Good Morning all,
I have recently restarted to smoke weed after quiting both cigarette and joint during the last 10 years. Being not anymore a cigarette smoker I have found very harsh to the throat and the lungs. So decided to look into vaporizers.
Quickly bored by all these Chinese produced battery powered devices (another device with transfo, charging cable and that you throw away when battery dies) I discovered the vapman. I was really attracted by the of enthusiasm, the handcrafted aspect and by the fact that you don't loose this "ritual" aspect. I don't want to "consume" and I want to enjoy my medicine.
I decided to go for a classic wallnut + vapman torch + ebony mouthpiece (don't like sucking plastic) + black egg. I have also picked up two grinder at Once Steely Dan (no aluminium) and the ML finishing grinder because I have read at sereval places that the Vapman like very fine grind.
Received the whole package last Monday and tried during evening. First of all, what a beautifull piece of craft. So tiny, so precise. The locking mechanism locked into place with a satisfying and mechanical "click".
I have followed the following procedure:
4 sec torching (middle flame sized)
2 sec rest
4 sec torching
10 sec hit
3 sec torching
10 sec hit
Pleased by the effect (no punch, it comes progressively and smoothly) yet no vapor. I expected that since I have read nearly all the 300 pages of this topic before to buy. But it is true that at frist you ask yourself if the device works. I started to vary a bit the techniques since Monday. Tried the very progressive method (by 2 sec burst) or the other way around (I have burnt several bowl). Wasn't able to find that sweet spot that everyone is referring to. A lot of variables to play with : flame size, burst duration, hit duration, flame distance, hit length...
Quite difficult to master frankly when it is your first vap and you don't know what to expect. I did 7 bowls in total and each was unique. Steep learning curve. I like that. My only problem ? I have to wait the evening to try it.

That's the most difficult.
Cheers guys,