Out to lunch
There's the $ they needed for the miVape. Vaporfection is now a deep pockets corporate vape maker.
There's the $ they needed for the miVape. Vaporfection is now a deep pockets corporate vape maker.
The fan is a huge bonus in my opinion I love it! It's so simple to pull out when you're finished to not waste herb. It's intuitive and anyone can do it and get massive vapor rips as a novice which is something that usually takes practice for a noob.
My one negative if its even possible is that tiny herbal particles easily passed the screen. An issue that can be easily dealt with so its not even a negative haha!
There's the $ they needed for the miVape. Vaporfection is now a deep pockets corporate vape maker.
Hmmm... Not sure what to think at this point. I'll watch from a distance to see what happens.
This was the actual photo, without filters, but the other one seemed to better convey the Tron experience.
I think I need to experiment a bit to find the optimal technique, but there's no question I was baked after a couple of hits. There was still a bit of green ABV left afterwards, but I did pack the dome screen pretty tightly with finely ground herb, and I didn't stir it, so that could be why. I tried bag and whip mode; I think whip mode probably works better with this setup.
I loved the easy draw. Very different from the Solo. That first huge rip caught me completely off guard. Way bigger than intended. Dense, white vapor. Very nice. I guess most of the vapor was released during that first rip.
That looks really cool but really fragile too. Is this something that the Aquavape can do? Or does that glass monster hit much better? It sure looks cool!
That looks really cool but really fragile too. Is this something that the Aquavape can do? Or does that glass monster hit much better? It sure looks cool!
Dormmouse uses that set up to remove the silicone or other type of tubing and make it a true all glass vapor path. The aquavape fits directly into the hose so It would defeat the all glass concept. Its still water diffusion but it requires a whip. There are plenty of different adapters available and you can also get custom pieces made from glassblowers direct which allows for different configurations. But since dormmouses piece looks pretty tall i think that setup is pretty ingenius.
I dont mind using the whip but i also use a pretty small hammer type bubbler so the adapters are kinda annoying to use with it.
Mud is exactly right. The primary purpose of this setup was to eliminate the need for tubing and create an all glass vapor path. That being said, I love this setup both for the functionality, the effectiveness, the aesthetics, the glass air path -- and the increased robustness. When I originally tried the vV, with a wand-to-bubbler-setup, the herbal container broke after 10 minutes. The necessity of removing the herbal container from the vV between the hits makes the setup very fragile IMO. However, with this setup, the glass adapter/herb chamber remains secured to the bubbler when you disconnect it from the vV, so the glass is less likely to break (provided you're still a bit careful).
The adapters are from Planet Vape and the screen is from Arizer, see these posts:
Does the monster hit better? I think it hits like a champ, but I've only used it once with this setup and can only compare it to the defective unit I received last year. It will be a few more weeks before I can use it again, but I plan to find the optimal technique and temperature setting.
Also, I believe the horizontal position of the dome screen is an advantage.
Other viVapers: What does your ABV look like? Has anyone weighed it before and after? Do you stir the herb between hits? The Solo is still the most efficient vape I've tried, I'm hoping the vV will match it.
Did I read of their managers is named Herb?
Wow I use far lower temps and end with a light golden brown color. Ive hit 374f a couple times trying to finish a bowl but recently ive stay around 350 all the time stirring half way through...Mouse, my viVape2 ABV is always very very light. I store it in a jar and when I add the ABV from my PAX to the jar it is like day and night. The PAX ABV looks like dark coffee grounds in comparison.
I start my vV2 sessions on 374f using the whip. I stir after each hit, starting around the 5th hit.
When the vapor becomes too light I switch to bag mode which is currently set to 410f and finish off the bowl. I have never weighed the herb before and after, but I usually use anywhere from .1g to .12g per session, depending on the potency of the herb.
Interesting that you should mention the Solo, I am currently studying the Solo and considering purchasing one. I just don't know if the Solo would be different enough from the PAX and viVape2 to justify the purchase. There is also the new Davinci Ascent looming on the horizon so that may be a better purchase than the Solo, considering that the Solo's technology is a couple of years old I believe.
Herb is/was the 2nd owner (not positive). But i believe Amir started vaporfection and then Herb bought the company from Amir and started Vapor systems Intl, until it was recently purchased by Medbox. However According to the article Herb is still in charge. Ive spoken with him on the phone a couple times hes a really great guy from what I know
Wow I use far lower temps and end with a light golden brown color. Ive hit 374f a couple times trying to finish a bowl but recently ive stay around 350 all the time stirring half way through...
