

Well-Known Member
Well damn. Had to declare my package trough customs and because of that the delivery is delayed! What a pity. But it should be here within a few days. On a positive note, I found something interesting while combing trough the interwebs for this little man of vapor. I found a site ( that still sells the station! So now I have a station coming my way as well! No need to wait until August. And my 4 week vacation starts on Wednesday so I feel like things are going to be A O K... :rofl:

While waiting I also skimmed trough this thread from the very start and I gotta say I am impressed. I am starting to think I have the theory part of the learning process pretty well covered! Thanks to all the insights I feel like my MFLB game has improved too. And a big up to all you regulars (@OF @M0J0 @Seren etc etc) who are still around to answer all the same questions since like 2012 :D:D:D

Even found @M0J0 s 1st post! I giggled out loud when people advised you NOT to char your VM, look at how things worked out hehe!

Still waiting, in agony... But good things come to those who wait... right?


Well-Known Member
I had a Vapman that someone gifted me. I am taking this opportunity to gift it back but then I thought about it. I would love to have a couple Vapman's to keep in rotation at the station so I bought another walnut too! LOL

I have a perfect spot for this thing on the nightstand and stored in the drawer. I will get pics up once I get it.


Well-Known Member
Just got a fair price on a lightly used VM Station. Looking forward to try it out. I am imagining using it bedside for sleep assistance and pain management.
Ha! Now we can compare notes. I am hoping I get mine by week's end. Tracking is a bit difficult to understand but it looks like it has cleared customs in NY. The great folks at @vapman sent it priority. Extra special generous!


Well-Known Member
Ha! Now we can compare notes. I am hoping I get mine by week's end. Tracking is a bit difficult to understand but it looks like it has cleared customs in NY. The great folks at @vapman sent it priority. Extra special generous!

So cool! I should get my vapman + station before the weekend as well. Hopefully anyway. Both of you are seasoned vapers I know so keep them insights coming hehe.:rockon:


Well-Known Member
I am about buying my first vap - so far vapman is on top of my list.
What would you consider the "best"? basic or classic version?
I heard the mica heating-stuff is more or less just for optic (because the wood cant burn/get black).

Is this alright or are i am missing some points?


Well-Known Member
I am about buying my first vap - so far vapman is on top of my list.
What would you consider the "best"? basic or classic version?
I heard the mica heating-stuff is more or less just for optic (because the wood cant burn/get black).

Is this alright or are i am missing some points?

Have used the silky oak, the pear basic, the pear classic, the walnut basic, the walnut classic and yew classic. Have purchased multiple units of each for gifts and gotten feedback.

Also, I've posted before for this same question ... and the answer is, my favorite and the one that I'd recommend is the walnut basic, and with the vapman lighter. You will get the burned wood on the inside, that gets burned quickly and then the charcoal color of that burn blends in nicely with the walnut. No swelling mica to worry about (if you have it for years, the mica slowly swells), it's cheaper. The unfinished walnut wears very well absorbing skin oils from handling, and building up a nice patina (as compared to the pear basic which takes on a dirty look after lots of handling).

Just can't go wrong with the walnut basic. It's a winner on many fronts.


Well-Known Member
Lately i have been using almost exclusively hash and i use the vapman screens always. I am using the sandwich technique btw,so two screens every time.
My way of cleaning(after every refill) is burning them red hot. Then the hash burns away and only ash is left that is taken out with my vapman brush :science:

The situation is that after the last month of extensive use,the dilation and contraction have taken their toll to the screens. Mainly what bothers me is the small splinters(tiny tiny parts of the metal going out)appearing on the edges. They are not so many yet(like 2 or 3 on each screen) but i am feeling they are gonna grow. Also you have the deformation of the base and the sides but i don't consider this a problem because it is easily fixed.

What about you guys? What is your preferred method for cleaning your vapman concentrate screens? Any suggestions for better ways or improve this one?

Peace and vapman :leaf:


Darth Vapor
I already have a VM Pear Tree Basic and a Walnut Classic but now that i got a VM station shipping sometime soon i was considering getting one more. I was considering ordering directly from the man again, is there currently any discount codes or any best value recommendations anyone has? Thanks.

Edit. Damn. VM's are so affordable. Was just checking the website and having a hard time not pull the trigger.
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Well-Known Member
Got it yesterday. This thing is amazing. Combusted twice (bowl 2 and 3) but after that its been smooth af. I am amazed how evenly it roasts, AVB on the mflb is never so consistent. Still waiting for the station but now I'm like do I even need one? :huh:

Classic Pear Tree


Well-Known Member
one question:
is the Original Vapman jetflame (from their site/ here)

the "best"?
Or will any other work as same?

Your link is for the Basic Walnut model, bare wood and includes a lighter with purchase.

I have both the Basic model and the Classic model. The difference is that the Classic model has a mica coating on the bottom to prevent the wood from charring. The Classic costs a bit more. My favourite is the Classic model. I also prefer the Walnut to the Pear wood Vapmans. I have no experience with other wood variety Vapmans. But I would love an Ebony model... :love::luv::love:

The Classic and the Basic work exactly the same. It comes down to your choice of wood and whether you prefer the mica protection or bare wood.

Some don't like the mica and report that it eventually swells and flakes. I have only had my Vapmans for a year with no noticeable deterioration so far.


Well-Known Member
one question:
is the Original Vapman jetflame (from their site/ here)

the "best"?
Or will any other work as same?

Actually, that's two questions? Here's my opinion on them:

Yes. While 'the best' is a difficult goal, I think most agree the 'factory lighter' is an excellent choice for the VM, and 'performs with the best of them'.

Yes, others will work just as well at making vapor and be reliable doing so. I've used and recommended these for years. 3 bucks each shipped, tough as nails, IMO 'fits the hand better':

Both are the same, I've ordered a dozen or more from them (probably an even split) and given a lot away. Lots of guys at FC have bought them for VM, VG and so on. Handy for lighting candles (there's one in the kitchen), the BBQ (one out there), the oil lamp on the patio (.......) and so on. I never have to search far to find one. Great for 'flaming clean' screens and stuff (like the VM concentrate adapters).

They come from China (well one batch came from Hungary???) and can take a few weeks. I suggest ordering one or two from each source.

Another good point is they're not at all fussy about fuel. I feed mine the cheapest junk they had at the Cigarette Shop downtown. It's sure to be better than what you get in 'darkest China'? They still burn the fancy stuff I use in Iolite, but are just as happy at $4 a can as $15.

I like my VM lighter, but worry about it. The cheap ones I can't seem to hurt. Or lose for long.


The Beagle

Bubbles & Bags


Well-Known Member
Wow thanks @OF, I was looking from some china torches right now and your links just saved me quite some time!

You're welcome, glad to help when I can. There are a lot of pretty lame lighters out there, price is not always a good measure, but those guys are known, proven performers and a great value. BTW they must hire a model with the worlds smallest hands, they really do fit in your pocket, but do hold a LOT of fuel compared to many.

No need for folks to repeat 'mistake buys' others have already made?

Best wishes.



Well-Known Member
Wow thanks @OF, I was looking from some china torches right now and your links just saved me quite some time!

Ha ha ha !!!

I need to learn to read... I completely misinterpreted your question; thought that you were asking about the Vapman models.

Anyway, I second @OF lighter suggestion. I have a couple of these and they are fantastic. So far they have outlasted several other lighters with no funny behaviour like sputtering etc.

A great lighter with a huge fuel reservoir.
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