Vapor Spam Thread

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Thanks AoZ :)

I've been leaning towards the EZ myself...Enrique et al do nice work and I think a walnut box would look slick as hell, plus the price is right...but I'm just not 100%. 100 mesh is pretty standard, but I dunno...I guess I'm just not totally sold on whether I'm interested in "keif boxes" as a different way to store bud (currently I use glass), or if I'm REALLY looking to collect which instance, a dry sift screen/box of some sort would be most optimal.

Gypsy Nirvana over at SeedBay makes (made?) crazy nice ones, but IIRC their expensive as all get out. I've seen some nice DIY jobs, as well...but it's obtain optimal performance from a screen with openings that small, you really need to have a perfectly taught, perfectly even surface...I just don't know that I could execute that well enough. I'm competent enough working with wood, but I dunno...that part could be really tough.

The Bubble Box is reaalllly tempting, from that perspective...Three screens: 140 micron, 107 micron and 70 micron. Also, I'm pretty sure it would be well appears to be, at least. I dunno. This is why I haven't ordered anything yet, I've been looking at this stuff for like a year!! I just have no idea what I REALLY want.

I think most optimally I'd like to build a couple of different grades of sifting screens...the only thing stopping me is that one issue. Maybe it's not as hard as I think? Maybe I'll just get an EZ anyway, to store bud and collect some avg. grade keif. It's not like it's breaking the bank...a 7 x 7 box could be picked up for like $60...
partially veiled,

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
SpiralArchitec said:
Kif boxes are pretty sweet. :D
KIF is pretty sweet!! :ko:

You've been to Hempfest, SA? Was it any good? I've kind of been wondering what the scale of that event is... Clearly I've never been...I barely ever hear about it though, so just wondering what it was like/how many people show up, that sort of shit.
partially veiled,


? & beyond
Yeah. It was awesome. Out of this world.

What kind of scale? Well. This year it was ~300,000 people. :brow: They say even more the 2nd day....

Here, check out this. A post on from my visit, pictures and stuff.

Good times, good times..... :cool:

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Wow, that does look pretty awesome. I wish you had pictures of all the glass!! :ko:

Ya, there seems to be a lot more people there than I was looks like a lot of fun, and it looks like there was a shit load of people and activity for sure. I've never been to anything like that man...all we've got in my neck of the woods is Cannabis Day, but that's a hell of a thing. Thanks for sharing SA.

Soooo...after a long stretch of dithering, I've totally just made an impulsive decision (sparked by this conversation): I'm going to pick up an Exotic Zombie Shaker Box. I just have to decide what size and whether I want a glass top or a solid wood top. I'm between 4" x 7" and 7" x 7", definitely going for the Walnut and I'm thinking I'd like a glass top. I think the 4x7 is probably big enough for keeping a personal, weekly or bi-weekly stash...and I'm thinking if I want to dry sift, I can continue to look into that more and go through with it later. This is relatively cheap (as in I've got the money at the moment) and I'd like to try one, collect some keif and try a new way of storing my head stash. What the hell, why not.

Sooo...4x7, or 7x7?? Any thoughts?

I'll be sure to start a thread and give it a review + post some pictures, for those interested.
partially veiled,

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Well now it's time for some more vaked decision making and mind waffling :brow:

I'm thinking of abandoning the EZ altogether and picking up a Wicca box instead. This is a really strange twist for me, as I've been totally ignoring the Wicca for more or less the whole time I've been looking into sifter/shaker boxes. I don't know...I think maybe just because it was already so well know and talked about, I didn't necessarily feel the need to "research" it. Anyways, I've just been doing some thinking tonight and it comes down to this:

- The EZ has a 100 mesh stainless steel screen. This translates to 149 microns.
- The Wicca (I am looking at the "Medium" 6x8 box) has a 105 micron "silk-screen". This translates to 140 mesh (I think...this stuff is not clear to me at all).

Sooo...that's a big point. There's a difference between 149 micron and 105 seems pretty obvious that you're going to get "blonder" keif from a Wicca. There are other issues, however. I really like the EZ. I love that it's made of solid wood (unlike the Wicca...which seems to be made of cheap wood with a Cherry wood veneer..booooo) and I just love the looks and design of the EZ. I like that the bottom tray slides out, as opposed to the Wicca which has a lift out collection plate. But I don't know...the screen is really the big feature of these boxes.

I have a problem with the fact that Wicca does not have a website or any type of resources representing themselves (that I can find, at least). It's impossible to find detailed information on these boxes, they're sold at a few different places on-line but there's no solid information...that really irks me. I find a lot of people in this "Cannabis" industry simply don't stand behind their products and make themselves readily available to customers, and I've got a big issue with that. Another big plus for the EZ is that it's sold by the manufacturer and he's a very easy to contact, ready to help type of fellow. I feel like if I have a problem with a Wicca box, I'm probably going to be SOL but with a EZ I'd have Enrique to help me out. I don't know...maybe I'm just paranoid. I just take issue with hiding from your customers if you're going to claim to make a quality product...quality to me also means taking responsibility for satisfaction beyond the receipt of payment.

