? & beyond
Haha. Awesome. I wanna work where you work.
I'll lay down the American charm thick-like.

Oh no that's terrible! Please don't post it!hey tac, hope ya dont mind, i mentioned fc in a video i just made
you in denver.....im boulder!tokinGLX said:THCmedia catches up with mason tvert and the SAFER crew here in denver on a chilly friday morning as they spread the word about how cindy mccain is a distributer of a drug that is directly responsible for killing thousands of americans every year.
presented with no other information tham that, one of the most common responses from the crazies was about the past use of cocaine by barack obama. they were either completely unaware or willfully ignorant of george w bush and his days with the yayo.
you will want to watch this video. great stuff, indeed.
yo you need more flourscents around them herbz. blue spectrum cfl's plugged into y-adapters screwed into bathroom vanity sockets.(sold at home depot $8) two 5 socket strips that=20 blue cfl's running at 23W's a piece adding 460WtokinGLX said:i didnt have enough time to get to it tonight. tomorrow for sure.
till then, here are some pictures.
first a couple shishkaberry girls, one in her 7th week of flower and one in her 6th.
a couple purple kush top shots. one plant is in week 7, the younger is in week 5
here we have a batch of bubbleberry girls, their first week in flower.
and a full garden shot to top off the post
plants from weeks 1-7 filling the table right now.
so i wasnt really happy with the level of sidenoise going on in the video, plan on reshooting.tokinGLX said:i will once i finish the editing. had a couple older videos to compile before getting to the new footage.
now i am off to work for a few hours.
hopefully the video will be up tonight.