Venty by Storz & Bickel

Has anyone else noticed that when you turn the Venty off, the screen doesn't fully turn off right away? You need to look from an acute angle to see it, but there's definitely still some light being emitted (its also probably easier to see in the darker environment). I timed it earlier and it was a little over 3 minutes before the screen really was "off".

It doesn't bother me, just curious to see whether others see the same.
Yep! My original did it. Haven’t gotten my replacement yet. Supposed to be here tomorrow. I’m assuming it’s where it’s still broadcasting for Bluetooth for a bit after it’s turned off.


SEARCH for the treasure...
190 ethanol, you say. I didn’t know this til I looked it up,but it’s less toxic than ISO… Amazon here I come.

You can’t buy 190 ETHANOL on Amazon. Some liquor stores carry 190 EVERCLEAR, same thing.

I bought a gallon from an online site, to use for doing extractions, but never got far with that project, but glad I did as I use it in a “proper” MENDA pump bottle, (as a solvent you want glass bottles, and Menda makes several pump bottles, and since the pump mechanism is not glass, they use the right kind of “plastic” that is safe, they sell to the medical industry, I’m sure most have seen a Menda bottle in a hospital or doctors office.)

When you buy 190 Ethanol online in large sizes, you pay EXTRA, for the HAZMAT shipping, as it’s highly flammable, and safe home storage should also be considered. I found a site that was reasonable, but I try to prioritize my heath above a few bucks….

I have bought 99% ISO from Amazon. I use that for surfaces that I’m not going to breath through or put my mouth on, as the bitterants added to ISO so folks won’t drink it, taste nasty BITTER, and I’ve found can stay on surfaces even after evaporation.

See if you can get a bottle of 190 EVERCLEAR, see how you like using it. It won’t go to waste, cause you could always DRINK IT! :)

If you want information on the gallon size, let me know. I’m sure I’ve posted the information, not sure what thread….

LINK BELOW is for more information about the MENDA PUMP BOTTLE, safe for 190 Ethanol:

FOUND the post I made on sourcing large size 190 Ethanol, with a link to the site I bought from.

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Well-Known Member
Those of you with a Venty, what’re your must have accessories for a first time buyer? Is an additional cooling unit the only must have extra?
For me the must have accessories are:
-"O"/square rings set is the absolute must imho (if you break the square ring mounted on the CU you are out of the game),
-another CU,
-fine screens set (ime if you use a fine screen in place of the coarse screen on the CU, debris going inside of it is 90% less, I don't get any airflow impairment at all, and cleaning is way easier).
The mixed screens set with a couple of (exclusively) small o-ring, 2 SB "tools", is already included in the Venty package.
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Well-Known Member
You can’t buy 190 ETHANOL on Amazon. Some liquor stores carry 190 EVERCLEAR, same thing.

See if you can get a bottle of 190 EVERCLEAR, see how you like using it. It won’t go to waste, cause you could always DRINK IT! :)
Would this be similar stuff? :

For anyone else interested, you can get a menda bottle at Amazon, like this glass one:

Last question, then...
Do you submerge the CU pieces in ISO or ethanol? ie, how do you clean the non-contact parts? I've been using ISO.
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Well-Known Member
mostly a lurker here (hope to buy a venty soon!) but coming out of hiding to chime in about solvents.

any ethanol you buy from Amazon is going to be denatured. this is a legal requirement in the US. any non-denatured ethanol has a huge tax placed on it since it's drinkable, and is much more tightly controlled regarding sale. i'd expect that whatever denaturant present is probably just as bad for inhalation/ingestion as isopropyl. denaturants will vary by blend (for example most commercial extraction outfits use CDA 12A)

isopropyl is toxic and can be legally sold at 99% without any added bitterants.. it's already got a pretty harsh smell.

tax and hazardous shipping considered, your best bet for pure ethanol is generally the liquor store. short of that, there's robably not much difference between denatured ethanol and isopropyl.

