Thanks for the welcome, especially on your 420th post!

Not really sure what to make of your post, I don't even own a SV3, so I think there is some misunderstanding. I had the pleasure of trying the SV3 as I said in my first post in this thread, and came to this thread since I was checking out all torch vapes, and specifically see how they compared to my experience with the SV3. I do have a SV3 on its way, so yes I will be testing it myself and putting it through more of a ringer than the 1 hour I spent with the SV3 last sunday.
Not willing money to test it for myself? You obviously don't know how bad my VAS is! What you are saying makes little sense to me, it's like don't bother reading the posts or reviews, and just buy it and make up my own mind? I value other people's opinions too much to just potentially throw my hard earned money in the trash.
I do agree that pure convection is overrated, but so is pure conduction IMO.
I guess i'll keep any other questions about comparisons to other vapes in a separate thread, or on a different forum. Thanks again for the welcome.