Vaponic Herbal Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
I ordered a vaponic a while ago, tried it twice and combusted each time :( but reading your comments has me wanting to give it another try, now that I have more experience with glass vapes and more generally, vaping :tup: the way it is built can only make for a tasteful vap !
What has worked best for me is to spin it while going up and down with the flame, and then start to test sip after ~10-15 seconds. Once it's terpy, but still without much if any visible vapor, just go another 5 or less.

It's indeed very easy to overdo it, so this tends be just enough IME. I view the "terp signal" as a stern warning. :)

And after that you really don't need much for top ups.

Just remember, you can always add more heat if it's not enough. You only get punished for going too far - the Vaponic hates greedy bastards. :lol:


Big and Bouncy
So all this Vaponic talk made me want to remember how great it is so I pulled out my IH mod. Still really awesome!

What has worked best for me is to spin it while going up and down with the flame, and then start to test sip after ~10-15 seconds. Once it's terpy, but still without much if any visible vapor, just go another 5 or less.

It's indeed very easy to overdo it, so this tends be just enough IME. I view the "terp signal" as a stern warning. :)

Having just used it, I would say these timings and observations hold true for the IH mod as well. The sleeve being metal, holds heat for longer than bare glass so keep this in mind.
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Chicken No Name

Dazed and confused
Somehow I've yet to combust..... Got close but no banana yet!

Can't add much to @T9R process.

I cram a bit of bud in the end. Heat for 10 secs using vapman torch. I generally get several really good hits and it's done.
I have noticed the herb humidity having a big impact with this small vape.
One thing I have played with is a little preheating of the main body (the glass test tube bit). I heat that gently for maybe 5 secs and then place over the herb tube. I now heat for 10 Mississippis and it hits wonderfully. No reheat necessary. Bud is finished.
I was inspired by tabletop bong dude doing this to his terpscicle which Ive applied to that vape very successfully.... The gentle pre heat really seems to help.

Finally, a big shout to @Vitolo for messaging me about his vaponic plus for sale. Unfortunately with the time difference (I'm in EU) I missed it by a few hours and it's gone. Thanks for the heads up, even though it was unsuccessful. I'm grateful (but bummed I missed it ;))
Sooooo if anyone does have one please contact me direct. I'd love one.


Somehow I've yet to combust..... Got close but no banana yet!

Can't add much to @T9R process.

I cram a bit of bud in the end. Heat for 10 secs using vapman torch. I generally get several really good hits and it's done.
I have noticed the herb humidity having a big impact with this small vape.
One thing I have played with is a little preheating of the main body (the glass test tube bit). I heat that gently for maybe 5 secs and then place over the herb tube. I now heat for 10 Mississippis and it hits wonderfully. No reheat necessary. Bud is finished.
I was inspired by tabletop bong dude doing this to his terpscicle which Ive applied to that vape very successfully.... The gentle pre heat really seems to help.

Finally, a big shout to @Vitolo for messaging me about his vaponic plus for sale. Unfortunately with the time difference (I'm in EU) I missed it by a few hours and it's gone. Thanks for the heads up, even though it was unsuccessful. I'm grateful (but bummed I missed it ;))
Sooooo if anyone does have one please contact me direct. I'd love one.
Great idea! Never thought of preheating the "test tube" part, will give that a try.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Great idea! Never thought of preheating the "test tube" part, will give that a try.
Tried and approved ! Indeed the load is spent in just one heating. Thick clouds but very smooth vapor, the inner tube don't have the time to heat up.
taste is maybe a tad muted compared to a cold start.
Great one and done one hitter style.
Thanks @Chicken No Name :tup:


Unregulated Tendencies
Thanks @Radwin Bodnic for the case suggestion.

Very small footprint for such outsized results. I’ve been going the whole nug route and may never do anything else. Easy, potent, and intensely flavorful.

Case-wise, Calumet Pipes were great. They’ll make one without their logo by request. I asked for wild grain with my olive tube and got sent Vape Eyes.


New Member
Il conteggio dei flash funzionerà, ma solo da un avvio a freddo e il numero potrebbe cambiare leggermente a seconda della macinatura/umidità del fiore. Ecco perché di solito tiro solo durante il riscaldamento e verifico il vapore ogni 5-7 secondi, quindi mi fermo una volta che il vapore scorre. In conclusione, è un processo delicato e molto dipendente da quanto sei abile nell'aggiungere/rimuovere la bacchetta e nel seguire la linea di temperatura desiderata. Se tiri lentamente durante il test del vapore, a volte puoi evitare la combustione lasciando raffreddare la punta se senti/percepisci carbonizzazione o un cattivo sapore.

È uno svapo manuale senza "clic" o altri indicatori di temperatura, quindi senza un segnale visivo, sei costretto a fare affidamento sul tiro mentre si riscalda. Alcune persone non vogliono concentrarsi mentre si sballa, ma se lo inserisci nel rituale dello svapo, immagino che non sia molto diverso da come riscaldi un Vapman. L'ho bruciato solo due volte, ma fortunatamente il Vaponic è facile da pulire. È solo un'ipotesi di quanto possa essere schizzinoso per te.🤷‍♂️

Adoro il Vaponic ma ora ho scoperto che posso ottenere risultati/gusti simili con qualcosa come il nuovo Solo3, dove posso impostare la temperatura che voglio esattamente su uno stelo di vetro. L'S3 è molto più costoso del Vaponic ma forse un Arizer Air Max potrebbe fare al caso mio. La cosa migliore sarebbe un BakX ma sono super costosi.
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