Well-Known Member
cisco said:I'm still waiting for my refund credit to show up on my credit card. Have any of you that ordered received your refund yet?
Robot said to wait until the 11th to allow for all refunds to transfer.
cisco said:I'm still waiting for my refund credit to show up on my credit card. Have any of you that ordered received your refund yet?
cisco said:I'm still waiting for my refund credit to show up on my credit card. Have any of you that ordered received your refund yet?
cisco said:Thanks Muscle for the info. The blur in my eyes while reading of a potential Cloud delay surely the reason that I missed the reference to the 11th in Robot's email.
Mongorian - I surely don't accept two weeks as a standard for a credit card reversal. This is not a refund, it is a misprocessed charge. And while it took a few days for the charge to be processed, I would expect the same on the reversal.
With SM's advice that we may need to wait till Thanksgiving for resolution, sorry, absolutely unacceptable. Pretty sure I'm going to have to call the CC co. tomorrow to protest the charge and it will be reversed immediately.
Sorry if it all seems rather harsh but this ain't the way you do biz.
stonemonkey55 said:now I just hope we pass their audit or we will need to find another cc processor.
WatTyler said:In fairness we were all were prepared to prepay anyway, and the refund was never meant to happen...... so actually it's bonus that now we won't have to pay till shipping, even if we have to wait a little for the refund. The only hassle overall is having to enter the card details twice?
lepstadder said:I hate to jump out there and say it but I really hope that the vapeXhale team does something to compensate those who are going to have to have there money tied up in this fiasco. I certainly understand and sympathize with the team and their troubles but those of us who were potential customers and confident enough in the team to spend our hard earned money are now going without a product en route and without their money. Now again I understand that we are told that we are not going to have to wait any longer than 8-12 weeks but I still feel that it was a big Uh-Oh on their part and we should get somekind of a kickdown for the trouble. a t shirt a few extra bowls or something, since we showed our support and put our money where our mouth is and are still going to have to wait and pay again... anyway please keep your opinions kind if you dont feel the same way, i dont want to get banned, just putting out my, I have been a huge fan the whole way
Irie said:It's all the same. The money was already spent.
Accept the refund and repurchase when they are ready. No big deal. Enjoy the cloud when it comes as the schedule hasn't changed.
Forget kick downs. Not necessary, IMO.
lepstadder said:Well it is just unfortunate to not have access to your money.
lepstadder said:Someone is sitting on at least 46,000$(as i was order #134) wether or not its the vxc team or the merchant account, it is $ that was paid and that is not accessible to supposedly either of us.
It wouldn't bother me. Is someone else in charge of your money? As for fixing it, I'm not sure the consensus is with you. I'm sure you can work out some other method of payment if it's really a problem for you. There was mail order commerce a long time before there was on-line credit card payment.elmomuzz said:I'm sure none of us like seeing vape-x on our credit card statements. Maybe you can fix that so we won't see it a third time.
Who says you started a controversy? You're a little late to the game for said:Sorry for starting a bit of controversy here.
max said:It wouldn't bother me. Is someone else in charge of your money? As for fixing it, I'm not sure the consensus is with you. I'm sure you can work out some other method of payment if it's really a problem for you. There was mail order commerce a long time before there was on-line credit card payment.elmomuzz said:I'm sure none of us like seeing vape-x on our credit card statements. Maybe you can fix that so we won't see it a third time.
Who says you started a controversy? You're a little late to the game for said:Sorry for starting a bit of controversy here.
I do struggle a bit to understand how so many other rather small manufacturers seem to be able to pull it off out of the gate without a hitch and without the prefunding, let alone an "IT Director".