Yayyyyyyy!!! Still haven’t even broken the plastic. Going to do a full charge and be reminded why I love this device and why I waited to get a new one. 😎


Active Member
I switched out the stock screen for these concave metal screens

I remember seeing some one do it on a mighty like a decade ago

I think i adds more conduction with the high air flow

also they dont get any off that clogging of the screen from fine grind
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Well-Known Member
mostly a lurker here (hope to buy a venty soon!) but coming out of hiding to chime in about solvents.

any ethanol you buy from Amazon is going to be denatured. this is a legal requirement in the US. any non-denatured ethanol has a huge tax placed on it since it's drinkable, and is much more tightly controlled regarding sale. i'd expect that whatever denaturant present is probably just as bad for inhalation/ingestion as isopropyl. denaturants will vary by blend (for example most commercial extraction outfits use CDA 12A)

isopropyl is toxic and can be legally sold at 99% without any added bitterants.. it's already got a pretty harsh smell.

tax and hazardous shipping considered, your best bet for pure ethanol is generally the liquor store. short of that, there's robably not much difference between denatured ethanol and isopropyl.
Very helpful, thanks, Lurker :lol:

It is denatured, I had to read into the Amazon description to see that!


SEARCH for the treasure...

If you read the product description:
“This product has been specially denatured according to FDA requirements and does not require additional denaturing to produce hand sanitizer. Denaturing is required by the FDA to discourage oral ingestion.”

As far as the bottle you linked, it says they use a SS pump, coming from China, who knows. I’ll stick with Menda products, made in USA, big supplier of medical grade products. I’m sure they would use a “metal” pump if they thought it was better. I left a link in my previous post, explaining the research I had done already. Up to you of course…..

As far as cleaning, I try never to soak anything in any solvent, unless it was the only way. I’ve already described how I use Qtips with solvent on my CU, see my last few posts.


Well-Known Member
Very helpful, thanks, Lurker :lol:

I'm a bit dense with details, over analytical sometimes, but the link to the medical grade ethyl alcohol shows the following ingredient:

What is denatured about this??
In the small print:

>>begin qoute
About this item
Meets FDA requirements for sanitizer production. Does not contain methanol.
Made in the USA. No Fermentation Smell.
Manufactured in a FDA-registered facility
Recommended by the WHO, CDC and FDA
Denaturant: Denatonium Benzoate at 40 ppm
<<end qoute


Well-Known Member
Hot air goes up right? Why putting a freshly used (hot) Venty body upside down after applying denatured alcohols on it? Doesn’t doing so results in any remaining fumes going up, where “up” means beneath the chamber bottom, compromising the air path?
Denaturing process basically means adding nasty flavors in order to make that alcohol undrinkable. Why creating fumes of that nasty stuff close to where you breathe from? Upside down or not, hot or cool Venty, I would never put alcohol wherever I can’t disassemble such part and then rinse it off with water. Let alone doing so after every use.
Given that “sticking to the rules” is a virtue, shouldn’t it apply also to the cleaning process? To me this is more dangerous than inverting coarse screen with fine screen.
Edit: I’m still not persuaded. Even if the alcohol you use is drinkable there’s no such thing as fully volatile alcohol, afaik. Doesn’t 96% vol. alcohol means that the volatile “pure” part is 96% and the rest is residue/impurities?
Edit2: btw, glad to be discussing on actual “things” instead of reading rants over rants over wall text of rants.
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SEARCH for the treasure...
Hot air goes up right? Why putting a freshly used (hot) Venty body upside down after applying denatured alcohols on it? Doesn’t doing so results in any remaining fumes going up, where “up” means beneath the chamber bottom, compromising the air path?

As I’ve mentioned above, I use 190 Ethanol, you can drink it. I wipe the CU screen first allowing the Venty bowl time to cool down. I DON’T soak my Qtips, using a proper pump bottle I use minimum amount, and often I press the qtip on a clean paper towel, so it’s mostly damp. I only place the Venty body upside down immediately just in case, as we don’t want any liquids getting into the body that is inaccessible. I’m cleaning both the screen and bowl this way, avoids the hassle of removing the bowl screen, and puts off replacing it. Keeping the bowl clean is obvious. The reality is, if you don’t use much ethanol, it evaporates almost immediately, no fumes, no bad taste left behind. One could also turn the heater on, but in my opinion, that’s a waste of battery time.

