CaptainQ said:
At $350 its a bargain, at $450 for some reason I just cant pull the trigger. I'm not saying its an unfair price by any measure, especially considering the high end glass, but still my credit card is not jumping from my wallet
i feel u cq. as i've mentioned before, i had to sell one of my vapes to create funds for the cloud and justify the purchase. i sold it for 450 and i still couldn't get myself for some reason to pull the trigger on the ($450) sovereignty package. 450
is a lot to pay for a vape (unless you're well off, of course).

you might want to consider going the same route and selling one or two vapes or some other toy of value to build up funds. chances are if you own the cloud, you probably wont use your older vapes as much anyway. if you own a bong, another option as well would be to wait for when they start selling the cloud base unit by itself and maybe purchase a hydratube in the future when you have extra cash to burn. in any case, you should probably start saving up now, and maybe soon add on some xmas cash (if you're still at an age that you get cash gifts from your family). good luck, hope you eventually build up the funds rather than settling for a cheaper, inferior vaporizer.