
Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
What is the mouthpiece on your Ash vapman @Gourmet ? It looks like Wenge… I love the aesthetics of Wenge.

Although it is really stunning, Cocobolo is not a wood I would be comfortable to vape from… It is well known for being heavily allergenic and contains a toxic latex.
I wouldn't be comfortable either with Yew (contains a toxic alkaloid, still active after drying, and volatile oils).
I know some people on this thread have had asthma/allergenic issues with purpleheart Vapemen (which is known to be an allergenic wood).

I must admit that there is not a lot of wood I would be comfortable to vape from…
My Kotibe vapman is still pristine since I'm not sure I do want to vape from this wood, although I didn't find anything about it being toxic (except from breathing the dust from working the wood… almost all woods dust are toxic).

I am really confident with my pear vapman. 10 years old relationship has proven it to be an almost tasteless wood and mankind use this wood from centuries to make dishes and cutlery.
I also use without any doubt my walnut vapman (even if it contains juglone, that can have therapeutic and adverse effects as well, there is much more in the nuts and I eat a bunch of them all year long). This one definitely bring more taste to the vapor, a distinctive aroma that surrounds the weed taste.

After thousands of years of use, olive wood have proven itself to be totally harmless to mankind, but I don't have one since I am not sure to like its aesthetics.


Well-Known Member
What is the mouthpiece on your Ash vapman @Gourmet ?
This is rosewood.

Cocobolo is not a wood I would be comfortable to vape from… It is well known for being heavily allergenic and contains a toxic latex.
In fact, the cocobolo is advisable only with the mica. I have a basic cocobolo, it really doesn't vape that well.

Of course it's true, yew can also be poisonous, especially the needles and seeds.
The dry wood doesn't scare me though. But the mica helps there too.

Since I smoked heavily for 20 years and have been completely smoke-free for now 10 years
(except for campfires, which I will not be banned from :D ), I let so much poison into my body
at the time that the few inhalations of any "dangerous" wood make me personally no worries.

Nevertheless, I support your concern, it is advisable to question the intake and especially
the inhalation of any substance, especially in the case of allergies!
I classify many foods as significantly more harmful than sucking on a yew Vapman every once in a while. :D
If there are major problems with the respiratory tract, inhalation should probably generally be avoided.

BUT: Above all, however, is the freedom to consume on one's own responsibility, whatever is good for me. ;)
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Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
What is the mouthpiece on your Ash vapman @Gourmet ? It looks like Wenge… I love the aesthetics of Wenge.

Although it is really stunning, Cocobolo is not a wood I would be comfortable to vape from… It is well known for being heavily allergenic and contains a toxic latex.
I wouldn't be comfortable either with Yew (contains a toxic alkaloid, still active after drying, and volatile oils).
I know some people on this thread have had asthma/allergenic issues with purpleheart Vapemen (which is known to be an allergenic wood).

I must admit that there is not a lot of wood I would be comfortable to vape from…
My Kotibe vapman is still pristine since I'm not sure I do want to vape from this wood, although I didn't find anything about it being toxic (except from breathing the dust from working the wood… almost all woods dust are toxic).

I am really confident with my pear vapman. 10 years old relationship has proven it to be an almost tasteless wood and mankind use this wood from centuries to make dishes and cutlery.
I also use without any doubt my walnut vapman (even if it contains juglone, that can have therapeutic and adverse effects as well, there is much more in the nuts and I eat a bunch of them all year long). This one definitely bring more taste to the vapor, a distinctive aroma that surrounds the weed taste.

After thousands of years of use, olive wood have proven itself to be totally harmless to mankind, but I don't have one since I am not sure to like its aesthetics.
I am speechless...thank you. I have learned so much right now. Amazing information. THANK YOU.

What is the mouthpiece on your Ash vapman @Gourmet ? It looks like Wenge… I love the aesthetics of Wenge.

Although it is really stunning, Cocobolo is not a wood I would be comfortable to vape from… It is well known for being heavily allergenic and contains a toxic latex.
I wouldn't be comfortable either with Yew (contains a toxic alkaloid, still active after drying, and volatile oils).
I know some people on this thread have had asthma/allergenic issues with purpleheart Vapemen (which is known to be an allergenic wood).

I must admit that there is not a lot of wood I would be comfortable to vape from…
My Kotibe vapman is still pristine since I'm not sure I do want to vape from this wood, although I didn't find anything about it being toxic (except from breathing the dust from working the wood… almost all woods dust are toxic).

I am really confident with my pear vapman. 10 years old relationship has proven it to be an almost tasteless wood and mankind use this wood from centuries to make dishes and cutlery.
I also use without any doubt my walnut vapman (even if it contains juglone, that can have therapeutic and adverse effects as well, there is much more in the nuts and I eat a bunch of them all year long). This one definitely bring more taste to the vapor, a distinctive aroma that surrounds the weed taste.

