SM, you rock!

(and the pilliar/VXC too)
I think that the void that the Cloud will fill in the market is the void for a vape with an all glass airpath (plus screens), great heat retention/transfer/replacement/convection-distribution (which equates to a precise/constant temperature), and the versatility to be used with most glass/water tools (as well as some unique signature attachments made by the respected glassheads on the VXC team

I am sure that the possibility for upgrades will be endless when the VXC team gets the capital to grow big enough to remain well above the demand for units.
I would like to see a VXC bowl that had tight/polished slits instead of a screen and a similar GonG insert with d-cut slits. They'd likely be way more expensive, but many would likely buy two of them nonetheless (one in the cleaner and one in use
