Hi Jacolb,
- Just purchased a pinnacle pro but not from them. From a hungry seller on ebay who has already shipped.
Nah tha PNP is for stealth only. Just sold my pax. So I have no portable. I bought the pinnacle cause I heard it has the least draw resistance just like tha GREAT plenty.bro look , if you like getting high, coughing every now and then to let you know you're smoking.,hit like a bong but conserves herb better ,.then get the PLENTY .I mean the gr8 PLENTY. If you want a soft hitting ,never make you cough,vape the same .3 for hours then the plenty is not for you .Hi Jacolb,
I don't think the pinnacle will give you the bong smoking experience you are used too, now you are making me reconsider getting The Plenty.
I think we already discussed that on the plenty forum, but I guess if you got the pinnacle then you must be a light weight like me, please don't compare a portable to a plug in again, and don't tell me the pinnacle is like the plenty, you need a little more research, or the plenty didn't fulfill all your needs like you stated before.Nah tha PNP is for stealth only. Just sold my pax. So I have no portable. I bought the pinnacle cause I heard it has the least draw resistance just like tha GREAT plenty.bro look , if you like getting high, coughing every now and then to let you know you're smoking.,hit like a bong but conserves herb better ,.then get the PLENTY .I mean the gr8 PLENTY. If you want a soft hitting ,never make you cough,vape the same .3 for hours then the plenty is not for you .![]()
Wow you guys are some mad mofos. When do you guys vape and on what ?,that's got you guys mad as hell round here. Tellem why you're mad son. Btw I thought you were a guy that was on the fence about the plenty. Sorry I don't remember names and convos I have with everybody on here. But cheer up man damn. Ok you don't like the plenty. Ok I get it. Stop bitchin about how u hate tha plenty I gives no fucks bro.. And plz respond and tell me what you poofin on that's got you so upset , you might need to take that shit back if it has you stressed like that. Im high as hellI think we already discussed that on the plenty forum, but I guess if you got the pinnacle then you must be a light weight like me, please don't compare a portable to a plug in again, and don't tell me the pinnacle is like the plenty, you need a little more research, or the plenty didn't fulfill all your needs like you stated before.
Also, you are the only one that has put conserve herb and Plenty in the same sentence. most people here know there are better vaporizers than the plenty in that regard that can give you a bong like experience too, the cloud or EVO, and sublimator just came to mind, keep looking.
Man that's what I thought. People following me. Lol. Replying to my every thought. All good tho. I'm high as hellThis is a civil, chill place, lets keep it that way.
I said it conserves better than bong. That's #1. That's true. . I said It draws like the plenty as in draw resistance only. Again truth. Never said they were on same level. And finally never did I say anything like the gr8 plenty was not fulfilling. Also would you tell me in person what I needed to do ? Prolly not. All good tho. I'm coming down ill go warm up tha great PLENTY now.I think we already discussed that on the plenty forum, but I guess if you got the pinnacle then you must be a light weight like me, please don't compare a portable to a plug in again, and don't tell me the pinnacle is like the plenty, you need a little more research, or the plenty didn't fulfill all your needs like you stated before.
Also, you are the only one that has put conserve herb and Plenty in the same sentence. most people here know there are better vaporizers than the plenty in that regard that can give you a bong like experience too, the cloud or EVO, and sublimator just came to mind, keep looking.
Yeahok npPlease take discussions about various vapourizers to the appropriate threads, thanks.