As a previous solo owner I would say hold off especially since you already have the pax. I ended up using my other portables on the go since theyre easier to travel with (like your pax). The solo was nice for using with my glass at home when i didnt feel like pluggin in vivape and having to wait for it to cool down afterwards, but that was rare and it hardly got used. I dont think the ascent is going to be as good as it looks. Im still holding out hope for the mivape
Thanks Mud, this it the type of perspective I was looking for...
I just stopped by a LHS and they had a Solo for sale for $250.00 (On sale from $300.00 they claim; yea right....Arizer has them for $229.00!).
I currently use my PAX with a ZOB bubbler that I picked up, and had been thinking about using with the
Solo, if I get one.
One interesting thing is that I tried the ZOB with my vV2 and no matter what I cannot get visible vapor when using glass.
If I pull directly from the vV2 hose with the 14mm - 18mm adapter attached, I get vapor.
If I pull through the ZOB with no water in it, and attached to the vV2, I get vapor.
When I put water in the ZOB just past the top of the shower head, I cannot get visible vapor,
no matter what temperature I set it to, high or low.
So for now I do not use glass with my vV2.
I would imagine most of the vapor being released at the temp you use. With water adapters i find whip mode best as well. Also if you have a 14mm piece the bags fight perfectly with a small piece of tubing around it, which is also an amazing exprience.
I would definetly suggest half way through...also definetly try lowering the temp 390 is crazy
The main component of what your vaporizing starts to combust at around 392F so if your going over 400 and still getting light brown ABV it is definetly an issue with your heating element and i would suggest contacting vaporfection.
The cannabinoids:by-products ratio in the vapor obtained at 200°C and 230°C was significantly higher than in the cigarette smoke. The worst ratio of cannabinoids:by-products was obtained from the vaporized cannabis sample at 170°C.
Experiments show that vaporization at 230° C provides the highest THC:by-product ratio.
Loading more cannabis in your vaporizer actually leads to less THC by weight.
I may be wrong, but I believe the plant material in cannabis combusts at about 454°F/234°C. AFAIK THC starts to evaporate around 315°F/157°C, and 394F°/201°C is the highest temperature at which THC can exist in liquid form, under normal pressure. (This was at least my understanding, but after a bit of googling it seems that there are a hundred different answers re. THC and boiling point...) So I'm not quite sure what you mean by "starts to combust at around 392F." Correct me if I'm wrong, though.
I'm not sure which temperatures are the most optimal for vaping. In Norway we have a saying, which goes something like: "The preferences of Man are like his butt." Also, they're divided. This study (performed with the Volcano), however, seems to indicate that there may also be good reasons to prefer higher temperatures.
From this study it would appear that vaping (with the Volcano) at 230° C yields about 9-13 times as much THC as vaping at 170° C, and vaping at 200° C yields 4-5 times as much. (I'm not sure why there seems to be a discrepancy between the charts). It would be interesting to see this study done with other vaporizers.
When I started vaporizing I used the Aromed, which is a convection vape with non-assisted draw. I used 180°C-185°C which worked well some times, but other times I couldn't quite get it to work efficiently. I guess the draw speed could have a lot to do with it, and I suppose higher temperatures and a slower draw might allow for more efficient decarboxylation (I'm just guessing). Higher temperatures would change the taste somewhat, though, giving the herb a slight taste of burnt popcorn. Due to the large bowl, I also had to use larger amounts of herb, which apparently is less efficient.
With the Solo I've been using 195° C / 383° F - 200° C / 392° F. No popcorn taste, and the Solo is super efficient every time, producing lots of thick vapor from 0.1g-015g of herb. The ABV is light to medium brown after one session.
The one time so far that I've used my new replacement viVape2, I used 200° C / 392° F, partly because I had my own setup and partly because I wanted to make sure the unit was not defective this time. I got a couple of large, cloudy hits, and the ABV was light brown/partly green (I didn't stir). I guess I need to try it out more to see how well it really works. (Someone mentioned that the unit was very quiet, even with the fan. Well, mine sounds more like a vacuum cleaner. Which is ok, as long as it works.)
Is anyone else using the viVape2 at 220V? I wonder if it behaves differently that way, f.i. if the fan speed is different. And how accurate is it overall?
