Yeah man! Hit that!I'm thinking if you can't beat em, join em!

Ha! I too know that I would most DEFINITELY be jumpin them bones if I had the available funds ('cuz then my good lady would even encourage me to get it as opposed to kickin' my ass to the curb which is how it would currently pan out!) - I know it isn't exactly 'cheap', but really, that term is soooo subjective that I'm not sure what cheap or expensive even means anymore in realation to this product! Admittedly, that may be mostly attributable to hearing about it's most troubled of upbringings

I guess what I am really hoping for is the day when there are Vapman Stations all over the place . . . it'd be soooo cool going to a friends, vapor lounge, or coffee shop in the Dam & seeing Power Stations dotted around - pretty much the kinda presence which has already been achieved by S&B with the Volcano.
And then of course, there is always the possibility of 'Party' Stations equipped with multiple thrones upon which to sit yours and several of your friends V'men all at the same time! A Vapman orgy if you will!
So many possibilities! I sincerely hope this thing gets the backing it deserves.
. . . . And then, we're still not gonna forget the good ol' 'tane of course

Oh yeah, anyway, I cant afford one right now

But I can't wait to hear the FC reviews and all about any subsequent MacGyver projects (while possibly trying out my own Vapman-Adapt-a-Power-Sub-Station)
Exciting times.
Yep yep yep.
Have a krunchy Friday ya'll