I am a leaf on the wind ~ watch how I soar...
@NorVape, YES! I want to do some of those longer Viking symbols on the ring at the base. I have to work on that.
And YES. I agree. Racism is the stupidest thing to try and live by. Yesterday someone posted on FB a video of a Native American screaming at a bunch of "Illegal Immigrants" -- he was screaming: "You are the Illegals! We didn't invite you here!" - hahaha
There is so much proof (hidden until recently) that shows that the Vikings, Chinese, and many other cultures had travelled to the "New World" waaaaay before Columbus was even an itch in his daddy's pants! Before his great great great grandparents, actually!
Huge Chinese round rock ship anchors found in Florida... Viking Runes and ropes in the United States... those Buddhist artifacts in Viking burrial grounds... and more!
and @axakal, what are those designs called? I want to use those as well.
Will keep researching.
And I had also forgotten, until I saw your avatar. Metatron's Cube!
And YES. I agree. Racism is the stupidest thing to try and live by. Yesterday someone posted on FB a video of a Native American screaming at a bunch of "Illegal Immigrants" -- he was screaming: "You are the Illegals! We didn't invite you here!" - hahaha
There is so much proof (hidden until recently) that shows that the Vikings, Chinese, and many other cultures had travelled to the "New World" waaaaay before Columbus was even an itch in his daddy's pants! Before his great great great grandparents, actually!
Huge Chinese round rock ship anchors found in Florida... Viking Runes and ropes in the United States... those Buddhist artifacts in Viking burrial grounds... and more!
and @axakal, what are those designs called? I want to use those as well.
Will keep researching.

It occured to me a mandala with wings might look cool, if it's possible. Maybe something like the Ohm or the picture of the lotus flower on the woman's finger with wings.
More steampunk porn:
And I had also forgotten, until I saw your avatar. Metatron's Cube!

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