After thousands of years of use, olive wood have proven itself to be totally harmless to mankind, but I don't have one since I am not sure to like its aesthetics.
Amazing information...

Double post my apologies.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
That's olive. I call it 'Venus' because it's yellowish and covered in volcanoes.
Was it from the regular olives? Or is this from the custom section...its really beautiful Congratulations. love it. Thank you for posting. I love looking at Vapmans...there is another next to it in the about that one? What is it? The wood mouth piece is beautiful too...who made that one? I think I know...but, who?


Well-Known Member
Was it from the regular olives?
It is a regular one!
Or is this from the custom section...its really beautiful Congratulations. love it.
Thank you!
Thank you for posting. I love looking at Vapmans...there is another next to it in the about that one? What is it?
That must be the Walnut endless knot. That one is close to my heart:

The wood mouth piece is beautiful too...who made that one? I think I know...but, who?
Those are from @Ed's TnT , and they work as nice as they look. They're my favs aesthetically, tho the glass is kind of special.

I've gotten a couple others since that post, a Blackwood and a Kotibe. I regret missing the Applewood ones...

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
It is a regular one!

Thank you!

That must be the Walnut endless knot. That one is close to my heart:

Those are from @Ed's TnT , and they work as nice as they look. They're my favs aesthetically, tho the glass is kind of special.

I've gotten a couple others since that post, a Blackwood and a Kotibe. I regret missing the Applewood ones...
The walnut one is superb...and I knew it was EdTNT ....just wanted to make sure. I have the cocobolo and the black walnut? I am not sure...he offers two on his site...those are the ones I have and I really love them. The Applewood must have been great...I hope they introduce a new wood soon. If you notice that almost all of the Swiss made ones are sold out. They only have the walnut...I suggest to everyone to get the Swiss too if you don't have in your collection. Thanks for answering and posting.


Active Member
I got an olive vapman second hand and have a few questions for you experts!

1. what mouthpiece should I get? I just have the standard olive wood one now, and dont really like the soft wood feel personally. I know a lot of people like the long glass one, but I am very clumsy and break all my glass, plus it doesn't fit into the carry case. I have seen that there are POM and metal versions both of standard mouthpieces and of AFC ones that can be adjusted to cover the holes so you dont have to. Is there any reason not to get AFC? Which metal should I get and why?

2. The vapman was quite dirty when I got it, and stupidly I decided to deep clean it before reading the instructions. I soaked the main body in some oil, and then the mica layer (which I assumed was metal) started disintegrating. I got it all back together and its mostly structurally intact, but flakes of mica now come off the vape, often when I am tipping out the avb, and I am worried about the air pipes that run into the mica as I have heard mica is toxic to inhale. Should I just remove all of the mica entirely? Will the vapman still function if I do this?

3. I have also heard that the gold bowl is actually gold plated copper, and that the plating comes off easily! Isn't copper toxic to inhale? Has anyone thought about the harm potential of this vape?

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I got an olive vapman second hand and have a few questions for you experts!
Welcome to the family. :)

My :2c: about all of this :

1. Mouthpiece is a personal choice. AFC can be nice if you want a tighter draw but the vapman work really well natively (all open). The material will affect the vapor temperature. From cooler to hotter : glass < titanium < stainless steel < POM. IMHO, the glass mouthpiece have the better taste. The titanium mouthpiece will get hotter than the others. The POM is the lightest and gives a better balance to the vapman.

2. Mica is known to be inert and non toxic. What was your source about its toxicity ?
I guess there are not a lot of things you can do to fix it. Mica should not be exposed to any liquid. Removing completely the layer of mica will make impossible to fit the bowl again. If you do so, be sure to cut 3 mica washers to put where the tubes are screwed, between the wood and the aluminium binding.

3. The bowl is indeed gold plated copper. There is a layer of zinc between the gold and the copper. Most people here are fine about vaping from a scrapped bowl. Others (including myself) are really picky and keep their bowl super shiny and clean all the time. @Gourmet may have the most shiny used vapmans here.
Copper can be toxic if you inhale too much particles.

Could you post a picture of your vapman so we can judge about its state after a bath ?


Well-Known Member
I have also heard that the gold bowl is actually gold plated copper, and that the plating comes off easily!
I can confidently deny this, with good treatment the gold layer lasts forever and three days. :D

The other day I had the opportunity to pick up a couple of used Vapmans.
I think the cleaning turned out well.


