deal other than the expected raspy throat the next morning. For many, the taste of smoke is just too disgusting after vaping regularly. But, would still advise anyone stick with just vapor for at least a month to make the transition.

The Imax may do it for you to get started. I haven't ever used one. But, vape pens are notorious for not doing too well with flowers. Think someone above mentioned the lotus and I'd like to add the vapman for portable use (tho not too stealthy). Both use a butane jet torch to heat the load. Can be tricky to get the heating just right, but if you are accustomed to one hitters I think you would enjoy the routine. Plus, both are pretty reasonably priced for what they are and how well they work.

If you're a pretty heavy regular smoker, a desktop should definitely be on your short list. The Silver Surfer is a nice one, but as @The Mother Fucker mentioned, the da Buddha is essentially the same in a cheaper and not quite as pretty package. I've used one of those quite a bit and enjoy it, except for the tubing. It will create big hits - as will their sister the LSV.

I enjoy the hell out of my nano. It is my daily driver. It will produce clouds, just takes a little more technique than the 7th floor products (SSV, DB, LSV). There are also a few pluses over mostly the SSV & DBV... No tubing. It is cool as shit to have tubes when you first get going with a vape. Very scientific and cool looking and you can leave the vape on the table and connect other end of hose to your bubbler while you sit back with it. But, they do get cruddy and are a PIA to clean. I used an EQ for years and finally just started replacing my hose every 6 months, but probably should have gone less time. But, the tubing does start to add up if you're changing it out more frequently. I think one of the biggest advantages of the nano or similar compared to the SSV & DBV is lack of tubing. LSV shares this trait, too. You have the vaporizor, the glass that holds your load, then your mouth or bubbler. A clean path like this usually gives better flavor and eliminates the hassle of hoses. Easier to clean and keep clean, too.

The nano (or other logs) are very discrete looking and can be left on all the time (or most of the time). This allows you to do a few hits whenever you like without having to wait a few minutes for warmup. You could leave your SSV or DBV on all the time (think 7th floor has had an SSV going for like 8 years straight or something now!), but don't know if I would be as comfortable with that. nano can also be set up pretty easily to do concentrates. The small size may be nicer to deal with when going back and forth to CO, or wherever too.

A log vape or others that can vape well with a small load usually lead to better conservation and for most better flavor, too. Downside is that with smaller loads you have to load more often. Again, if you're used to using a one hitter this may be a benefit (nice routine) rather than something to be worried about.

Nothing really wrong with any of the vapes mentioned above, though. Much of it comes down to personal preference. Different people love or dislike different vapes. There are a few that are just horrible, but if you look around here and find the popular ones you should do OK. Almost all have those who love them and couldn't live without them. If you're ready to pull the trigger and can't wait to get another vape, go for it. But, if you're up for a little more research I'd strongly suggest checking out all mentioned in this thread. I'm sure most questions on any would be answered here if you ask, but usually seems better to ask in the vape's own thread. You'll probably get much better info - even if a bit biased toward whatever vape that thread covers.

One other tip that I think I saw mentioned above... keep your eye on the classifieds section. You can follow that thread and will get a notification of any new posts. There is also a feedback section there. Almost all FC'ers are great sellers, but there might be a few you want to watch out for. Always a good idea to look for the seller in the feedback threads before sending your payment.

Welcome to FC and good for you for getting into vaping!


Well-Known Member
As I think all so far have said, stop smoking when you start vaping to make the adjustment easier. It might feel rough for a few days, but if you're like others you'll probably get "vaped out" early in your journey. Basically this is when you first start vaping and feel like you just aren't really getting high. You probably are - just without all of the asphyxiants and oxygen depletion that @herbivore21 mentions, so it will be different. In your desperation to "make this shit work" you will vape more and more until you realize you are stoned off your ass - just a bit different of a buzz. Maybe not, but I know I went through this and others have also. Just don't drive or use machinery when you reach this point! After that happens, it usually all starts to make a little more sense and you kind of get it.

Blasphemy here I know, but I still combust on occasion. Latest while I was in Denver and only had one very small vape with me. It works, but just had to enjoy more of the legal goodness out there! For me, it was no big deal other than the expected raspy throat the next morning. For many, the taste of smoke is just too disgusting after vaping regularly. But, would still advise anyone stick with just vapor for at least a month to make the transition.

The Imax may do it for you to get started. I haven't ever used one. But, vape pens are notorious for not doing too well with flowers. Think someone above mentioned the lotus and I'd like to add the vapman for portable use (tho not too stealthy). Both use a butane jet torch to heat the load. Can be tricky to get the heating just right, but if you are accustomed to one hitters I think you would enjoy the routine. Plus, both are pretty reasonably priced for what they are and how well they work.

If you're a pretty heavy regular smoker, a desktop should definitely be on your short list. The Silver Surfer is a nice one, but as @The Mother Fucker mentioned, the da Buddha is essentially the same in a cheaper and not quite as pretty package. I've used one of those quite a bit and enjoy it, except for the tubing. It will create big hits - as will their sister the LSV.

