@vapman have you thought about selling a little pot of beeswax/oil or similar for keeping wood nice and lustrous. Might be nice for for people who buy basics also as they could help protect their vm
@VapourHaze I have not thought about this to be honest. After reading OF's post, I also think that this could be a problem with some customs, I know that some airlines don't allow boiled linseed oil in their air planes for instance and boiled linseed oil is what we use on the classic models.
At this occasion I also want to point out, that none of the wood protecting products (wax, oils) is protecting vapman from the heat or making the lifespan any longer, it is aesthetic only and protects the wood from getting stained by greasy fingers.
@vapman ! I actually have a couple of lighters that have this as well. One has completely cracked in my hands while refilling and sprayed butane around and the other one is full of cracks in the inside of the tank but visible from the outside. Also one of the new ones that I recently received had its nozzle placed wrong and its impossible to get to place it the right way. That one is misbehaving a little... Do the lighters have any warranty, I wonder?
@natural farmer: There is no warranty on such lighters, that is why I check each lighter individually on single sales to make sure the lighter works for the client. If someone orders three lighters or more at once, I usually don't check the lighters but add one lighter more to the package hoping that at least three of them will work properly. Checking out a lighter takes some time for unpacking, filling a little gas, working the valve, emptying the tank and packing it all back in again. In your case, as far I remember, I added an extra lighter to the three lighters you actually ordered and it was pure bad luck that you have issues with two of them as normally only 2-4 lighters out of 100 are playing up.
The problem with replacing the lighters are the high shipping costs, to ship a lighter abroad from Switzerland costs twice as much as a new lighter. I will gladly replace your lighters with your next order or an order of a friend of yours!

This is why I recommend to buy cheap lighters close to where you live or get the lighter with the set for only an extra 3 dollars.
As mentioned in the previous post, I have not seen cracks on any of our lighters so far and I don't think it is from spilling liquid gas over the tank when filling, I spill regularly gas when filling and never had a crack on my lighter. Could it be sun light or is it some solvent? Any alcoholic drink is actually a solvent and I know that some plastics (Nylon) are sensitive to that.
Modnote: Back to back posts merged
I'm with
@Melting Pot
@vapman once those stations come in black I will have my cash ready to make the purchase!! Toss in a basic exotic to go with it and I'll be set. Patience is what the old folk taught, so I shall wait quietly. Also excited to see the mica washers in the wild. Thanks
@vapman for always working to improve the best vaporizer this earth!!
@Philreal187 We will have black stations and hopefully we will also have some ebony vapman, I just ordered some more wood a few days ago. Black station with an ebony vapman must look quite special I guess, looking forward myself to see such combination. I promise to offer you a good deal on such set, I call it the Bob Marley set.

(I wonder what Bob Marley would think about that and if he would vaporize when still alive?)
Regarding the mica washers, I expect them to arrive this week. I will send a bunch to
@MOJO (our service and repair man in the US) and I will also send washers to anyone asking us through our email.