I have been using my Arizer Solo to vape both tobacco and herbs, usually together, for almost two years now and for me it works great. I use PVHES stems and I have both the basic straight one and the shorty. I pretty much always use Stokkebye's Danish tobacco. It's my favorite and it has a very fine cut and a decent amount of moisture. I find larger dry cuts like American Spirit don't work as well and produce less vapor.
My usual vapor spliff is: PVHES shorty stem filled half with tobacco (about a pinch) and filled the rest of the way with finely ground herbs. If you put the tobacco in first the herbs act as a buffer so it won't be directly on the heat source and will therefore be less likely to burn. I turn the Solo up to 4 and vape it til I don't see much vapor. I love the taste and get a nice combined spliff high.
If I just want tobacco I pretty much do the same and just don't add the herbs. I usually only turn the Solo up to 3 if it's straight tobacco because it burns easier. The flavor is great this way, but you only get a small number of visible hits. Part of why spliff bowls are nice is because the herbs help to extend the number of hits you get from the bowl. You can always try adding more tobacco but you have to be careful. You definitely extract more from vaping it than smoking it so I never really use more than a pinch or two and I usually get a good head rush.
Hopefully some of that is helpful. It's nice to see more people interested in vaping tobacco.
Lol I am about to finish a bag of Stokkebye's Amsterdam shag... but I actually smoked most of it

I can't speak for anyone else, but your post certainly helped me- you just 100% confirmed the solo as my next vape. Now, the backstory:
I basically quit smoking (10-15 cigs/day) last sunday, and have had ~ 1 cigarette per day each day from Sunday on... lol so this is the start of day 4 I guess. It's bizarre- just as bad as everyone says in some ways, far easier in others (for me at least). I am not really craving cigarettes or enjoying them anymore, but without nicotine my sleep is all messed up and I am tired a LOT.
Ok I need to focus... (sorry, still adjusting I guess) I had a point- which is that while I am glad I quit smoking (Tho I suppose I might have the occasional cigar), I never had any intention of quitting nicotine- it is waaay to helpful to my ADD for that. I miss it, but not the cigarettes lol. I would ideally like to use an E-cig because some of the flavors on those are super delicious... but I might not be able to due to sensitive allergeies. Thus, I need a vape that I can use for tobacco on the go. I thought the solo would be able to do this well for a number of reasons, and you just confirmed it for me.
(Now I just have to wait for my Cera to come back from Thermovape so I can sell it asap and get a Solo. I hate to do it, as the Cera is both my favorite and the best vape I have ever owned, but it has also taught me that I need a temperature control to get the results I want from vaping... herb and especially tobacco. Flavor on tobacco was incredible through it, but managing the temperature was a huge chore. Now that I have quit smoking, and need it to stick for my new job, which requires me to not smoke for 8 hours straight per workday basically, I need something rock-solid for tobacco, unless I find e-liquid that doesn't bother my allergies. Even in that case, I will be happier with a temperature control for herb as well)