

Well-Known Member
Super excited for the Station to drop! I feel like this was the moment I was waiting for when I first start enjoying the Vapman. Will probably be my only vape related purchase this year.
I would say me too but I bought the vapman this year lol
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olysh pops

Well-Known Member
Hi, all, I've been in the woods, looks like I've come back to some pretty exciting news! I know some wonder if it's worth the price, and while I can't imagine giving up the torch the station is an equally satisfying experience, maybe even better. I love my OG station and look forward to a green olive one!

It's got me pondering the possibilities of a portable station, but in the meantime the torch will take you where you need to go, morning,


and night,

from the top of the world

to the bottom,

and everywhere in between!

All the photos are beautiful, but the last one, showing a river in the background, is magnificient.

I like the angle of your photos and the deliberate or unconscious idea of bringing together the forest, the river, the vapman and the air. Earth, water, fire and air, brought together.

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Cleaning with mustard powder.

1. Put gloves. Mustard eats skin.
2. Mix mustard powder with water - get something like toothpaste.
3. Apply on pan. Thin layer. Avoid to put inside of nozzles. (It’s very difficult to wash it. If you are not so accurate avoid this cleaning technique. Burning leftovers of mustard inside of nozzles - you don’t need it)
4. Wait 1 hour.
5. Wipe the mustard paste. (Nozzles!!!! Careful!!!)
6. Scratch the dirt with wooden something small and sharpened.
7. Wipe the leftovers with small wet cloth. (Around the nozzles!).
8. Repeat “7” until the pan completely clean from mustard paste. If you not so sure, that you completely cleaned the mustard - wipe with alcohol pad in the end - after - wipe alcohol with wet cloth - make one heating round without weed.


Whole cleaning process about 1.5 hour (1 hour of waiting).

Cleaning the filter - the same idea.

Scratching with wooden stick is essential. And it doesn’t scratch the pan.

Mustard powder made 100% of mustard seeds - the greenest cleaning solution.

If you have better way to clean - I will be happy to know - avoiding nozzles is pain in the ass.



Hi there,

I don't want to be a bother, but I've hesitated four times now before writing this, and I've held myself back.

So, has anyone tried this thing with mustard?
I'm a bit puzzled. I'm relatively new to vapmans, only two months in. Before that, I was with dynavap for quite a while, and that's where the mustard came from. Cleaning my Vapman for the first time, after 2 months of use I noticed a world of difference in taste between this

and this

The second picture is what someone here called "clean."

In short, I'd appreciate it if someone, who will give a try, will tell me if I'm experiencing some sudden taste hallucination or if the difference is indeed that significant.

Of course with this trick
You could plug wooden toothpicks in the nozzles to avoid fiddling.


Day Tripper
personally I've never let my VM get very dirty. I only use flower and after a few uses I usually wipe them with iso while they are still hot and then use a magic eraser to give them a polish. I'm sure if there would be a noticeable taste difference before and after if it was in a worse state. Certainly any of my other vapes taste better after a good cleaning. I've never come across the mustard cleaning method and I'm curious to hear from those who have tried it.

4-Aces King-High

Well-Known Member
I’ve never once cleaned my Vappy, and it tastes delicious every time.
I Have cleaned the mouthpiece because of particles coming through,q-tipped the channel the mouthpiece sits in and put tip in for Max. Airflow by aligning the 3 holes with the mouthpiece,my grind is Fine and will go to a Medium Grind To help with that. The VAPMAN is Very Durable and Professionally made.and I am Lovin It .


Well-Known Member
Monday morning here...
It's an exciting week that begins...
I will only be at peace when I have validated my pre-order (and when I have received a package which takes much too long for my taste!)

@vapman ...
if you already know what day to open the pre-order... could you tell us please? It would stop me from frantically looking at this thread, my emails and your website 😂
Thanks !


Well-Known Member
Very excited about the station making a comeback! My wallet is not of the same opinion ... however i think it will be a nice Christmas gift for myself and I will be able to make a more informed purchase with the early reviews.

Talking about heating stations I have an early sketch about an interesting project: an "analog" heating station for the vapman. At the moment, between studying and working i have simply too much to do, but i'm definitely making a prototype in the near future and i'll gladly share my journey with the community ;)

Canna Chameleon

Muted by mods. Run off by rudeness.
Hey everyone I combusted in my vapman wats the best strategy to get rid of that flavour and get back my tasty ness
Happens to the best of us.

iso qtip to the pan, the filter, inside the top, and the mouthpiece. there are deep cleaning procedures available to completely disassemble, but I usually find if I clean it well enough with iso, the combustion taste goes away after a use or two.


How many vaps could a Vapman vap…
Been a while since I was around these parts… but this spooky season has got me in the mood for nights in with the Vapman.

Perfect device for the Fall season. The Aesthetic, roasty flavour, and the way it gently heats up in your hands is just… 👌🏽

Only thing missing is a Pumpkin Spice Latte :haw:

Hope everyone is well and has a very spooky October. 🎃

olysh pops

Well-Known Member
My vapman is 10 years old and works only with hash. The mouthpiece is made of hawthorn wood.
It's taken its place as a vaporizer after a sports session, and I love the precious jewel look with the little screws, the gilding and the mix of silica with the wood.
I wish us all many more years of use of our vapman :love:






Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
So after my testing I’ve come to love my vapman I prefer my POM mouthpiece to the afc completely opened airflow no blocking airholes.

Here’s my recipe I’ve come to love to use nice tasty clouds with a full bowl.

Small flame
5 seconds heat 4 sec cool two times followed by 4 sec heat 4 sec cool then 3 sec heat then big open airflow hit

Second heat
5sec heat 4 sec cool then 4sec heat then big hit once again

Hit and continue heatetinf 5 heat 4 cool 3 heat and hit and so on

Lmao I’m sure this is confusing af but if u can understand hope u try it if u like big hits

The counting isn’t a true second I’m relatively quick with my counting maybe a true one second off cheers
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