Why would someone do that?
Because I could! ....and I was young and needed the money.
I had 2016 the opportunity and wanted to make the experience once. It turned out
to be very difficult to get a dark, evenly charred surface without burning too much wood.
So it just gives the "leather sofa" look that some like, others just don't.
The linseed oil gave the shiny surface.
(do not give oil to the inside, otherwise it smells nasty when heating!)
However, I would sell it for a maximum of 50€ if I had to.

Probably I will give it away but rather times, as usual.
It was clear to me at the time, after this experience I did not need to char another Vapman. ;-)
If I remember correctly, @Gourmet himself once carried out such a project.
That is correct. I wanted to test this out for the community, my conclusion is:
One does not necessarily have to copy this.
Attention, many pictures behind the spoiler!