Venty by Storz & Bickel

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Agree. The AVLP is also this fast or faster. I don't think the heater speed is something new.
The fastest unit I have is the Legacy Pro with nice clouds and above all else flavor. The 20 second heat up time is impressive if you own other S&B which I, for them this is speedy! I cannot wait to try it and buy it! For me the S&B brand is reliable and have come out with the craziest models like the Plenty which I have one! Its fabulous! Ugly but, gets me high! So, I am looking forward in seeing the reviews. I am gathering my funds to purchase soon.

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member

Video tonight guys!:tup:


Well-Known Member

slowing down and pulsing inhale to increase production, but leaving vent open on 3

prefer loading direct rather than caps with Venty, going with the FLOW

Really need to read CU disassembly instructions with care. Do not unscrew CU from main vape body until they tell you to. It's a difficult read with poor diagrams. Hope some reviewer posts a video

Glamour shot:


Even the MP is larger to accommodate the FLOW, Mighty MP can fit inside it




Well-Known Member
This is the interesting part. Can I ask. Could you still get 20+ hits on a venty if you dialed down the airflow? Because it would be some device if you could crush a bowl at the bus stop and also chill with a sesh during a film when you get home.
The airflow adjustment makes this lovely to tune between the three settings.
I held my mighty in my left hand and tried back to back against the Venty.
The airflow settings feel like:
  • I First setting feels like the mighty's draw resistance and gives you that long sesh.
  • || Second setting opens it up a bit and feels like double the airflow of the mighty. A nice balance.
  • ||| Third setting feel wide open like a really good aftermarket stem on the TM2. Possibly even a bit more open airflow.


Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
Karaoke mic with built-in remote?
A nicer thought than the Mighty hand grenade.

It actually might be a type of discretion. People outside the vaping world would look at it and think it's a Black & Decker cordless screwdriver or something. I still like Radio Shack walkie talkie.

I don't doubt that it may be a very good vape.

edit: I just watched @Custom Flower Hardware's vid and I am impressed by the clouds produced.

What's up with the lid? It looks like there are 2 ways to twist the top back on and only 1 way works.
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It actually might be a type of discretion. People outside the vaping world would look at it and think it's a Black & Decker cordless screwdriver or something. I still like Radio Shack walkie talkie.

Sure if you're walking around town. Try to enter a club with this and it's probably not a smooth entry 😂

Obvs I know this isn't supposed to be a stealth vape.


Well-Known Member
My assessment after draining 4 dosing caps of primo WA state ganja through the Venty at full airflow set to 395F....
  • Formfactor is fantastic compared to the mighty. Fits better in the hand and not too much taller. I'm not a fan of the bottom charging port because I'd prefer to stand it upright to charge but that can be fixed easily by 3dprinting a dock of some sort with the USBC properly placed.
  • The airflow is open AF, even through dosing caps.
  • Speaking of the airflow, you can now drain a dosing cap in 3-5 hits vs 20+ on a mighty+
  • With the open airflow this has switch the hybrid ratio from a primarily conduction vape (crafty/mighty) to a primarily convection vape. My experience this feels like the mighty/+ were 70:30 conduction:convection while the Venty dials it closer to 40:60
  • No bickle tickle so far!!!
  • This IS still a hybrid vape so the flavor toward the end of draining your bowl/cap WILL have a toasty/popcorn taste. That's just par for the course with anything that does conduction heating. That said, the shift toward a more convection heavy hybridization definitely reduces the toast/popcorn noticeably.
  • This is by far the best all-around mainstream portable on the market. Personally I prefer pure convection because I'm a flavor chaser so MY best is the TM2 followed closely by the TP80. I also truly adore the BAK, but this Venty is the best all around vape I'll be recommending to folks. I can see this one fighting with (and often winning against) the TM2 and my ball vapes for daily attention.
I find it hard to believe it takes 20 hits to "drain" a dosing cap on a Mighty+. I can do it in five or less.


Well-Known Member
@ChooChooCharlie - always love your pics and opinions! Looking forward to hearing more.
QQ- Can the lid fit on the mighty?

Thanks, @Jill NYC ,taking pics while stoned and drunk is fun. Like today, a sudden breeze from the Bay almost toppled the Venty onto the concrete sidewalk. Would have been a good durability test

I tried screwing Venty CU onto Mighty+, the screw threads fit and align, but does not screw down completely, just wobbles un-snug. 3rd party folks should do a proper Venty WPA, like that new silicone/PEEK one for the Mighty available on POTV

Edit: Also tried other way, Mighty CU onto the Venty, and not even close. So, cannot use a Mighty WPA adapter on a Venty
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