Nice video as always.
As far as I can see in the video, the frit absorbs the remains of the oil. I don't see any residue from here. Hard to tell.
At some point midway video, that woman in the video can't take it anymore and I think starts coughing or saying "enough" jajajaja. With so many videos she's going to be jelly lungs pretty soon

I think she should start puffing like a cigar instead of breathing all the vapor.
IMO she does some puffing to show real vapor at some point in the videos.
Real clouds going on

Size wise it grew since last time.
Is it almost a couple inches longer now, right?? Loving black BTW very fancy.
I'm assuming that digital display is the one we, Beta testers, are getting at the moment?? Right??
I'm assuming Betas come with the Versa stand. Right??
Keep the videos coming.