I would also just love to have something different...everyone seems to have a Wicca box :rolleyes:

Maybe there is a reason for it though...there is definitely a difference between 105 micron and 149 I don't know :shrug: Seeee...this is what happens to me, and why I don't end up actually acting on desires for so damned long. I would love somebody else's opinion...but I think I am going to buy one of these in the next few days. I was thinking of picking up a VaporGenie right now since I've got some cash, but that can wait. I've been looking at sifter boxes longer.

Another thing to consider is that the Wicca would be about 10-15 dollars more expensive than a 7x7 EZ, or 20-25 dollars more than a 4x7 EZ...:uhoh: This is gonna be a toughie...

Edit: I may be wrong about the screen size on the Wicca. The vendor I am looking at ( says "105 silk-screen" but I'm seeing other people saying 120 lpi (same as mesh) which translates to 140 micron. Still smaller than 149, but something to chew on none the less. Anybody know for sure what screen size the Wicca box uses? All this micron/mesh shit just confuses the hell out of me...

I should just save up and buy the freaking Bubble Box. Glass jars work just fine for storage...much less confusion this way... Hahahaha foolishness.
partially veiled,

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Well, I told you that you'd see both waffling and impulsive decision making here this evening. I just paid for a stash/sifter box, but only after taking a few more twists of logic. It was not what I expected to buy at all, but I'm very excited. It may take a while to get here, but I'll definitely review...
partially veiled,


? & beyond
So which did you pick?

If I ever got one, I'd want one with a rough screen, I wouldn't want uber blonde kief, but prefer for large quantities of maybe a tad lower grade kief. Otherwise I'd just use my Mendo which produces very blonde kief.

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
So which did you pick?
Oh wouldn't you like to know! :p Haha nah I think you guys will have to wait until it shows up...then I'll review it and give my reasons for buying this box. Weehaw...can't wait to scrape up some tasty blonde goodness :ko:
partially veiled,


lurking kiwi
in 40 minutes I'll be rolling out the door, 15 minute walk to the train, 55 minutes on the train, 12 minute drive home from the station. 1 minute to walk inside, hug the kids, kiss the wife and then have a little word to the Purple-Days .



? & beyond
Hehe, your just getting off work huh? I'm just about to go to bed. we are hanging out vicariously through vaporizing halfway across the globe.


lurking kiwi
Ah yes Monty Pyhton. Classic English humour ... back when the Poms were funny. What happened?

hahaha shit I had to keep from LOL coz I'm at work ... serious IT shop and all ... hahahahaha Monty Python cracks me up. The Life of Brian and the Meaning of Life are must see movies :D


? & beyond
A serious IT shop? C'mon dude, what fun is that? How do you guys 'function'? I work IT and it's a friggin' nut house in there. :lol:

<3 Monty Python

This is one of my favorite YouTube videos *ever*. Warning. It will change your life and jade your soul.

If possible, load a fresh bowl before starting to watch it.


Well-Known Member
I'll bite... What the heck is an IT shop. Gotta know. VaporCloud, we get such limited exposure to Empire humor (zannies). Still wishing for 'Are you being served' and 'Waiting for God' to come back around. Still enjoy 'Last of the summer wine'... What happened to Benny Hill re-runs, he was awesome, and strange... :D


lurking kiwi
hee hee yup Spiral is right IT = Information technology. I use to call it the computer industry but really thats all about manufacturing computer not running computer systems.

Empire humour hahaha lots of funny stuff use to come out of the UK but doesn't seem to be so much these days. Benny Hill hahaha I use to watch that as a kid and loved it coz Benny was such a sleave and had all those big breasted English ladies running after him. :brow: The Goodies was another one. Very Zanny!

I have sky TV which is equal to cable in the US and we have a UK channel that shows all the re-runs. But I'm a sport nut and we have 5 sports channels so usually vake and watch sport on the tellie.

Acolyte of Zinglon

only biritsh comedy stuff i see is the stuff that comes on pbs, and there hasnt been much good on lately, they used to have one i really liked called "my hero" but they stopped running it a while ago

i have neither cable or satellite, so im limited to what i find treaming on the internet and what the local stations run :disgust:
Acolyte of Zinglon,


lurking kiwi
Sky is satelitte and I think there are approx 50 channels to choose from :rolleyes:

I don't have time to watch that many channels. I prolly can't compete with DD and profess to a 65 hour working week but:

Monday - Friday regular IT Job
Monday Evenings I do a guitar lesson on my way home from work.
Wednesday afternoons I have 3 guitar lessons to do.
Saturday morning I have another 3 guitar lessons and Saturday afternoon I play for 3 hours at a local cafe.

Sunday is my day of rest. :D

Acolyte of Zinglon

IT is probably what im going to end up in, i know computers pretty well and its a growing field with high demand

IT is my second choice, im getting a degree in vocal performance and im going to try to get into the opera industry, theres a lot more jobs there than one would think, but even if not ill have something reliable to fall back on
Acolyte of Zinglon,


lurking kiwi
Acolyte of Zinglon said:
IT is my second choice, im getting a degree in vocal performance and im going to try to get into the opera industry, theres a lot more jobs there than one would think, but even if not ill have something reliable to fall back on
Wicked mate!!! I envy you for being able to give it a shot at a young age. Music was a bit of a late coming for me so I see it as retirement income :D

The IT industry is varied and still growing at a rapid rate. Lots of opportunity for sure. I got into IT due to the shift work allowing me to surf during the day and work at night. :tup:
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