I quit smoking tobacco about 2 months ago, since i still wanted to smoke my bud, and bong wasn't the most convenient thing, i decided to buy a vaporizer. Did some (re)search online and went for the portable new Vapir NO2, bought straight from vapirs website, got it in a week or so and started vaping.. all seemed ok, but then i found this forum, and when searched for some decent reviews and comments on my new vape, found this thread and all the issues with smell and so on. To be fair i have no issue with NO2s smell, nor taste (actually i find the taste quite all right, clearly different from when you combust

) Every time i vape it i can taste the herb, and the different tastes of different batches of herbs, although it ends with first 2 hits

in can't detect any plastic taste there at all, maybe i just don't recognize it somehow, or the herb taste is so overwhelming..
Anyways, after reading the whole MFLB thread i decided that i'll get one, and i LOVE it, it's smaller and more portable than the NO2, and when your out in the open it's much more easier to use, since all you need is enough batteries, while with the NO2 you need a power source to charge it, and it holds 80 minutes or so (for me it's sometimes just 2 vaping sessions).
The NO2 design is a bit awkward, but wasn't a big deal for me, nor my friends for that matter (some girls liked it more than the LB

) and it's much easier to use from the start, especially for first timers, all you need is just suck on the tube, slow and long, that's it. The high comes a bit slower, but quite potent. The biggest pro compared with LB is that i can vape hash with it, and it tastes good. And if you want to get some thick vapor while vaping herb, just pack it more densely so the temp in the chamber is higher. As others i still don't get why exactly you need to wait for it to heat up and only then load the herb, this feature sometimes is annoying, also the upper screen get's clogged quite quickly, so you need to tap it from time to time, or shake it, or just open it and clean it. And sometimes soon after beginning i start to get more airy hits, but that is not a constant.
Now the LB is used much more often, cause it's fast, it's efficient (although NO2 is also good at this), ant it's potent. Since i was first among my friends to own a vaporizer, it was fun how they compared the 2 vapes, the clear winner is the LB, although the learning curve is hard for some, but still, it's design, simplicity, the warmth of the wood and just sheer beauty of it makes it the clear winner among the 2. And it tastes somewhat different (majority of users preferred the LB's taste), i myself found it to be more "milkier", softer, and right after you exhale you can taste the herb almost at the tip of your tongue, or somewhere in upper palate

So all in all i like the LB more, but have nothing against the NO2, it's a great vape.
you can smoke hash with it
easy to use for first timers, less hassle (no chance of combusting)
slower heat up time (especially on batteries)
clogging screen
not so versatile when out in the open (3 day festival for example)
a bit expensive
the design is a bit too "hi-tech"
less efficient (it's constantly heating the herb)
more portable (the size!)
more versatile (the batteries)
more effiecient (you pull out the battery the heating stops)
better taste (for me at least)
more "natural" (it jus plain feels different, while you hold it, not some techno plastic thing like the NO2)
cheaper than the NO2
the learning curve, for some it takes quite some time, and some times it affects all the experience, they just want to get a hit with no hassle, so they prefer the NO2. (but that is only for first timer mainly)
you can get combustion which affects the taste.
so that's my review and experience with vaporizers. Hope it helps for some.