Denaturing process basically means adding nasty flavors in order to make that alcohol undrinkable. Why creating fumes of that nasty stuff close to where you breathe from? Upside down or not, hot or cool Venty, I would never put alcohol wherever I can’t disassemble such part and then rinse it off with water. Let alone doing so after every use.
Given that “sticking to the rules” is a virtue, shouldn’t it apply also to the cleaning process? To me this is more dangerous than inverting coarse screen with fine screen.

I don’t use denatured alcohol on anything I breath from, or put in my mouth.


Well-Known Member
If you read the product description:
“This product has been specially denatured according to FDA requirements and does not require additional denaturing to produce hand sanitizer. Denaturing is required by the FDA to discourage oral ingestion.”

In the small print:

>>begin qoute
About this item
Meets FDA requirements for sanitizer production. Does not contain methanol.
Made in the USA. No Fermentation Smell.
Manufactured in a FDA-registered facility
Recommended by the WHO, CDC and FDA
Denaturant: Denatonium Benzoate at 40 ppm
Gentlemen thank you for the correction.
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So glad to have my precious back! 7 minutes in on this new unit and I am FEELING GOOOOOOD, guys! This device is a medical patient's absolute dream!
  • Want to start out by saying the screen had a plastic cover over it that I appreciate SOOO much.
I'm so anal-retentive about my screens on my devices. I'm actually wondering if anybody has an idea of where I can get a cover for the screen. I know people were putting UV protective coatings on Mighty units for a while because of the screens going bad (I know the feeling, have had two Mighty units and both have dimmed screens) so I know it's a thing. I may dig up some posts about UV protection on Mighty to get an idea, then do the same for the Venty, not so much for the UV protection because this screen seems to be of higher quality, but just to keep scratches and smudges off the screen. Especially the ones that inevitably end up in the corners where the plastic of the body meets the edge of the screen and are a pita to clean.​
  • Cooling unit seems to line up correctly now, unlike before.
I noticed on the OG (RIP) that when the unit had been in use at top temp for a while and was very warm, the cooling unit had to be FORCED to position, I have only had the unit up to 180c (356f) so far and the cooling unit seems to go to the correct lined-up-position that it should on this unit.​
  • The brittleness of the back of the body and the up and down buttons being pressed is fixed.
The unit feels MUCH more solid this time around. No weird creaks or clicky sounds as if the plastic was pressing apart and creaking/cracking while doing so. Also, the flex of the plastic on the back of the unit is gone that was there on my OG unit while pressing the up button.​

  • The orange accents on the new unit are slightly brighter orange and pop, making the OG orange look a little washed out in comparison.

At the end of the day, Sorry-not-sorry about the TinyMight 2’s luck. It’s going back into “dust mode” again! Just like it was before I got my OG (RIP) Venty.

The Venty is just SOOOO much better. The experience I am having after using the exact same flower grind used in the TM2 last night is SO much better today going through the Venty. I am so much higher, and it’s so much more of a head high than the TM2 ever delivered while I didn’t have my Venty. The Venty can actually MAKE ME PANIC, it works so well and efficiently at extracting the cannabinoids, flavonoids, terpenes, and everything else you want for the entourage effect..

The TM2 has NEVER gotten me close to panicky paranoia mode (which I sometimes have a love-hate relationship with.) It honestly doesn’t even give me a head high at all. I think the heater is just too powerful even when on settings 2-3-4 and it obliterates the terps way too fast to get the medicinal benefits from them. I’ve heard it likened to a car lighter in the way it works, and if that’s how the thing works, I don’ think the temperature control is anywhere near as accurate as that of the Venty, or even the Mighty or Crafty, imho.

I AM a Stoz and Bickel fan boi, and I’ll admit it. But I can’t take offense being called that considering I have TRIED other things and they just do NOT have the oomph that I want out of a vape. I want to own the BEST DEVICE defined as “being the device I choose to go to time and time again to medicate because it makes me feel the way I want to feel.”

Also, here’s an obligatory affiliate notice after all of that ranting and raving about how great something is out of the goodness of my heart so that other people know:

I am not an affiliate. These are my personal views after owning this product and enjoying it daily for over 17.5 hours of total use.


