Not really anything like that for the end user. Currently I have already some adjustable settings in addition to the regular boost and power adjustment like the warm up time setting for the user, similar way, using the two controllers on the front panel the user could change also the setting of the bulb type. But there is a limited amount of things I can implement this way as I don't want to make it too complicated. Currently it is very easy to use and I want to keep it that way instead of confusing the regular user with too much complexity.
I have a chance to get one of the leading embedded programmers in Finland to take a look at the firmware of Venus in 2 weeks. This guy has been developing many high tech products known worldwide and probably can do anything that just can be done with the hardware.
If there are some suggestions for some improvements/refinements or even new functionalities, I am interested to hear as I can make a list of things to do for him so these possible improvements could be reality in January 2013.
To keep things simple for regular users, you could set up two modes -- basic and advanced. The default would be basic mode, and everything could stay pretty much the way it is now. To use advanced mode, instead of just pressing the boost button to turn the unit on, you would have to press and hold for 3 seconds or so. The unit would turn on and flash the LED a certain way to confirm advanced mode, and all advanced functions would be operational. To keep it foolproof, whenever shutting down, the unit should always revert to basic mode.
Regarding my previous suggestion for hands-free operation: just like you now have the option to modify the preheating time, it would be nice to have an option to choose how long you want to boost per button push, and then be able to press the button just once to boost for that amount of time. So instead of having to press 3 times quickly for a 15 second boost or 6 times for a 30 second boost, I would only need to press once for a 15 second boost and twice for a 30 second boost (or even just once for a 30 second boost.) I also think there should be a 3 to 5 second delay before the boost kicks in after pressing the boost button in hands-free mode. (There should be an immediate LED confirmation though.)
I'm not sure after reading your first paragraph if the unit can already do this, but just in case -- it would be nice to be able to set the boost level. If I'm not mistaken, currently pressing the boost button adjusts the halogen bulb to maximum power. I'd like the option to boost to 3/4 power or whatever power level I want.
One last suggestion re the LED: it seems really bright in the videos I've seen, which is good during daylight and in well lit rooms, but it might be a bit much at night in a dark room if you're using the clear top. So adding the ability to adjust the brightness of the LED would be very cool.
Looking forward to seeing what you and this programmer can do!