Tools and cleaning agents used:

However, if the pan is massively overheated, f.ex. with long heating time on empty pan,
or scraped off by sharp objects wantonly, then you certainly get it broken.:D

I don't find the copper dangerous, as mentioned several times before,
the best chefs in the world cook with copper pans, why should that now suddenly
be harmful with the Vapman. In addition, there is no water involved, how should there be verdigris?

Compared to other electric vapes, which often work with various plastics, aluminum
and questionable seals, I find the material choice be Vapman's real "organic". ;)

what mouthpiece should I get?
Take this one what you like best!

For this reason, there are so many variants, everyone can find his favorite solution.
Even the POM is safe for health and can actually be cleaned in the dishwasher.
(but not the Vapman itself!!) ;)

I soaked the main body in some oil, and then the mica layer (which I assumed was metal) started disintegrating. I got it all back together and its mostly structurally intact, but flakes of mica now come off the vape, often when I am tipping out the avb, and I am worried about the air pipes that run into the mica as I have heard mica is toxic to inhale. Should I just remove all of the mica entirely? Will the vapman still function if I do this?
As Radwin Bodnic perfectly explained, it needs the distance of the mica thickness for the pan to fit correctly.

IMHO, the best would be a new mica insert. Which is ultimately a question of postage,
I think you'll have to ask Michale and David what viable solution they see.
However, the Vapman also works without Mica.

Nevertheless, oil or other remains on the inside is not a good idea, because there the hot flame flickers, no one wants to inhale this.
Despite all obstacles, your vapman will most likely be repairable, because the structural integrity is still there. :peace:

(And will last at least 10 years or more with good handling and some care.)


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
White sponge made of glass?!?
What are we talking about here?

Rainbow and Rasta

Well-Known Member
oh it’s not glass but here’s info: Magic sponge : when melamine resin cures into foam, its microstructure becomes almost as hard as glass – causing it to act like super-fine sandpaper on stains. The abrasive foam loosens up dirt and grime, and the open microstructure of the foam sucks it in and traps it there


Well-Known Member
nice cleaning btw 😍
Thank you!

So I shouldn’t worry about the white sponge (are these made of glass?) ruining the gold plating during cleaning ?
Computer says no. :D

Regarding the toxicity, let's ask auntie Google:

The National Institutes of Health lists the Magic Eraser as non-toxic. So it seems we don't have to worry that the erasor will be “off-gassing” toxins during use. Still, the sponge is not biodegradable or “eco-friendly” (though it is certainly a decent alternative to the full-on chemical cleaning sprays out there).15.07.2020

This topic comes up every now and then, there are some posts about it in this thread.
Who likes it more natural, can also take cotton cloths for the polish.
Either way, it's always good to watch for lint and remove it after cleaning.


Active Member
Welcome to the family. :)

My :2c: about all of this :

1. Mouthpiece is a personal choice. AFC can be nice if you want a tighter draw but the vapman work really well natively (all open). The material will affect the vapor temperature. From cooler to hotter : glass < titanium < stainless steel < POM. IMHO, the glass mouthpiece have the better taste. The titanium mouthpiece will get hotter than the others. The POM is the lightest and gives a better balance to the vapman.

2. Mica is known to be inert and non toxic. What was your source about its toxicity ?
I guess there are not a lot of things you can do to fix it. Mica should not be exposed to any liquid. Removing completely the layer of mica will make impossible to fit the bowl again. If you do so, be sure to cut 3 mica washers to put where the tubes are screwed, between the wood and the aluminium binding.

3. The bowl is indeed gold plated copper. There is a layer of zinc between the gold and the copper. Most people here are fine about vaping from a scrapped bowl. Others (including myself) are really picky and keep their bowl super shiny and clean all the time. @Gourmet may have the most shiny used vapmans here.
Copper can be toxic if you inhale too much particles.

Could you post a picture of your vapman so we can judge about its state after a bath ?
Ah toxicc was the wrong word, inhalation can cause various lung diseases and lung tissue scaring (can find various sources by googling 'mica inhalation') though it sounds like thats mainly for people who work with mica long term, so the minute amounts inhaled from the vapman are probably fine youre right.

Heres some photos!

I can confidently deny this, with good treatment the gold layer lasts forever and three days. :D

The other day I had the opportunity to pick up a couple of used Vapmans.
I think the cleaning turned out well.


Tools and cleaning agents used:

However, if the pan is massively overheated, f.ex. with long heating time on empty pan,
or scraped off by sharp objects wantonly, then you certainly get it broken.:D

I don't find the copper dangerous, as mentioned several times before,
the best chefs in the world cook with copper pans, why should that now suddenly
be harmful with the Vapman. In addition, there is no water involved, how should there be verdigris?

Compared to other electric vapes, which often work with various plastics, aluminum
and questionable seals, I find the material choice be Vapman's real "organic". ;)

Take this one what you like best!

