Discontinued Vapir NO2


It's funny guys.... but I never knew about this!
I always usually plugged in during heatup... and when done with a session, I usually charge.
When I go 6 hours using the unit, and finally am home to charge it up.... I plug in at the NO2's "station".. and I walk off. All of this time, and I never hung around after plugging in to hear this.
Thanks for your attention to details, and for educating me further on features/aspects of vapes I use! :)


Well-Known Member
Please clarify Vito ,
You can go 6 hours straight using the NO2 .
Or do you mean on and off for 6 hours .

I can only go 2 hours straight usage tops at 400F from full charge to dead .

And CleanSmoke ,
That is very nice of your local store to give you a direct exchange for a brand new unit .
I still would advise you to contact Vapir to register your warranty . And find out if it's an
authorized dealer you purchased your NO2 . Just wondering if you bought a re-furbished or used
unit , that's all .


6 hour trip from home.. on and off for a session every 30-40 minutes.
I suppose that would be the equivalent of two straight unbridled hours of Madcap Vapoing at 400!! :lol:
Is this normal...

After charging it to the point where it says 4 bars, I warm it up to green light, I unplug it, and it just keeps blinking 1 bar, then 2 bars, then 3 bars, then back to 1..2..3....and doesn't even balance out to its final actual life

EDIT: Never mind, when the unit is disengaged (no red nor green light), it balances out to 3 bars.


yes this is normal as long as the unit is on, it will continue "cycling".
While running, there is no "final actual life" ... that will always fluctuate, until unit is then turned off.
I just got the NO2 a few days ago. I noticed right away that the battery does not charge and I also get that high pitched noise while plugged in. I bought this unit from a horrible crappy little shop in my area. I don't think it is an authorized dealer and they immediately tell me that there are no refunds or exchanges. Plus, like an idiot, I lost my receipt. Not that Vapir would honor it anyway....but....

Does anyone know if there is still a way to use my 1 year manufacturer warranty? if not, do you know if the no charging problem has typically been with the unit or just a bad battery? I guess I don't mind buying a new battery myself, but thought i'd see what your experiences have been. Thanks in advance.


Ugly business of the shop keeper to tell you no refunds or exchanges.
It sounds as though he knew something was wrong with that unit.. maybe returned from another.
If there is a local MMJ blog, post your experience.
I would write to Vapir also.. so that if this guy ever does try to become an authorized dealer, he will be disallowed.
Also... check with Vapir, to make sure he is not authorized.
Let them know what happened, and politely... ask them if there are any suggestions they can help you with, concerning parts, or getting your unit to function.
*Update* I was browsing other sites and found a guy who says it is very important to remember to leave the NO2 turned ON while plugged in and charging.....otherwise it won't charge. I'm going to try this tonight. I just assumed it would charge with the unit off but plugged in. If this is the case, I'll be very happy with the NO2. I may still be without the warranty, but at least it will be working properly for now. Hope this helps someone else that thinks it may not be charging.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
tkbarnes22 said:
*Update* I was browsing other sites and found a guy who says it is very important to remember to leave the NO2 turned ON while plugged in and charging.....otherwise it won't charge. I'm going to try this tonight. I just assumed it would charge with the unit off but plugged in. If this is the case, I'll be very happy with the NO2. I may still be without the warranty, but at least it will be working properly for now. Hope this helps someone else that thinks it may not be charging.

It says it in the manual.

al bundy

yep that would help. :D
turn the switch to ON but you DO NOT have to press the red button,
just turn unit on plugged in and look at the display window you should see the battery indicator (to the right of the temp)blink at least one bar in the graph,as it charges it will go to 4 bars.
when the 4 bars stop blinking the battery is full.

but since you've used the no2 the battery is in there right?
If so it should have some kind of a charge in it, because when switch is on and your using it it will charge the battery.

just unplug it before you turn the switch on to see.

also make sure battery is in the right way contact points go in the no2. hey you never know.
and also read the manual that came with it :lol:
just ribbin ya!! :peace:
al bundy,
seriously? how did I miss that?

well, i'm happy to make this mistake public if it helps someone else save face and enjoy their vape. I'll read the manual before i use it if I have any more questions.
That was the problem. I charged last night with the unit on and I was walking around, unplugged and happy with 4 bars.
A lot of very sticky residue has built up around the threading of the mouthpiece - so that it is actually difficult to screw/unscrew to put herb in/out

What should I use to clean this? It is quite hard, not something I can just wipe off


I have owned a n02 for a while, albeit it has beencollecting dust for sometime and here is why...

i was using it all day everyday for a while and it was great, no off gasing smell...good fat hits. But I noticed after a few weeks that 5-10 minutes after i used the N)2 i was getting very wierd chest pains. Pains i had not had before the n02. So I gave it up, ditched it. I figured some nasty thing was being inhaled that I couldnt smell but my body was feeling.

After taking apart the unit and seeing how all the plastic,metal and wires were so close together within the unit, it made perfect sense to me that something was being vaped besides ganja....if I leave the unit on with a empty chamber and place it under a lamp i see a steady stream of smoke or vape coming out of the unit, I can only think that this was what was giving me those chest pains. I have not had one chest pain since I stopped using the vapir. I am convinced it is flawed

not trying to hate, just thought id offer up my 2 cents on a unit i was initially stoked about.

Still looking for a nice portable vape if anybody has a suggestion.

ok thanks and Vitolo your posts are nice, ive been lurking for a while and can tell you are a big part of why people use this site. Keep it up!



