Hi Guys,
Time for an update now that Noisette (Classic Walnut) has been replaced by Mr. Yew after two months of intensive but careful usage.
As I was explaining before, I had zero experience about vaping before getting Noisette. And because I am really not able to be consistent, it made the quest so much interesting, and difficult at the same time. I felt like Indiana Jones in a virgin jungle trying to find a path. I have used use 4 strains of CBD flowers, 5 strains of high quality weeds, some bubble hash, 3 different lighters, damiana, hop flower, green tea, camomille, eucalyptus, lavender, thym, salvia, peppermint, air holes plugged and unplugged (and a lot more herbs that I don’t remember). You got the picture. The average number of sessions I made over the two months are close to 2 even 3 per day. Not even counting the daily session I prepare for my wife. She like to vape CBDand I heat the vapman for her.
After all these sessions I can say I am really in love with the ritual. Part of the enjoyment as a former smoker (long long time ago) was the use of the lighter, the noise of the paper, the pleasure to roll and smoke something pleasing to the eyes and because of this I am so glad that you guys made me discover this vape. In a certain way it retains a similar ritual while keeping the thing very simple and enjoyable. I am not at all tempted by trying a new device despite my natural curiosity. Every session I make is an adventure in some way. I am also glad that my brother was converted too. He is a more regular user and tried vaporization only once before to try the vapman couples of week ago. At that time he told the effect were great but he didn’t like the fact that the vaporizer was a big electronic device with lights, bells and whistles, plugged to a wall, a silicon pipe… So after some tasty Tangie and Gorilla, when I mentioned that I was very tempted by a yew version and that he could have my walnut for a bargain he didn’t hesitated a single second. My walnut went to him yesterday. I claim no glory for this conversion, the vapman did it. Kudos to René. You don’t need any proselytism, it speaks by itself….
As a curious guys I had already read the entire thread few days before to receive my first vapman. I am now reading it again the 300+ pages with the eyes of a more experienced user. You, guys, are a very nice community and I am so glad to to share this with you. Also I would really to thank René for kindly answering all my questions. With his authorization I am quoting him. What he wrote to me isn’t a secret and he has already kindly and consistently spread the knowledge in this thread. Anyway:
This is how vapman was conceived in my head: The main object was to make a small and portable vaporizer needing as little energy as possible and still being very save regarding the handling and the materials.
This was in February 2005, at that time were no small and well functional vaporizer on the market. I was thinking from the very start about a liquid gas vaporizer.
The energy density of liquid gas is at least 30 times higher than the best batteries. Gas is also more ecological.
It was also clear to me, that the bowl has to be made of copper as it is after silver the best conductor. The wok shape was also in my head instantly, it is the best shape for transmitting the energy of a flame into a container.
I was also thinking about wood from the very start, plastic was never ever an option.
Thinking all this lead to the final shape of vapman. It was function and materials which lead to the form. In the end it was pure magic, because it was better than ever could wish for. I made a lot of things in my life already but vapman
is very special, indeed. The very special thing about vapman is the fact, that it is on the market for such a long time and still a niche product, making it very interesting and intriguing. I still love vapman and I’m still believing in it very strongly
This is how I personally use vapman: Medium grind, medium flame, 4 seconds heating, short puff to taste the flavors, 3-4 seconds more heating and the first long inhalation of about 10 seconds. Then repeatedly heating of about 4 seconds
and inhaling up to 15 seconds. Depending on the herbs, I do this 8 to 15 times. I never make huge clouds, I prefer gentle extraction, it is healthier and much more potent as all the substances come through.
My personal ritual is similar to Rene’s one. Low/medium grind, low/medium flame. I heat 3 sec. and inhale shortly just for the taste (I do this twice) and starting from here, I like to stick with 4 to 5 secondes heating cycle combined with long and deep inhaling. I can get anywhere between 6 to 12 heat & breath cycles. The first two are very tasty and the next ones are for the warm, the effects and sometimes the cloud. I am not chasing the vapor as I noticed that when I am “forcing” I am shortening the session duration. I like so much the ritual that I feel frustrated when the session ends quickly. And I don’t plug any hole. It removes the taste too much for my liking. I also would like to point something that is already known but not enough repeated I think. Humidity of your mix is a key factor for vapor production. As important as flame length, heating duration and grinding size.
I set the flame length by placing the flame of the lighter parallel to the mouthpiece, edge of the lighter aligned with the upper edge of the handle ring and the tip of the flame has to reach one of the airhole on the middle section.
Other than this, I find very intriguing the fact that each vapman is unique. One can definitively see that it is handmade as there few minor cosmetic difference between them outside from the wood itself. I have also the strong sensation that drawing is easier with the yew. My wife confirmed it. I doubt that it can come from some waist material stuck in the middle section/mouthpiece as I did a deep cleaning before to send to my brother. Also, the yew is a tiny bit heavier. It feels better in the hand I think. Kind of less fragile. The yew is also much more smoother to the touch. In comparison the walnut had much more texture. Finally, the yew has probably a noticeable density has it get hotter quicker. If you do two bols consecutively, it start to be very warm at the end of the second one. Much more than the walnut to me. But it cools down faster as well. Fascinating. At the end, if my walnut will definitively keep a place in my heart as my first vapman, I have to make a space for the yew one. It grows on me very fast.
I am concluding this very long post by officially claiming the title of Vapman Ambassador for the Grand Duché of Luxembourg. ;-)
Cheers guys.