Thank you! It truly was a quick from inquiry to delivery.
I checked Vapor Warehouse and they seem to be out of the 14mm female top. I did inquire with VaporBrothers and am planning to get an extra funnel top and a ceramic dual hole top to use with my direct draw.
I now understand how new adopters of the VB2/VB2.5 sort of vanish once they receive. Experimenting with this thing is no joke. My first 2 dab sizes are or were the size I used with my previous rig. I have now learned how efficient this thing is. Its crazy to see how such a small dab can medicate like that. I am now trying out the different temperatures, following the temp guide they provided, and love the range it can provide.
I am trying to get a better technique with the dab. I do have a TI flat dab. I didn't receive a glass dab from VaporBrothers but use one that I kept breaking and retorching to redo the tip.
The heater is so intense that the oil really does crawl up the dabber. I am trying the technique that involves hovering the dab just above the plate. Its works for the most part but I do get that run up regardless of what technique I try. Lately, I have been balling up the oil on the very tip of my glass dabber. Its not really a big deal since its not that much running up. Of course, this is a third of the amount I was used to dabbing.
Its just amazing how I can take a tasty rip without water filtration. Quite smooth. The heat up time is such a convenience! I wanted a device that was quick to dab on and this fit the bill. The 30 second heat up is truly insane. I can't wait for the other tops so I can do further experimenting.
The cleanup is as you described...a quick wipe for the top and ceramic wall is all what is needed. I haven't caked up the whip(which I have cut to about 6 inches), but it looks like a qtip with iso will take care of that.
How often do you clean the plate meaning turning it on full blast 2x. I think I saw that earlier in the thread where it takes 2 full heatups. I haven't attempted to clean the plate yet but it has remained clean for the most part.
Well, I may vanish for a bit again...its the weekend