

Well-Known Member
I worried about charring as well when I ordered a Pure instead of a Classic, but honestly, the wood on my Kotibe Pure’s barely even darkened – as long as you have halfway decent technique and don’t turn the flame on your torch up way too high, you have nothing to worry about with a Pure, imo.

El Duderino

The Dude abides.
Don't give up on the basic just yet ... just go with a small flame and you'll be fine ... I purchased my first vapman, a pure version of the new olivewood model back in June.

The thicker wooden heartpiece of the Pure hardens through use, heat and time, kinda like a pipe. You will scorch it on the interior but don't let that break your heart ... although it will at the start.

Yes, the Pure definitely has its own appeal. My plan is to own several Vapmans in the future anyway, but I would like to start with a Classic.

I found this article which helped me to make up my mind and luckily its all worked out great as the vapman has quickly become my favorite. My next one will hopefully be an OG Apple basic sometime around 4/20 🤞

Great review and guide - thanks a lot! That makes me want to own this beautiful piece even more!

I worried about charring as well when I ordered a Pure instead of a Classic, but honestly, the wood on my Kotibe Pure’s barely even darkened – as long as you have halfway decent technique and don’t turn the flame on your torch up way too high, you have nothing to worry about with a Pure, imo.

Thank you for your input. As said I can see me getting a Pure in the future, although I would like to start with a Classic.

I just sent a message to René and will see.

Thank you all for your help!


Well-Known Member
I read a fair bit that the difference between classic and basic/pure are minimal so you are essentially getting the same experience. In the end I couldn't resist the OG basic in pear. Looks so clean with no branding. With the 15% discount at the moment it is a steal especially considering you are getting a collectible that will shortly cease to exist.

El Duderino

The Dude abides.
Ended up ordering a OG Classic and the Christmas Lotus. Couldn't resist!

I also ordered two OG Classic today. The conversation with René via e-mail was very helpful and interesting and based on his explanations I decided to go for yew wood.

As this is my first Vapman, I'm really looking forward to the experience. The only "problem" is that the Vapman is a present from my wife and my birthday is not until the beginning of February. So it's going to be a long January for me... :uhoh:


Well-Known Member
The basic is still available in walnut on, but I have reservations about this version as I am a complete Vapman newbie and am afraid of burning the thing completely.
It’s more difficult to burn the wood than you think. You can build up a thin layer of char which will act as insulation, but unless you’re waving the torch around wildly, the char is confined to a small well-defined area. My first VM was a walnut classic, and I have an applewood classic because they were only made in classic. Either is fine, though I lean towards the pure.


Well-Known Member
It’s more difficult to burn the wood than you think. You can build up a thin layer of char which will act as insulation, but unless you’re waving the torch around wildly, the char is confined to a small well-defined area. My first VM was a walnut classic, and I have an applewood classic because they were only made in classic. Either is fine, though I lean towards the pure.
I recall hearing of at least one pure species that seemed to char somewhat easily, and frequently smoked when in use. But I don’t recall exactly where I read that so please take it with a grain of salt, I don’t want to spread bad information. It might have been Pear. Does anyone else recall hearing this?
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El Duderino

The Dude abides.
Two Vapman in yew wood have just arrived, sent to me by René himself. I'm going to give one of them to my brother (he's still combusting at the moment and my aim is to convince him to start vaping with the help of the Vapman), and the other is a present from my wife to me for my birthday.

It's brutal, but my birthday isn't until the beginning of February, so I'll have to wait until then. Before my wife disappears the Vapman and magically conjures it up again for my birthday, I wanted to share a few photos with you.

I mean, just look at them. Aren't they stunning? Really, how pretty can something so small be? Vapman: yes!

Many thanks again to @Radwin Bodnic for the tip to contact René directly via PM. That actually worked out wonderfully. And, of course, special thanks to René for the extremely pleasant conversation and the speedy delivery of the two gems.

I am a very happy Dude today. But can it please be February already? Please, please...? :uhoh:
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Unregulated Tendencies
Two Vapman in yew wood have just arrived, sent to me by René himself.
Beautiful! Love the way he worked in the knot. Whether you’re a collector or not, I suspect most Vapman fans have a “wood that got away.” For me, it’s yew.

Somehow the mix of grain and warm tones really speaks to me. Knowing that Renee himself is open to commissions is both exciting and dangerous!

El Duderino

The Dude abides.
Beautiful! Love the way he worked in the knot. Whether you’re a collector or not, I suspect most Vapman fans have a “wood that got away.” For me, it’s yew.

Somehow the mix of grain and warm tones really speaks to me.

I honestly didn't know about yew wood before. I simply like wood with a pronounced grain. That's why the Vapman with the knot caught my attention in particular.

As René revealed to me, yew wood is his personal favorite for the Vapman. He mentioned that this wood is particularly well-suited for the Vapman because, despite its hardness, it is quite lightweight. It retains and conducts heat only minimally, and moreover, it is absolutely tasteless.

Knowing that Renee himself is open to commissions is both exciting and dangerous!

Oh, I didn't know that. That is indeed a bit dangerous... :lol:


"A man with no vices is a man with no virtues"
I honestly didn't know about yew wood before. I simply like wood with a pronounced grain. That's why the Vapman with the knot caught my attention in particular.

As René revealed to me, yew wood is his personal favorite for the Vapman. He mentioned that this wood is particularly well-suited for the Vapman because, despite its hardness, it is quite lightweight. It retains and conducts heat only minimally, and moreover, it is absolutely tasteless.



Well-Known Member
Happy Saturday, you beautiful specimens of human perfection. VM is still my favourite hash vape, can't wait to hear more about the 2.0!:clap:


Well-Known Member
I just received a message from Vapman telling me I could go on and pay for the Vapstation I preordered. I kind of freaked out thinking ‘this has been fast…’. Sent them a message and it seems this mail was mistakenly sent. If anyone has received this message, no need to worry. But that means I still have to wait a little before being able to give it a try !


Well-Known Member
wow... I'm not financially ready at all!! thank you for the info (it's slowly getting closer)...

and uh... I just received a tracking number from René for a Vapman ebony and a Vapman in Yew....

until a few days ago, I thought it was impossible 😁
very happy !!!!

Édit : thanks @El Duderino

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Ebony must be really nice ! Pics are requested ;)
@Die_Toffifee used to make beautiful Vapman pictures, but he hasn't been seen for a while. I hope he's doing good.

Olá Vapmaniacs,

there's something that is bothering me for a while now and I simply can't decide, so I'm in need of your help.

Is it Ebony and Ivory

or the other way round?

Anyway. The most important thing is, that they live together in perfect harmony. :p

And before somebody is going to sue René: It's not Ivory, of course, it's Hornbeam and just as rare when it comes in form of a Vapman. :)
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