For this reason, there are so many variants, everyone can find his favorite solution.
Even the POM is safe for health and can actually be cleaned in the dishwasher.
(but not the Vapman itself!!) ;)

As Radwin Bodnic perfectly explained, it needs the distance of the mica thickness for the pan to fit correctly.

IMHO, the best would be a new mica insert. Which is ultimately a question of postage,
I think you'll have to ask Michale and David what viable solution they see.
However, the Vapman also works without Mica.

Nevertheless, oil or other remains on the inside is not a good idea, because there the hot flame flickers, no one wants to inhale this.
Despite all obstacles, your vapman will most likely be repairable, because the structural integrity is still there. :peace:

(And will last at least 10 years or more with good handling and some care.)
Ahh thats great to hear regarding the gold plating, I was worried after seeing some posts on reddit about it coming off but those photos look good. Plan to only clean the pan with some iso and a wipe or (non-metal) brush. I still fear the copper though, and cooking on a pan isn't really analogous to heating to hundreds of degrees and inhaling.... But as long as the plating stays fine I guess its okay.

Regarding the mouthpieces, I don't know which I like best! Thats the problem! I need some input on the differences between them so I can make my decision. So far I am leaning towards either the onyx steel or the titanium one, but I dont really super understand the difference between the two. I have heard also the titanium one can damage the vapman?


is this thing on?
I asked ChatGPT (joking) and my search results lead me to believe that it's safe in this application. Material discussions in the main thread are not allowed, but in short it seems that when working with mica there could be dust that maybe is problematic to inhale. So that is a risk for M&D but not us. If you are rubbing the Mica you are not getting small particles out of it, in fact it flakes off, even if you would inhale such a flake (which you won't) it's far too big to cause trouble. I don't know how mica is processed but I imagine it can be sawed? Like with wood dust it might be problematic if you work with it unprotected longer periods of time. But I'm not an expert, just a half-educated guess here

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Material discussions in the main thread are not allowed
I forgot this rule. This thread has always been rather open about these discussions and this rule. But at this point and if you are really concerned, maybe you could create a dedicated thread @ibrokemypie.

I still fear the copper though, and cooking on a pan isn't really analogous to heating to hundreds of degrees and inhaling....
You're right, the cooking pan gets way hotter than the vapman bowl.
And most cooks are inhaling vapors from these pans all their life. They most probably end with diabetes rather than lung disease.

So far I am leaning towards either the onyx steel or the titanium one, but I dont really super understand the difference between the two. I have heard also the titanium one can damage the vapman?
Titanium will be a bit lighter but will get hotter quickly than the stainless steel. It has the usual deep grey titanium color while onyx will be shiny black. I found my SS AFCs to have a better finish than my titanium one. (It is a bit raw at the air notches, probably because machining Ti is harder than machining SS). Both have the potential to harm your vapman if you put them in too strongly or if your vapman fall upside down on a hard surface. I've never experienced any damage with any of my stainless nor Ti mouthpieces.

To further clean the bowl you can get it out of the vapman but you also have to get out the mica at the same time (previous post).

And Gourmet is right you have the possibility to change the mica sheet but it won't be easy to get (they only ship via DHL and while it's fast and reliable it's f***ing expensive...)
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im not a robot

Well-Known Member
Regarding the mouthpieces, I don't know which I like best!
i have only tried the stainless steel afc & the glass mouthpiece, both used to have a place for me until i lost my afc at the beach (argh!) which i have not yet replaced mainly due to shipping costs (waiting for something else to order alongside it. a station, soon, i hope..).
and that is kind of my point: i would definitely consider just getting the glass mouthpiece alongside whatever other mouthpiece you end up deciding on, it is a good (and minor) investment you will probably not regret. yes it is not as portable as the other options (but it does fit in the vapbag with some patience), but it has great taste & imo unbeatable aesthetics. just a little bit of a different experience. the afc is a great versatile option for when out & about, the glass is my (currently only) choice when at home. the microdosing sieve is sth else i have zero regrets getting b/c it works great for minuscule amounts and is a requirement for hash (amazing).
oh i like the vapman a lot.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Greetings, I have every mouth piece ever made for favorite is the olive wood. It is simple. Raw. I also love my EdTNT ones...I have both he offers...they look amazing too. Then, I do love the few I got long ago from High Artisan...they are glass...and the glass offerings from Vapman as well. Although I love the favorite is the darker wood just has this vibe to it that is wonderful. I use it everyday. I have all of the ones with openings and without openings blah blah blah...I just keep it simple. All you really need is one right? My choice is the olive Vapman offers and Edtnt dark wood...ok, two. All you need is two.
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