canna help
I’m in the same boat. Pretty disappointing to not get a shipping notice this week despite others already receiving replacements and notices being sent out about new orders shipping next week.
I'm on that boat with you guys! Did the same as the other guy and asked not to send me a canned response and let me know what's up since I bought the thing within an hour or two of the keynote and then disabled it the same evening I got the notification to do so. I would have waited longer had I know FIFO wasn't the case on replacements. I'm so sick of hitting the Mighty that feels so clogged in comparison to the Venty. I was using the TinyMight 2 for a while, but I just get sick of it and don't feel like I get nearly as medicated from the same amount of material. Could all be in my head. I get medicated, just feel like a session does it better than running beast mode through a water pipe. I can't really use it natively or hand-held because it gets way too hot on my lips unless I'm using an obnoxiously large 3D stem they sell at TM.
Wonder if it was first come first served?
Doesn't seem that way. Ordered the hour the keynote ended and bricked the same evening I got the email. Sincerely wishing I'd have waited to brick it since being gung ho didn't seem to help get my replacement any faster. They better hurry, or I'm going to ask for a refund and ball out with a FlowerPot B2 that I've been wanting horribly. Regretting picking the Venty over it with this huge delay in getting my replacement sent. Don't get me wrong, the Venty is hands down the best portable session vape on the market at this time, but when I could be hitting a B2 all this time and not waiting for Cannabis Hardware to send me a new one.