Active Member
Big time newbie to vapor. I've been a marijuana smoker for 30 years - an everyday smoker for 20 + years. I've decided that I need a change as far as how I'm consuming the product and vaporizing seems to be the logical step.
Currently I grind my herbs with a Chromium Crusher and smoke out of an old school $5 one-hitter ('bat' or 'onesy'). This has always gotten me to where I need to be on a daily basis. But as I get older, I'm concerned about all the smoking I've done and what it's done for my health and wellbeing. I can't/won't give up the plant (thc/cbd) - so a change in consumption is due. Additionally, the reports of less consumption of the product is especially appealing concerning the price that I have to pay for top shelf flower where I live 10 months out of the year...
I've been lurking for a while but actually registered a few days back. The information/guidance that I've been able to gleam from all of you is invaluable! To think that 10 days ago I knew very little about this aspect of consuming a plant that I love (and need)....
I have a few questions about switching over to vaporization and a few concerning products that I'm considering:
1. I have a very high tolerance (unfortunately) and I'm concerned that vapor won't give me the same effect as smoking. Is it advisable to both smoke and vape while making the changeover? Or should I go "cold turkey" and throw away my one hitters and just vape through the mental/physical changes?
2. I have a Imax plus (cermaic oven/new MP) on its way - should arrive sometime this week. Did massive amounts of research here and on Youtube and it seems to be one of the few pen vapes that actually vapes and not combusts the herbs. So, this will be my first vape experience ever - very excited/anxious. Any suggestions for a true first timer vaping and/or this pen?
3. Through all my research on here and youtube - it seems as if i will/should use a desktop unit while I'm at home and don't need to be so stealthy. Through watching/reading reviews it looks like the Silver Surfer might be the model for me. Big/heavy hits and I don't have a need for a bag as I am the only smoker/vaper in the house - wife doesn't partake. It seems that there is a learning curve with the SSV but they appear to be really efficient and the customizable aspects with water/ice attachments seems cool. Opinions on this vape - for a first timer - would be appreciated.
4. I spend a good part of my summer in Colorado and look forward to trying the other products available there in addition to flowers - shatter, wax, etc. Would the SSV be good for those as well?
I really appreciate anybody that takes the time to read this and offer their .02 - experience is a great educator....thanks.
* Moderators - if this is posted in the wrong spot - please feel free to move it to the appropriate thread...
Currently I grind my herbs with a Chromium Crusher and smoke out of an old school $5 one-hitter ('bat' or 'onesy'). This has always gotten me to where I need to be on a daily basis. But as I get older, I'm concerned about all the smoking I've done and what it's done for my health and wellbeing. I can't/won't give up the plant (thc/cbd) - so a change in consumption is due. Additionally, the reports of less consumption of the product is especially appealing concerning the price that I have to pay for top shelf flower where I live 10 months out of the year...
I've been lurking for a while but actually registered a few days back. The information/guidance that I've been able to gleam from all of you is invaluable! To think that 10 days ago I knew very little about this aspect of consuming a plant that I love (and need)....
I have a few questions about switching over to vaporization and a few concerning products that I'm considering:
1. I have a very high tolerance (unfortunately) and I'm concerned that vapor won't give me the same effect as smoking. Is it advisable to both smoke and vape while making the changeover? Or should I go "cold turkey" and throw away my one hitters and just vape through the mental/physical changes?
2. I have a Imax plus (cermaic oven/new MP) on its way - should arrive sometime this week. Did massive amounts of research here and on Youtube and it seems to be one of the few pen vapes that actually vapes and not combusts the herbs. So, this will be my first vape experience ever - very excited/anxious. Any suggestions for a true first timer vaping and/or this pen?
3. Through all my research on here and youtube - it seems as if i will/should use a desktop unit while I'm at home and don't need to be so stealthy. Through watching/reading reviews it looks like the Silver Surfer might be the model for me. Big/heavy hits and I don't have a need for a bag as I am the only smoker/vaper in the house - wife doesn't partake. It seems that there is a learning curve with the SSV but they appear to be really efficient and the customizable aspects with water/ice attachments seems cool. Opinions on this vape - for a first timer - would be appreciated.
4. I spend a good part of my summer in Colorado and look forward to trying the other products available there in addition to flowers - shatter, wax, etc. Would the SSV be good for those as well?
I really appreciate anybody that takes the time to read this and offer their .02 - experience is a great educator....thanks.
* Moderators - if this is posted in the wrong spot - please feel free to move it to the appropriate thread...