I may be wrong, but I believe the plant material in cannabis combusts at about 454°F/234°C. AFAIK THC starts to evaporate around 315°F/157°C, and 394F°/201°C is the highest temperature at which THC can exist in liquid form, under normal pressure. (This was at least my understanding, but after a bit of googling it seems that there are a hundred different answers re. THC and boiling point...) So I'm not quite sure what you mean by "starts to combust at around 392F." Correct me if I'm wrong, though.
From this study it would appear that vaping (with the Volcano) at 230° C yields about 9-13 times as much THC as vaping at 170° C, and vaping at 200°
Once you get in to that temperature range your certainly past the point of vaporization. Pyrolyzation will start and then your ABV will change from a light brown to a super dark brown or even get to the point of blackening. But it's not combustion till self sustaining reaction (fire) takes places and starts to consume the physical herb itself.
Some questions for you
1)What type of adapter are you using. I get the 14/18mm adapter but are you using one of the hose adapters like SSV makes or similar styles like glassblowersdirect has?
Because before i had one of those adapters i tried sticking just the hose into my joint and didnt get good results. Also if it is a hose adapter, depending on the angle make sure the tubing isnt bent/cuting off anywhere because that could also limit vapor production
2) Also by not seeing visible vapor, do you mean in you zob piece when your inhaling or when you are exhaling?
Im assuming you mean when you exhale or you wouldnt have a problem but anyway most of the time Its difficult for me to tell theres any vapor in the bubbler until i exhale.
3) have you tried anything else with water besides your zob? I doubt the zob is the problem though.
Like i already mentioned, it seems like you may have an issue with the heating element. Especially if your starting out at 374F and ending at over 400F. The main component of what your vaporizing starts to combust at around 392F so if your going over 400 and still getting light brown ABV it is definetly an issue with your heating element and i would suggest contacting vaporfection. If you do end up needing to get it fixed, Without the 24hr warranty expect about a 10 day service time ( once they recieve it you should have it back within a week-10 days)
EDIT: if you have one of those laser/IR thermometers it might be worthwhile to check the temperature of the air coming out before you contact vaporfection or send it out.
What WILL make a difference is calibration, and the distance of your herb chamber from the output of the front of the ViVape. If you move the herb further away, obviously temperature fluctuations are more likely to occur.
The only real way to tell whats wrong is to have the unit serviced. From what you are describing it sounds like an issue to me.. I have def. seen units that the element would partially heat. This is actually quite common, and in the first run of ViVapes, as has been stated before, there were some elements that were defective.
Less common and rather unlikely would be the need for calibration.
I agree with Dormouse, set the unit to 400. If it does not start tasting bad quickly, and turning brown there is something wrong and you should service the unit. I have had mine up at 400 a few times (wax testing st00pid vaporizer tricks, etc) and you will know that its mostly working. Concept here is the unit will burn plant materials if set high. With a bad element, it is not likely to be able to get hot enough to do this. If it does heat up real well at 400, back it down until you get the right vapor you want. This is likely a calibration issue which can be caused from using 3rd party adapters that might not position the herb the same distance from the chamber as the stock unit. There is some wiggle room here, within reason. I have not used one of these fancy bubblers like the one in the pic, but I have used a Liittle Sista RooR hooked to it, as well as an Aquavape. Maybe my tastes will change but for some reason I cant seem to get the "hit" I like when I filter the vapor through water, hot or cold.
Hopefully I am not overstating the obvious here.
One thing I did just notice is that there seems to be an airflow restriction with my hose.
The screen looks somewhat clogged compared to my new screens, so it could be that I was just
at the threshold where I don't get enough vapor to pass it through water and still get visible results.
I will replace the screen today and test it out ...
That could very well be the problem. I usually just stick my wand with dirty screen in a bag with ISO, i rarely change the screens. Also when using with the waterpipe, i rarely get any vapor from my first hit, i usuall stick the wand in, take a hit and dont really get anything but then the next hit it really starts producing. I leave the wand in for the first 2 hits( usually a min or 2) then take the wand out in bteween th rest of the hits and it produces great.
Also, a quick way to check you temp issue before your thermometer arrives would be to exhale under a desk lamp. If you dont get visible vapor normally, but do see it when exhaling under a desk lamp it probably means your temps are messed up
I can see very faint vapor when I exhale under a lamp.
Now when I use the following configuration I blow serious clouds, even noticing vapor when
I am just exhaling normally after a hit. It seems to take a couple of breaths to completely clear mu lungs of all vapor....