Well-Known Member
hello hello
I was one of the tens or thousands who ordered when they said it was in stock and then got an email saying it was out of stock.
I ordered on 23.10. at eight o'clock in the evening
since then i've been patiently waiting, reading this thread and wondering how aggressive they can be sometimes.
now I'm holding it in my hand and I have to say that they perfectly kept everything that SB promised.
so I'm going to read the instructions and connect with the application
and of course I'll taste something from my garden........
thanks everyone for the support in the wait, without you it would have been a lot more boring and I'd probably start pestering SB with questions, which I'm glad I didn't have to.
surely they had more important things to worry about than dealing with my impatience and frustration that the world is not as it should be.
see you

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Hi...stupid question I am sure. But, still a newbie. Also, do not know if the question is in the right place. Ok. So...the screen that is under the herb over the that replaceable? I am just curious. My Mighty needs one and I am curious about the Venty one. can laugh now.


Well-Known Member
Hi...stupid question I am sure. But, still a newbie. Also, do not know if the question is in the right place. Ok. So...the screen that is under the herb over the that replaceable? I am just curious. My Mighty needs one and I am curious about the Venty one. can laugh now.
I'm glad you asked! Now I can find out the answer, too. I hesitate to use Venty (or Mighty) without capsules because I think I'd do mediocre job of replacing that screen. I just know I'd deform it somehow. WIth capsules it stays pretty clean
Just received a DHL express tracking for my replacement Venty, are anybody else’s replacement in express?

It’s Express until it hits USPS. Whatever agreement DHL and USPS have sucks. Amazon is two days and I think my Venty took 6 days total and less than 24 hours to get from S&B Germany to the US hub in Columbus.

hello hello
I was one of the tens or thousands who ordered when they said it was in stock and then got an email saying it was out of stock.
I ordered on 23.10. at eight o'clock in the evening
since then i've been patiently waiting, reading this thread and wondering how aggressive they can be sometimes.
now I'm holding it in my hand and I have to say that they perfectly kept everything that SB promised.
so I'm going to read the instructions and connect with the application
and of course I'll taste something from my garden........
thanks everyone for the support in the wait, without you it would have been a lot more boring and I'd probably start pestering SB with questions, which I'm glad I didn't have to.
surely they had more important things to worry about than dealing with my impatience and frustration that the world is not as it should be.
see you
Glad to see you got your Venty today too! Man, I missed it!!

Hi...stupid question I am sure. But, still a newbie. Also, do not know if the question is in the right place. Ok. So...the screen that is under the herb over the that replaceable? I am just curious. My Mighty needs one and I am curious about the Venty one. can laugh now.

I think with capsules and brushing/gently blowing it out after every capsule, it would never need replaced.
canna help,
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Well-Known Member
yuchuuuuuuu!!!!!!!! incredibly!!!!!!!!
if it wasn't a Fiskars plastic thing, I'd probably marry it.
it works absolutely brilliantly exactly as I always wanted.
this is it!!!!!!!
what more to say
I laugh at SB

what I recognized: dynavap,MFLB,ALFA,vapman,argo,puffco plus,dreamwood,

I'm on the toad list...
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SEARCH for the treasure...
Hi...stupid question I am sure. But, still a newbie. Also, do not know if the question is in the right place. Ok. So...the screen that is under the herb over the that replaceable? I am just curious. My Mighty needs one and I am curious about the Venty one. can laugh now.

YES, replaceable when and if it needs to.
I believe they include a bowl replacement screen with the Venty. It might DEFORM when prying it out, but if you don’t mess it up too bad, you can normally press it back to flat. I haven’t tried replacing it, as the techniques I use after every session or two, means it will stay clean for a long…. long time. I’ve posted my own methods a FEW times previously in this thread.


Well-Known Member
Don’t know if it is happening to users here, but it seems there’s already a few cases of replacement ventys having E04 and dying.

Kinda disappointing cause I actually got the go ahead to buy the vape but I’m waiting to see it be successful. Hopefully it’s only a small amount of devices affected but gonna see how it works for y’all next couple months!!

Really hoping for it.
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Well-Known Member
I switched out the stock screen for these concave metal screens

I remember seeing some one do it on a mighty like a decade ago

I think i adds more conduction with the high air flow

also they dont get any off that clogging of the screen from fine

I switched out the stock screen for these concave metal screens

I remember seeing some one do it on a mighty like a decade ago

I think i adds more conduction with the high air flow

also they dont get any off that clogging of the screen from fine grind
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