Special Agent 4Twenty!
The Solo stem empty ... inserted into unit is twice as restrictive as the NO2.
I do not have a DaVinci here
I have two classic Iolites. One silent, and one that is "souped up". They do vary.
About the restrictive draw and the NO2 now...
I have theories. Perhaps the top screen and the air path on the top piece of your unit gradually built up some particulates, and some resins where you did not totally dismantle and "refresh"... And you never noticed the gradually compiling restrictive nature... that is until you had a totally clean fresh unit.
OR... perhaps there was always some impediment to the flow in your original for some reason, and that was what you learned to use the NO2 with... so it became your fave.
Of these two theories, the first makes most sense to me.
STILL.... you are pursuing the recourse that is available, and resolution may be forthcoming~
Vito, your vape knowledge is ginormous and your comments are provocative. Excuse me I have some brown stuff on my nose (resin?).
Do you use the manufacturer recommended screens for the N02, or do you get aftermarket screens?