willieR said:
Adaox suggested I get a MFLB if stealth was what I was after. He was so right.
Guess who's back?! Vapir's best shill. Working hard suggesting other vapes!
lwien said:
Cairo1 said:
Contrast Vapir's track record with other flawed products and uncaring dismissive attitude with a group like Magic Flight that has gone to great lengths to demonstrate that they care about us.
Agreed, and it is the exact reason why I have been so vocal here as well as at some other sites regarding Vapir. It's one thing to release a product in the marketplace that has problems. Shit happens (although it seems to happen more with Vapir than any other vaporizer manufacturer that I know of). But............it's quite another to astroturf in this thread in an effort to mitigate the negative reviews rather than come in here and address the issues head on. I'm not suggesting that any of the very recent posts are bogus, but if one reads through this thread from the very beginning, it becomes painfully obvious what is taking place, and in my opinion, this type of behavior is reprehensible.
The only thing that has been painfully obvious is the flack this unit gets. Just because Vapir isn't here to tell you how much they care about you... they are teh evul!
Clearly sound logic.
Oh and while we're talking about track records, lets remember that what happened with other vapir products clearly is what's going on here. That's why we're posting on the Vapir thread and not the No2 thread..........
willieR said:
stricknine said:
Do I feel like I am taking a chance after reading all of the negative reviews, Yes. But, I am basing my buying decision on actually using a brand new one vs. what could be prejudiced opinions on the forum for one reason or another.
I don't think all NO2 units are bad. I would point out that most of the singing praises for this unit are either from dealers or nearly first-time posters. The critical comments are often from those that have been posting here for a looong time.
If there's a chance for prejudiced opinions, I would say the prejudice lies with those pushing the NO2 for some gain, not the other way around.
I hope you enjoy your new vape in any event.
Please point out the dealers to me. I'll wait.

Really I've got a while...
Let me clear something up for you all. If anyone is a dealer, odds are they sell more than one type of unit. Which means they really don't care what you buy. You're still buying. Most dealers are just that... dealers.
Now then, what gain is there for them? (Besides the aforementioned profits they are going to make anyways?)
Not to mention vapes for the most part are one time purchases. It's not like you buy a vape every day. So when you do, the dealer only really cares that...
A) You buy
B) You're happy
Oh and point B) is optional. The dealers are the ones making the profits anyways. The manufacturer has already sold it to them wholesale. They've made their money. If they want to make more, they'll stress point B). Which means smart dealers want you to be happy. Most people are happy with working units... Period.
This thread fascinates me. Bad reviews instantly honest and good intentioned. Good reviews... must be a shill or some pleeb noob, with a bad sense of taste.
I wonder why after 1 or 2 posts and being labeled a shill, why anyone would come back.
That's actually one of the major reasons I haven't posted on here in a while...
Oh and incase anyone is keeping score. My No2 has gone thru over a half lb of meds in less than 4 months. I promise you more people have tried my No2 than you think... and no one has ever mentioned any other flavor or taste than. "That was bomb" "Good fucking lord, that was clean" "OMG Vapes can do that?!" Etc. Etc. Etc.
But hey. I guess I just got lucky with my No2.
mod note: Calling another member a shill is considered flaming. If you can't restrain yourself in this area, I suggest avoiding the threads in question, at least.