I enjoy the hell out of my nano. It is my daily driver. It will produce clouds, just takes a little more technique than the 7th floor products (SSV, DB, LSV). There are also a few pluses over mostly the SSV & DBV... No tubing. It is cool as shit to have tubes when you first get going with a vape. Very scientific and cool looking and you can leave the vape on the table and connect other end of hose to your bubbler while you sit back with it. But, they do get cruddy and are a PIA to clean. I used an EQ for years and finally just started replacing my hose every 6 months, but probably should have gone less time. But, the tubing does start to add up if you're changing it out more frequently. I think one of the biggest advantages of the nano or similar compared to the SSV & DBV is lack of tubing. LSV shares this trait, too. You have the vaporizor, the glass that holds your load, then your mouth or bubbler. A clean path like this usually gives better flavor and eliminates the hassle of hoses. Easier to clean and keep clean, too.

The nano (or other logs) are very discrete looking and can be left on all the time (or most of the time). This allows you to do a few hits whenever you like without having to wait a few minutes for warmup. You could leave your SSV or DBV on all the time (think 7th floor has had an SSV going for like 8 years straight or something now!), but don't know if I would be as comfortable with that. nano can also be set up pretty easily to do concentrates. The small size may be nicer to deal with when going back and forth to CO, or wherever too.

A log vape or others that can vape well with a small load usually lead to better conservation and for most better flavor, too. Downside is that with smaller loads you have to load more often. Again, if you're used to using a one hitter this may be a benefit (nice routine) rather than something to be worried about.

Nothing really wrong with any of the vapes mentioned above, though. Much of it comes down to personal preference. Different people love or dislike different vapes. There are a few that are just horrible, but if you look around here and find the popular ones you should do OK. Almost all have those who love them and couldn't live without them. If you're ready to pull the trigger and can't wait to get another vape, go for it. But, if you're up for a little more research I'd strongly suggest checking out all mentioned in this thread. I'm sure most questions on any would be answered here if you ask, but usually seems better to ask in the vape's own thread. You'll probably get much better info - even if a bit biased toward whatever vape that thread covers.

One other tip that I think I saw mentioned above... keep your eye on the classifieds section. You can follow that thread and will get a notification of any new posts. There is also a feedback section there. Almost all FC'ers are great sellers, but there might be a few you want to watch out for. Always a good idea to look for the seller in the feedback threads before sending your payment.

Welcome to FC and good for you for getting into vaping!
Yes especially to the you will get stoned off your ass the first little while because of overcompensating due to the missing asphixiants in vaping vs smoking! Watch out for that and I'll double down on the advice not to drive or operate machinery in this state! Keep it safe and happy 4/20 to you all! :)
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Active Member
i appreciate all the advice and encouragement ...I think I will need more..:science:

On another note, my Imag plus arrived today. Trying to be patient doing the requisite 6 hour charge and then I'll do a burn out. Probably won't try my first vape session until tomorrow sometime. Thinking i should wait until after work instead of as a replacement for my daily wake-n-bake sessions. Not sure what to expect - don't want to be too medicated before i have to go in and teach....:rofl:


Vape Rictim
People have said a lot of good stuff here, man, so let me just chime in on the Imag Plus. It's okay. It does not combust, it heats up fast, it delivers clouds, it gets you high, and it's stealthy.

But, you will soon find yourself looking for a vape that delivers better tasting clouds. When your taste buds gets used to the nuances of vapor compared to the brute, destroying force of smoke, you will probably find the Imag Plus a little primitive, but I think it's an alright way to start. The version you have is better than mine, also.

Also, do not be afraid of flame powered vapes. They are often great! I'm a Vapman fanboy and recommend reading up on that thread, but I also understand the TriiHouse vapes and many others deliver high quality vapor with a flame as a heat source.


Active Member
Norvape - I appreciate the info and I think you're right. I hit the Imag for the first time this morning. My first vaping experience ever. Two observations - I got a good buzz. Better than I would have thought after 30 years of smoking mj. And I was surprised at the small amount of product that was needed for a single session - very excited about that! And the taste was sooo different.

I got the Imag just to get my feet wet vaping. I wanted a portable/stealthy device that would actually vape mj. But now I've really got the itch to get a plugin model for home - be it a SSV (which I'm learning toward) or another unit that delivers heavy vape producing hits....

A continued thanks to all who continue to post - offering advice and encouragement to stay off the smoke..


Active Member
Just a quick update - second full day of vaping only. Woke up yesterday morning and started - haven't looked back. The Imag has been good but I'm anxious/excited to get a plug in model for home for bigger many choices...the research begins...:science:

Thoughts on the Extreme-Q and the SSV from any experienced folks?
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I go where the thrills are
Thoughts on the Extreme-Q and the SSV from any experienced folks?