Well-Known Member
Welcome to FC rastavape ,
Chest pains , no , but cough fits I do get the odd time .
That chest pain scenario sounds serious though !

With the cough fits ,
I find that if I try to squeeze out a few more extra hits from the same bowl .6th or 7th hit .
That's when I get the coughs , or if I overfill my lungs with vapor , it happens then also .
If I don't clean out the brass chamber with iso or waited too long to do so , it causes some cough fits .
But that's my experience ,
and I'm also looking at the possibility of air/vapor path as being the reason .

Seriously looking at the Solo , but probably will wait for reviews of the Mivape first !!!

But back to your chest pains ,
Since your own research suggests it could be the NO2 , I would avoid getting any un-wanted
chest pains ! ( coughs also )
That is some serious symptom dude !
Good luck with it ,
Keep us posted on your search for new port. vape .


yeah it was pretty weird. Im not 100% it was the n02 but i swear the only time i would get the feeling was after i used the n02. ive never had it before or since. I even told my girlfriend about it when she asked why i had not used the n02 in a while ( when i first got it i was inseparable from it)

To be honest I was really bummed as I use herb as a meditation and a medicine, and I had been searching for a portable vape that would fit my needs when im on the go, which is often. I was so pumped on the n02 but sadly it failed me. Im not saying it isnt for everyone, b/c there are probably some good or better made models around, but mine was bunk. It was real and authentic and came with a nice set up. I got it from a very large reputable smoke shop which does lots of business and had been selling the n02 pretty well at the time i bought mine. So i dont think it is a old or fake unit either.

Anyway sorry to hijack the thread, im not hating like i said, just wanted to share. :cool:


Before deciding that the unit is a contributing factor....
1-the strain of weed (change strain)
2- the act of repeatedly inhaling/holding breath/releaseing (do an entire session..EXACTLY with dunny unit)
3-weed in general (vaporize another herb like chamomille in NO2 then in other vape and compare)
4-other vaporizers- (Use the SAME weed in another vaporizer.)
5- Use the NO2 in an entirely different environment to eliminate environmental contributions, like molds/spores
Once you have exhausted these basic eliminations...
I would say that a visit with your general Physician is in order... to see if he recommends a pulmonarry exam.
I have a friend who had the same symptoms as you, and he blamed a specific "bong", and it turned out he was "overbreathing"... and his lungs were working harder than his rib cage size dictated (they gave him choice of less deep breathing or steroids to help the rib cage musculature)

Avoid "post hoc ergo propter hoc" logic (after which therefore caused by which)
"Every time I brush my teeth my mouth bleeds. It must be my Oral B toothbrush!"
(or gum disease, or allergy or hard cookies...etc)
Just took a couple hits off my first vape the vapir NO2 and im high as a fuckin kite. i just got a few questions though

how do i maximize my hits? i feel like im not getting that much cuz i dont get the feeling in my lungs, so i keep putting up the temp by a lil.

how long should i let it sit between hits?

how do i know when the bowl is done?

is it ok to turn it off while its still hot? or should let it cool down first?

how long should i inhale for?

thanks in advance for any replies


funkcombustion said:
Just took a couple hits off my first vape the vapir NO2 and im high as a fuckin kite. i just got a few questions though

how do i maximize my hits? i feel like im not getting that much cuz i dont get the feeling in my lungs, so i keep putting up the temp by a lil.

how long should i let it sit between hits?

how do i know when the bowl is done?

is it ok to turn it off while its still hot? or should let it cool down first?

how long should i inhale for?

thanks in advance for any replies

1. To maximize your hit, take a long slow draw with decent pulling power. The vape is felt more on the exhale than inhale.

2. You dont have to wait any ammount of time between hits, unless you are not plugged in. If you are on battery power you should wait until the light is green before taking another puff.

3 The bowl is done when the trichomes are fully vaped and have no more bulbous glands in tact. This usually is apparent with a close examination of vaped product. It will have a light brown yellow color to it or more dark brown if your vaping purple ganja. It will smell like popcorn.

4. Inhale for as long as you want. I usually like to inhale my vape as I would take in any hit or breath. Not to deep and not to shallow.

enjoy and welcome to fc, i just got here and its pretty cool


rastavape said:

1. To ........
rastavape... that was a very helpful straight assist.
Email me your address, and I'll send you an embroidered Vapir patch (shoulder/hat sized) and some decals... just for being cool!


Well-Known Member
I just recently sold my No2 after over a year of good use! I figure it should post a final review for this great vape.

I was one of the initial people to support the No2 in this thread, back when there was such a barrage of bad rep for this vape that I was alleged to be a Vapir Rep.

I got a lot of great use out of this vape. I've used it many places, on the go, in the car (car charger) etc etc. I always found it to work just as good as when I got it. I never had a problem with smell/taste. Battery charged in under 2 hours. I would usually get about 4-5 20min sessions per battery. A second battery is more than plenty! This thing works great through a bong as well. You can ram the end of the acrylic tubing into a Gong joint and Wa-la. Again and again the No2 delivers. If you kill a "Chamber" at 400F a swift tap to the back of the no2 and the perfectly cooked chamber falls out ready to re-load.

I reccommend the No2 to anyone looking for a group-friendly portable vape!


I liked it
Send me your mailing address in a private email.. I want to send yo an embroidered Vapir patch, and some Decals! ;)
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