That sounds really strange.Sometimes I'll spin it in a complete 360 trying to find a set of slots that it will fit into without any added force. If I can see with my eyeballs that it should be sliding into place and isn't, then a little push in the downward direction sometimes does the trick. Doesn't feel right though.
Iso and magic eraser the bowl, swab the middle section out with a iso damp qtip. Be careful not to use too much and only on the interior. Iso can be rough on wood, an alternative is leaving the middle section in carbon.Have any of you combusted with the vapman, and if so how did you clean it afterward? My second time using it I obviously heated it too long and it combusted. It charred the bowl and stainless screen above it, and even after using iso there is still black marks on both the bowl and the screen.
Also the wood piece now stinks. What is the best way to get the smell out of the little wood piece that connects to the bowl part?
Iso and magic eraser the bowl, swab the middle section out with a iso damp qtip. Be careful not to use too much and only on the interior. Iso can be rough on wood, an alternative is leaving the middle section in carbon.
I'll be fine, now that you've found the threshold in sure you've gained a better understanding of the vape. Jerry Jeff Walked said "The only way to know how much is enough is to do too much and back up".
That's exactly how I am still using this unit. I was switching between this and my milaana every other bowl, because I just got the mi and love it, but the VapMan still compares! And uses less bud. Picked up and ounce today so I'm faded from my milaana but I will start rotatiting in vap man soon. I have to. He saves my weed lolThat was such a sweet deal you got!The vapmans my go to dankruptcy vape, if I'm running low or want to stretch out a certain batch I always reach for the vapman. Granted I reach for it a lot of other times too!
I was switching between this and my milaana every other bowl, because I just got the mi and love it, but the VapMan still compares! And uses less bud.
When I first got my new vapman and vapman station they fit together like a glove. The vapman plopped right into its slot, no problems. Now it's fitting less and less well. I have to really wiggle it around, probably putting stress on the tiny parts. Sometimes I'll spin it in a complete 360 trying to find a set of slots that it will fit into without any added force. If I can see with my eyeballs that it should be sliding into place and isn't, then a little push in the downward direction sometimes does the trick. Doesn't feel right though.
My buddy who used to take turns on the station with me doesn't want to use it anymore for the fear of breaking it. It's getting worse week by week.
I can't tell if the vapman or the station is the problem. Suppose I could get a new vapman to test it, but that's a pricy expirement. Anyone seen this before?
Have any of you combusted with the vapman, and if so how did you clean it afterward? My second time using it I obviously heated it too long and it combusted. It charred the bowl and stainless screen above it, and even after using iso there is still black marks on both the bowl and the screen.
Also the wood piece now stinks. What is the best way to get the smell out of the little wood piece that connects to the bowl part?
René has said before that Acetone is preferable than ISO on wood.Thanks I wasn't sure if it was OK to use iso on the wood.
Yeah, I got a bit too eager. The first session I did dry with the plastic mouthpiece and it went fine. But instead of trying to get the hang of it dry first, I wanted to try out the orbiter I just got (and now have to clean again lol) Since I wasn't getting that much vapor, I decided to heat it longer, but also run the lighter quickly in a circle directly around holes on the little metal intake tubes. I think doing that was the straw that broke the camels back.
@vapman Will you be selling middle pieces with the SS heat protection ring pre-installed? Is it okay to leave the mica ring in with the SS heat protection ring?
The mid-section will come with the SS ring, but not pre-installed, giving the client the opportunity to adjust the locking system to his liking. Do you think this is a good idea?
Happy 10th Anniversary Vapman
Psst..... for those of you that haven't done so already, I strongly suggest checking out the Contest thread....
Just wanted to pop in and say I ordered a SS washer for my vapman and it arrived in Canada a week later, pretty swift.
I disassembled the screen from the middle section and put the washer on a flat surface beside the middle section to mark how much to sand down. I just used the washer to score the mark. A quick sand with 220 then 400 grit and it was back together with the washer in place. A few minutes all in all, an easy investment in the longevity of my faithful walnut vapman!
Actually I don't. While some of us would favor this option perhaps, I think most want to have it installed. They don't even own a tiny screwdriver or sandpaper, nor the skills to confidently use them on their very own VM. Some of those venturing into the new waters of 'sand to fit' will use this as an opportunity to wreck things by sanding too much, loosing screws and all the other traditional things new guys can explore.......
As it is now the center section dimensions control placement of the filter well, I suggest you continue in that 'interchangeable parts' mode but including the 'heat shield' washer?
I strongly disagree with you @OF! I believe everybody on this planet should have a piece of sandpaper, a small screwdriver and a swiss army knife, at the least!
I am only joking, of course you are right! We will sell the mid-sections with the ring installed!