Vaping thru a bong with water and without. Unsuspected differences.


Almost there...
Still dry vaping through glass here BUT I tried something different!
Been vaping for over 10 years and this was my first experience with just ice in a bong.
Very cool vapor and great flavor!
It really smoothed the hits out nicely and I could take much bigger inhales.



Vaping in the old days minus the incineration of molecules. Okay, the terps often get maligned severely.

Just before I explored vaping I chipped my favorite glass bong. The joint has a catch that made it sticky and that chip fixed the catch. But it is prominent in the main body and it just makes me cry.

I have The Orbiter for when waterworks start up again. Native is working so the extra work isn't missed. I don't have a place to sit down comfortably and just part-take. No ManCave in this abode. It was the woodshed, literally with combustion. There is much more tolerance with vaping in the household if you get my drift.
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Well-Known Member
My easyflow vapor bong with matrix diffusers is actually really smoothing things out when i dry vape. it all depends on the type of diffusion. the matrix diffusers have really small holes. works great. great flavour as well. although that might depend on the quality of the herb as well.

My novelty size showerhead bong is much more harsh for dry vaping because it has very big slits. so small is the key. i might still use it for something to make some cool photos or something like that but it is definately not a daily driver. it hurts my cheeks, that how much power you need. like i said, it is novelty size. i was stupid when i bought it. now i know better.
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