In hindsight, holding upside down would of been best...I just got so cozy scraping up the wax and dabbing it back on the coil, I never considered how delicate it really was ..
YES! Be careful with the delicate coil.
News: Dabbler's maker just stepped up the wire gage and changed the material to [
waiting for his approval to say what it is then i will edit it into here], which is a crazy strong metal.
And yes, hit the button and tilt Dabbler upside down to clean under the coil. You can clear the whole bowl by tilting. If the old oil tastes bad, let it steam into the room and know that reality says vapor pens consume a little bit of oil in exchange for the extreme portability you're getting. Buy the 91% (or 99% if you dare) alcohol to soak your heater. Beware that lesser alcohol will corrode contacts, so it's not recommended.
NoGoo seems like a NoBrainer for a device like this. Hopefully VB/VH will include something similar with future purchases instead of the grinder.
Those things are rad. I'd love to. VW is already including little containers along with Dabblers. Perhaps if we could charge a bit more, or reduce cost somehow, we could include this.
Can you see the coil through the mouthpiece? I have one of these Dabbler/Skillet style atomizers, and with the drip tip I'm using, I can see straight through to the coil. This is generally how I know (aside from taste) that I need to reload. After 3-4 hits (per dab), the oil is mostly 'cooked off' and the coil is exposed and glowing.
Coming from the VB vaporizer I have airflow issues with all vapor pens including Dabbler, so I tend to remove the mouthpiece completely. I can see my coil just fine

and recommend this. I even toss stuff down onto the heater from the top without having to unscrew the cone. If you do this just keep your mouthpiece handy to cap it off or the inside sticky surfaces will start collecting pocket lint.