Vapor Spam Thread


^ he was referring to the fact of them eating some "herb like stuff" they opened the burgers and could easily I.D. the weed "texture" :mmmm:

I think thats what he meant



Weapon Enthusiast
Wow... Any vape with a knob to adjust temp is going to be crap, people only get adjustable temp to stop their material from burning


Out to lunch
Thanks for the heads up tokin. I read that post and my impression-an overbearing, know-it-all jerk who can't praise his choice of vape without trashing everything else on the market. :rolleyes:


? & beyond
My friend has a HotBox and likes it a lot. I actually haven't had the chance to try it out (I hate going to his pad)....

Anyways, my iGoogle's quotes of the day....

Silly things do cease to be silly if they are done by sensible people in an impudent way.
- Jane Austen

Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
- Oscar Wilde

It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
- Walt Disney


Well-Known Member
the hot box is a good vaporizer. but not having an adjustable temp is what keeps it from being a great vaporizer.


Out to lunch
tokinGLX said:
the hot box is a good vaporizer. but not having an adjustable temp is what keeps it from being a great vaporizer.
Not to mention the outside gets hot. Not good considering the condition most users are in. :lol:

Acolyte of Zinglon

haha shatner is the reason i havent watched the original star trek, it feel like i would be punishing myself with his bad acting :rofl:
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Well-Known Member
Oh, there is no doubt he is one of the all time hard acts to watch, but actors like Lorne Green and Larry Hageman stood out too, well we only had three channels back then (maybe a couple of fuzzy UHFs). Really, some early mornings I'll force myself to watch a Star Trak 1. Cowboys in space... not even good 'bad' science fiction most episodes.

Edit:maybe this oldie will work


Out to lunch
Actually Shatner learned how to act (or how not to overact) in his old age. He won an Emmy about 5 yrs. ago for guest performance in a drama series, and was nominated several times for best supporting actor in the Boston Legal series. Clint Eastwood and Jack Nicholson also come to mind as guys who couldn't act their way out of a paper bag in their early years.


Out to lunch
I've watched those three several 'fistfuls' of times. :lol: It helped that he was the 'man with no name and few words'. But have you seen the TV show he was on (Rawhide '59-'65)? Nobody ever thought he'd amount to anything as an actor. Luckily, after the spaghetti westerns, he continued to get the John Wayne, tough guy roles. But he really didn't climb out of his own personality, acting wise, until after he'd been at it for about 25-30 years.

Jack Nicholson couldn't get anything but TV appearances, bit parts, and B movies until he'd been acting for about 15 years. To be fair, Jack was a pretty good actor early on, but his looks and voice weren't there. Both of these guys had to get some age on 'em before anyone took 'em seriously, and going from TV shows and B movies to mega star always was and still is a rarity.

George Clooney is another actor who seemed doomed to the boob tube. Took him almost 20 years to start getting 'A' movies.

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Sup Fuckers?

Okay, so I owe y'all a bunch of shit because my Space Case arrived and so did my VripTech gear. However, I am too much of a lush at the moment to be held accountable for anything. Ha! :p

Seriously, I have been taking lots of pictures and there will be many quality updates to many FC threads in the next couple of days, but you are all just going to have to give me a day to drink cheap Whiskey and sing Gordon Lightfoot songs. It had to happen. Here is a picture that sums up the situation:

As to why I'm not using the VripTech VHW, A) I'm too drunk and I don't want to suffer the consequences B) I messed up the silicone sleeve and I will explain that in the appropriate thread at the appropriate time. Anyway, just an update to say hello, go fuck yourself (I am sooooo sarcastic, aren't I?) and I'll be back with some quality goods in a short time. For now I'm going to enjoy the freak snow storm we're enduring, drink whiskey, take some vapor bong rips and eventually work like a Quaker. See you fuckers!
partially veiled,


sounds like one hell of a week for you. the first I heard you were drinking I thought vhw and wha..? hahha but your always a good man and post that you put it away :lol: awesome

sounds like its gonna be a load of pics..:D

dont want any UDI's now do we



Well-Known Member
speakin bout music for the 'fuckers, here is a local denver metal band that are HUGE fans of the ssv. their song called "vaporized"

Vaporized, vaporized
There's a way to free your mind
A vaporizer so divine
The best pipe you'll ever find
Grind up your weed
And load the wand
Place it on a heating element
Inhale the mist of the gods
Only the pure oils
Seep into the lungs
No carcinogens or nasty resins
It's a gift from the heavens
And way healthier
Then joints and bongs
Vaporizers are where it's at
Gets you high, that's a fact
Vaporizers free the soul
Eliminating the use for a flame
You smoke out of this you wont feel the same
Living in the Rocky Mountains
Makes me feel alive
Getting stoned with friends
The air is really thin
Our weed is the best
Put it to rest
Stoners are mellow
And just want to be
Smoke in peace
Let us be free
Vaporized I am so high
Vaporized from nugs crystallized
The scent and amazing taste
Puts a smile on my face
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