My post above has my view of the SSV (great vape, too big, heavy, and tube-y for me). I have the whip version of the EQ (the V Tower fan or bag). It's very good, much lighter and a bit smaller than the SSV. I stopped using the SSV when I bought it. But again, tubes, footprint...too much. I much prefer the E-Nano for my desktop needs.

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
Thoughts on the Extreme-Q and the SSV from any experienced folks?
I love my ssv.
It was my first vape, and still one of my bests.

I found it gave me bigger, thicker hits with much more ease then my EQ.
I like the EQ as my very rare bag filler (I honestly haven't used to for <18months), but not much more than that.

A rep I've noticed the EQ has is "jack of all trades, master of none"
And I've gotta say I agree with that.
It will reform nicely both as a whip vape and as a bag filler, but it doesn't excell at either ime...
Since you said bags are of no concern, I'd suggest the ssv Over the EQ.

If you have any plans on using a water pipe, I'd suggest looking into the lsv.
It has the same heater setup as the ssv/dbv, and uses a glass mouthpiece with no other tubing for direct draw, or mates with any GonG water pipe using a stock wpa or readily available 18mm male to male adapter.

And it can be relatively easily converted back to a whip if you desire.

Gray Area

Well-Known Member
1) get a Lotus, you will immediately appreciate the heavy hits and familiarity of using a torch/pipe setup.
2) experiment as much as you can.
3) ... I got through number 2 and forgot!:cool:

Great advice for a portable. It's a real heavy hitter and you can push it as close to combustion as you like, or ease up on the torch and get full tasty flavour lower temp hits. My go to portable at home.

For a plug in I can highly recommend the e-nano. Absolutely my favourite and daily driver, and cheaper than some portables.
Both give great results with small loads. With the stem, the nano would be pretty much just like using a bat with a different heat source... Having said that it really excels when paired with a bubbler :tup:


thoroughly vaped
I'll be another to suggest you check out log vapes - especially the nano. Or, the LSV (essentially a super log vape in a metal case with glass heater cover).

Fully agree @Frederick McGuire ... EQ is jack of all trades, master of none. With either it or the SSV you're going to be beholden to tubing. As I said above, tubes are fun at first and nice when you put a new one on, but many who vape regularly find them to be kind of expensive and a PIA after a while.

On the other hand, many continue to enjoy the tubing and don't seem to worry about how cruddy it gets and how quickly it can happen. If you think this won't be an issue for you, I'd go with the SSV over the EQ if you have no interest in bags. Actually, I'd go for the da Buddha instead. But, I'm less concerned about form and more concerned about function - especially if it will save me a few $$. SSV is prettier, but essentially the same thing in a nicer package. Then again, the LSV is essentially the same thing in a much different package - same heating element and technology but handheld instead of self standing, and all glass between heat and you instead of glass to hose.


Well-Known Member
I love my ssv.
It was my first vape, and still one of my bests.

I found it gave me bigger, thicker hits with much more ease then my EQ.
I like the EQ as my very rare bag filler (I honestly haven't used to for <18months), but not much more than that.

A rep I've noticed the EQ has is "jack of all trades, master of none"
And I've gotta say I agree with that.
It will reform nicely both as a whip vape and as a bag filler, but it doesn't excell at either ime...
Since you said bags are of no concern, I'd suggest the ssv Over the EQ.

If you have any plans on using a water pipe, I'd suggest looking into the lsv.
It has the same heater setup as the ssv/dbv, and uses a glass mouthpiece with no other tubing for direct draw, or mates with any GonG water pipe using a stock wpa or readily available 18mm male to male adapter.

And it can be relatively easily converted back to a whip if you desire.

I agree ssv over an extream q. I just got a ssv but have used the eq a lot more. I have two close friends that use them. It's a fully functional vape at a decent price. The ssv hits bigger and better, with much better flavor. I have read you can use a ssv wand with the eq for better flavor. Downside off each is its a whip vape. For economics, taste, water, clouds I'd look at a log vape. It's not really a party animal, more of a personal vape, and it tastes the best of my line up.


Well-Known Member
If you've been a smoker for so long maybe the last thing you want hanging around is tubes and electrical wires and glass bowls and temp control gauges etc. Not saying those vapes (ssv, eq, enano etc) ain't great vapes but there's a whole lot of accessories (care + attention + cleaning) that come with them. imho at first, it'll be fun but later all the stuff might feel a bit tedious. The Lotus and the Daisy is about as bare bones as you can get yet they've got the required power to put you down. simple and great old-school butane powered vapes.
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Vape Rictim
When I switched from combustion to vaping I was all like "lighter? Naaaahhh...".

Now I find jet flame powered vapes are among the best in their simplicity!

No batteries that react to weather conditions, no tubes, chords nothing. Some cannabis, a vape and a jet lighter.

My favourite is the Vapman, but I'm drooling over the Daisy as well...
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