my earlier thread attempting to find something to emulate my joint joking sessions; I finally settled on the Verdamper after
@Alexis convinced me and.. that was the BEST decision ever, haha.

I am having a blast and I'm pretty, pretty high hehe. I put in a minimal amount and took a very small draw and boy, did that feel good. Like nothing I'd felt before, no joke. Still going strong on my first batch two hours ago.
A few random thoughts, keep in mind I am a complete vaping novice:
- Barely had to put anything in, just put in a bit more than I would in the Crafty, so it's barely filled up, but it works with small amounts too!
- There is almost no difficulty to draw, and I instantly realised my long capacity is much worse than I thought

- I'm perfectly able to leave the heating element and the head on there for hours, no burning whatsoever.
- Very nice smoke, taste maybe not the best (although I have very little reference) but still nice.
- I think I must have been doing something wrong with the crafty, it burned my material so so much faster. Either way, means less technique is required with this one to get an acceptable result I guess.
- The overall feel, look and ease to use I absolutely love. Some other vapes I was looking at, just the instructions made me nervous to be honest.
The only, very very minor, drawbacks I would say are:
- Guide does not mention which setting correlates to which temperature, just voltage numbers.
- As stated by
@The Chemist and others, wish the power stand was separate but do love the wood, very clean.
It was genuinely everything I was looking for and I am so happy this expensive purchase is worth it. This thing is so good it might even get rid of my joints addiction.
Hello my Dutch friend, was actually pleasantly ajoyed seeing I had a mention from you, and reading your account here, was a delightful treat.
I'm really pleased you like it so much, alteady.
And for a vape novice, you show exemplary summary skills, interptetation, measure on all points. I agree 100% from 6 years use, years back now.
I remembered, the very first time I tried my own Verdamper, I put maybe a 0.1 gr nug of Durban Poison in...I inhaled...saw no vapor, but exhaled a huge, partially visible cloud.
I stopped- I had a bad chest infection strike, night before my Verdamper arrived, 24th December 2008, at 7 am lol!
What a Christmas parcel hey?
But severe chest infection had struck.
I tried the Durban because I had to, but being a severe allergy sufferer, that one, MINUTE toke, in Verdamper terms, I felt irritating my chest.
So I stopped. I was watching a film. I was astonishingly high, stoned, rolled into one, for hours.
I smoked joints for years, huge bucket bongs, bongs, chillums, pipes, etc....I used different vaporizers between 1999 and 2008.
But EXACTLY like you say above, hence refreshing my memery now....that first tiny toke on Verdamper, hit me in a way cannabis never had before.
I had to wait 7 weeks for my chest infection to clear.
I then vaped three 0.45 gram bowls per day, 11 days straight.
On day 12, at an appointment, I felt like I had been to a festival and taken 35 e's and 7 trips lol!
I used to do that stuff, (I still take trips) and those 11 initial days of Verdamper use had me feeling equally "rocked" as any other crazy psychedellic bender.
Another story though.
All you report, mirrors my own experience. You can use 0.33 grams a day, spread out, be pretty damn high, 24/7. With the least inhalation, stirring, loading effort etc.
Anyway, very pleased you are pleased
@Clueless (ironic, modest and humurous, there are some dumb fucks around but no way you mate.)
Thanks very much for mentioning me and sharing, and fantastic write up!
The exact temp correspondance on your dial, if the adjustable one available now (mine was the OG fixed temp at 200 °C)....really doesn"'t matter, IMO.
Just play around, find your sweetspot.
Our bodily intuition will always serve us better than some wallchart with specific temps and effects etc, IMO haha!