mintberrycrunch said:
There was a study that norml did that says water traps thc, it might be a small amount but whats the point of taking it out for no reason? lol.
Taking it out for no reason? Did you even read this thread? The reasons were spelled out pretty clearly. Not only that, but your "lol" comment is a bit condescending to those that really find this a benefit, eh?
But I'll repeat for you. It's not the cooling that comes into play more, but rather the added moisture that is of benefit and that apparently, allows your lungs to more effectively, absorb the THC. Many people who use vaporizers complain of the dryness that occurs and causes irritation. This also helps to alleviate those issues.
Are you suggesting that vapes like the upcoming "Cloud" are totally without merit? But then, you also stated that the LaunchBox was a complete ripoff in another thread, so I guess it's not outside the realm, eh?
I guess I could also add a condescending "lol" to the end of my statements also, but I won't.
Ya know, challenging ideas and challenging the efficacy of various vapes here is really what makes FC such a great site. Hell, I do it all the time. But I do suggest that if you're going to do that, do so armed with a bit of knowledge of what has proceeded your statements while also being a bit less condescending and sarcastic in your approach, because all that does is illicit a defensive response, which, considering your history here, may be your sole intent.
(rant induced by lack of caffeine this morning
